

从这个 question 中可以看出,在某些情况下,可能需要将子图相对于另一个图轴坐标对齐。

如果您查看 gnuplot 文档,您会发现标签、箭头、对象(矩形、多边形、圆形等)可以定位在不同的坐标系中,即轴、图形和屏幕(参见 {{1} })。 但是,多图环境中的子图(据我所知)只能相对于屏幕对齐和调整大小,请参阅 help coordinateshelp origin。 当然,您总是可以摆弄屏幕坐标来找到所需的位置,但是当终端或绘图、轴标签或自动边距的大小可能发生变化时,您将不得不重新开始。



将子图相对于另一个图坐标对齐基本上是坐标的“简单”转换,但是,如何在 gnuplot 中执行此操作并不太明显。 我还没有在 gnuplot 主页或其他地方找到一个例子(这不应该意味着它可能不存在某处),所以我想分享一种应该让生活更轻松的方法,其他人可能会发现不这样做很有用必须“重新发明轮子”。


help size

结果:(实际上,一个无意义的情节只是为了说明。终端:### multiplots relative to other plots' axes coordinates reset session # function to store the current terminal values for later use GetPlotParams(n) = sprintf("%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g",\ GPVAL_X_MIN,\ GPVAL_X_MAX-GPVAL_X_MIN,\ GPVAL_Y_MIN,\ GPVAL_Y_MAX-GPVAL_Y_MIN,\ real(GPVAL_TERM_XMIN)/GPVAL_TERM_XSIZE*GPVAL_TERM_SCALE,\ real(GPVAL_TERM_YMIN)/GPVAL_TERM_YSIZE*GPVAL_TERM_SCALE,\ real(GPVAL_TERM_XMAX-GPVAL_TERM_XMIN)/GPVAL_TERM_XSIZE*GPVAL_TERM_SCALE,\ real(GPVAL_TERM_YMAX-GPVAL_TERM_YMIN)/GPVAL_TERM_YSIZE*GPVAL_TERM_SCALE ) \ # real() in order to avoid integer division PosX(s,x) = word(s,5)+word(s,7)*(x-word(s,1))/word(s,2) # screen position of the subplot PosY(s,y) = word(s,6)+word(s,8)*(y-word(s,3))/word(s,4) SizeX(s,dx) = word(s,7)*dx/word(s,2) # screen size of a subplot SizeY(s,dy) = word(s,8)*dy/word(s,4) set multiplot set title "First plot" set xtics 1 set yrange[-100:100] set ytics 20 set grid xtics,ytics plot 25*sin(2*x)/x+10 w l lw 2 notitle mp1 = GetPlotParams(0) # store parameters of 1st plot # set white background for future plots set object 1 rect from graph 0,graph 0 to graph 1,graph 1 behind fc "white" set margins 0,0 unset xlabel set format x "" unset ylabel set format y "" set grid x2tics,ytics # second plot set title "2^{nd} plot at -9,30 rel. to first plot" offset 0,-0.5 set origin PosX(mp1,-9),PosY(mp1,30) # relative to plot1 set size SizeX(mp1,5),SizeY(mp1,50) # relative to plot1 plot 50*sin(x) w l lc "red" notitle mp2 = GetPlotParams(0) # store parameters of 2nd plot # third plot set title "3^{rd} plot at 4,30 rel. to first" set origin PosX(mp1,4),30) # relative to plot1 set size SizeX(mp1,50) # relative to plot1 set format y "" plot 50*cos(x)+20*sin(2*x) w l lc "magenta" notitle mp3 = GetPlotParams(0) # store parameters of 3rd plot # fourth plot set title "4^{th} plot from 2^{nd} x=0 to 3^{nd} x=0" set origin PosX(mp2,0),-80) # relative to plot1 and plot2 set size PosX(mp3,0)-PosX(mp2,60) # relative to plot1,plot2 and plot3 set xrange [*:*] set format x set yrange[*:*] set format y plot x**2 w l lc "green" notitle mp4 = GetPlotParams(0) # store parameters of 4th plot # fifth plot set title "5^{th} plot" offset 0,-1 set origin PosX(mp4,-4),PosY(mp4,20) # relative to plot4 set size SizeX(mp1,SizeY(mp4,60) # relative to plot1 and plot4 set format x "" set format y "" plot (int(2*x)%5)*8 w l lc "blue" notitle mp5 = GetPlotParams(0) unset multiplot ### end of code

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