为什么 npm 没有创建项目?


我正在尝试在 ubuntu 20 上使用 npm 创建一个项目,但出现此错误

ubuntu@ubuntu-HP-Laptop-14-ck0xxx:~/Projects/hybrid/pdf$ framework7 create
✔ All good,you have latest framework7-cli version.
? What type of the app are you targeting? Cordova app (targets native iOS and Android apps,or native desktop app with Electron)
? App (project) name: pdf
? App package (Bundle ID): s
? Target Cordova platform: iOS,Android
? What type of framework do you prefer? Framework7 Core
? Choose starter template: Blank
? Should we setup project with bundler? Webpack (recommended)
? Do you want to setup CSS Pre-Processor No,i am good with CSS
? Do you want to specify custom theme color? No,use default color theme
? Do you want to include Framework7 Icons and Material Icons icon fonts? Yes,include icon fonts
✔ Generating package.json
✔ Creating required folders structure
✖ Error installing NPM Dependencies

我确保我已连接到稳定的互联网,但仍然无法创建应用程序。是不是因为 ubuntu.我在 Windows 上尝试了相同的命令并且它有效。




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