无法在 SQL Server 2019 中的 Dtexec /ISServer 命令中获取错误代码和描述


我正在运行一个 SSIS 包,该包是在 Visual Studio 2019 中使用下面给出的 dtexec 命令开发的。我们使用的是 sql Server Management Studio 2019 版本。包被部署到集成服务目录。

DTEXEC /ISSERVER "\SSISDB\Folder\Project\Package.dtsx" /SERVER xxx /Par "\"$ServerOption::SYNCHRONIZED(Boolean)\"";True /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING EW


Microsoft (R) sql Server Execute Package Utility
Version 15.0.2000.5 for 32-bit
copyright (C) 2019 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Started:  1:56:31 PM
Package execution on IS Server Failed. Execution ID: 457,Execution Status:4.
To view the details for the execution,right-click on the Integration Services Catalog,and open the [All Executions] report
Started:  1:56:31 PM
Finished: 1:56:45 PM
Elapsed:  13.703 seconds

要检查错误,我应该转到 Integration Services Catalog 上的 All Executions

如果我从 Skybot 作业运行 Dtexec 命令,如果 Skybot 作业失败,我如何获取错误日志?理想情况下,我希望以以下格式获取错误错误代码、来源和描述详细信息:

Started:  9:00:12 PM
Error: 2021-01-11 21:00:13.15
   Code: 0x00000008
   Source: sql_Task 
   Description: The script returned a failure result.
End Error
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).
Started:  9:00:12 PM
Finished: 9:00:13 PM
Elapsed:  0.733 seconds




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