Panel Holoviz 应用程序在 Azure 中成功部署但出现错误 : :( Application Error


我开发了一个基于 Python 的应用程序,使用 Panel Holoviz,Tornado Web 服务器内的散景服务器。应用程序的业务逻辑是一旦服务器开始调用一些函数来创建机器学习模型,并使用这些模型使用 Panel 小部件来预测和可视化结果。这个应用程序在我的本地机器上运行良好。我尝试在 Azure 上部署此应用程序。部署成功。但是应用程序需要很长时间才能显示并出现应用程序错误


2021-01-07T11:13:18.566550827Z Build Operation ID: |7GujWPDGl/E=.4298993f_
2021-01-07T11:13:18.568124536Z Oryx Version: 0.2.20201112.1,Commit: a120bb248aa8d208ca5e02d7d9d075196e79cffd,ReleaseTagName: 20201112.1
2021-01-07T11:13:19.099754609Z Writing output script to '/opt/startup/'
2021-01-07T11:13:19.823092672Z Using packages from virtual environment pythonenv3.7 located at /home/site/wwwroot/pythonenv3.7.
2021-01-07T11:13:19.823761819Z Updated PYTHONPATH to ':/home/site/wwwroot/pythonenv3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages'
2021-01-07T11:13:26.658191439Z 2021-01-07 11:13:26,657 Starting bokeh server version 2.2.3 (running on Tornado 6.1)
2021-01-07T11:13:26.666471023Z 2021-01-07 11:13:26,666 User authentication hooks NOT provided (default user enabled)
2021-01-07T11:13:26.684140469Z 2021-01-07 11:13:26,683 bokeh app running at: http://localhost:5006/app
2021-01-07T11:13:26.684971328Z 2021-01-07 11:13:26,684 Starting bokeh server with process id: 38

2021-01-07T11:15:30.732Z INFO - Waiting for response to warmup request for container mediaforecast_0_13f9131d. Elapsed time = 132.2881531 sec
2021-01-07T11:15:45.816Z INFO - Waiting for response to warmup request for container mediaforecast_0_13f9131d. Elapsed time = 147.37189 sec
2021-01-07T11:16:00.905Z INFO - Waiting for response to warmup request for container mediaforecast_0_13f9131d. Elapsed time = 162.4617301 sec
2021-01-07T11:16:15.987Z INFO - Waiting for response to warmup request for container mediaforecast_0_13f9131d. Elapsed time = 177.5434283 sec
2021-01-07T11:16:31.085Z INFO - Waiting for response to warmup request for container mediaforecast_0_13f9131d. Elapsed time = 192.6412226 sec
2021-01-07T11:16:46.723Z INFO - Waiting for response to warmup request for container mediaforecast_0_13f9131d. Elapsed time = 208.2795474 sec
2021-01-07T11:17:02.190Z INFO - Waiting for response to warmup request for container mediaforecast_0_13f9131d. Elapsed time = 223.7464665 sec
2021-01-07T11:17:09.251Z ERROR - Container mediaforecast_0_13f9131d for site mediaforecast did not start within expected time limit. Elapsed time = 230.8073655 sec
2021-01-07T11:17:09.252Z ERROR - Container mediaforecast_0_13f9131d didn't respond to HTTP pings on port: 8000,failing site start. See container logs for debugging.
2021-01-07T11:17:09.259Z INFO - Stopping site mediaforecast because it Failed during startup.


在 中,我提供的启动文件 .show(host='',port=8000)




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