

给定一个(0.8,0.6)一个强度 (3),可以双线性地将单个点“反向插值”到具有整数索引 (0,0) -> (1,1) 的 2x2 网格上。



  0.08 |  0.12  
  0.32 |  0.48

我们可以乘以与坐标相关的强度,得到一个 2x2 网格双线性加权强度:

  0.24 |  0.36 
  0.96 |  1.44


Single bilinear weighting


points = np.array([(0.8,0.6),(2.2,2.6),(5,1),(3,4.2),(8.5,8.2)])
intens = np.array([3,3,1,2])
image,weight = bilinear(points,intens)

Weighting several points

对于我的工作,我需要 weightsintensity*weights 作为输出数组。我需要在非常大的(数百万个)坐标上执行上述操作,其中坐标的值从 0.0 到 4095.0。我在下面编写了一个 numpy 例程,虽然它对于 100_000 个点来说相当快(1.25 秒),但我希望它更快,因为我需要在我拥有的 10_000_000 个数据点上多次调用它。

我考虑过对 numpy 代码进行矢量化而不是 for 循环,但随后我为每个点生成一个 4096x4096 的空数组,然后我将对其求和。这将需要 1000 TB 的内存。

我也尝试过在 cupy 中的简单实现,但由于我使用了 for 循环,它变得太慢了。

在我的代码中,我为每个点生成一个 2x2 加权数组,将数组乘以强度,然后通过切片将它们添加到主数组中。有没有更好的办法?

import numpy as np

def bilinear(points,intensity):
    """Bilinear weighting of points onto a grid.
    Extent of grid given by min and max of points in each dimension
    points should have shape (N,2)
    intensity should have shape (N,)
    floor = np.floor(points)
    ceil = floor + 1
    floored_indices = np.array(floor,dtype=int)
    low0,low1 = floored_indices.min(0)
    high0,high1 = floored_indices.max(0)
    floored_indices = floored_indices - (low0,low1)
    shape = (high0 - low0 + 2,high1-low1 + 2)
    weights_arr = np.zeros(shape,dtype=float)
    int_arr = np.zeros(shape,dtype=float)
    upper_diff = ceil - points
    lower_diff = points - floor
    w1 = np.prod((upper_diff),axis=1)
    w2 = upper_diff[:,0]*lower_diff[:,1]
    w3 = lower_diff[:,0]*upper_diff[:,1]
    w4 = np.prod((lower_diff),axis=1)
    for i,index in enumerate(floored_indices):
        s = np.s_[index[0]:index[0]+2,index[1]:index[1]+2]
        weights = np.array([[w1[i],w2[i]],[w3[i],w4[i]]])
        weights_arr[s] += weights
        int_arr[s] += intensity[i]*weights
    return int_arr,weights_arr

rng = np.random.default_rng()
N_points = 10_000 #  use 10_000 so it is quick
image_shape = (256,256) # Use 256 so it isn't so big

points = rng.random((N_points,2)) * image_shape
intensity = rng.random(N_points)


为了测试代码,我还提供了以下绘图代码 - 仅使用少量 (~10) 个点,否则散点将覆盖整个图像。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
floor = np.floor(points) - 0.5
lower,left = floor.min(0)
upper,right = (floor).max(0) + 2
extent = (left,right,upper,lower)

fig,(ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2,figsize=(6,3))
im1 = ax1.imshow(weight,clim=(image.min(),image.max()),extent=extent)
ax1.set(title='Weight',xlim=(left - 1,right + 1),ylim = (upper + 1,lower - 1))

im2 = ax2.imshow(image,extent=extent)

ax2.set(title='Weight x Intensity',lower - 1))

# If labeling the first point
# ax1.text(*points[0].T,f"({points[0,0]},{points[0,1]})",va='bottom',ha='center',color='red')
# ax2.text(*points[0].T,1]},{intens[0]})",color='red')


您想使用 np.add.at。看,https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.ufunc.at.html

def bilinear_2(points,intensity):
    # Create empty matrices,starting from 0 to p.max
    w = np.zeros((points[:,0].max().astype(int) + 2,points[:,1].max().astype(int) + 2))
    i = np.zeros_like(w)
    # Calc weights
    floor = np.floor(points)
    ceil = floor + 1
    upper_diff = ceil - points
    lower_diff = points - floor
    w1 = upper_diff[:,0] * upper_diff[:,1]
    w2 = upper_diff[:,0] * lower_diff[:,1]
    w3 = lower_diff[:,1]
    w4 = lower_diff[:,1]
    # Get indices
    ix,iy = floor[:,0].astype(int),floor[:,1].astype(int)

    # Use np.add.at. See,https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.ufunc.at.html

    np.add.at(i,w1 * intensity)
    np.add.at(i,w2 * intensity)
    np.add.at(i,w3 * intensity)
    np.add.at(i,w4 * intensity)
    # Clip (to accomodate image size to be the same as your bilinear function)
    iix,iiy = points[:,0].min().astype(int),1].min().astype(int)
    i,w = i[iix:,iiy:],w[iix:,iiy:]
    return i,w

# At 10_000 samples:
%time image,weight = bilinear(points,intensity)
%time image_2,weight_2 = bilinear_2(points,intensity)
CPU times: user 178 ms,sys: 3.73 ms,total: 182 ms
Wall time: 185 ms
CPU times: user 9.63 ms,sys: 601 µs,total: 10.2 ms
Wall time: 10 ms

# These tests passes

# At 100K samples
N_points = 100_000
image_shape = (256,256)
points = rng.random((N_points,2)) * image_shape
intensity = rng.random(N_points)

%time image_2,intensity)

CPU times: user 115 ms,sys: 66 ms,total: 181 ms
Wall time: 181 ms

# At 10M samples
N_points = 10_000_000
image_shape = (256,intensity)

CPU times: user 8.23 s,sys: 656 ms,total: 8.88 s
Wall time: 9.31 s



a = np.zeros(5)
a[np.array((1,1,2))] += 1
>>> array([0.,1.,0.,0.])


a = np.zeros(5)
>>> array([0.,2.,0.])

感谢@armamut 的好回答!它启发了我看了一下,然后我发现了 np.bincount,它也是在cupy 中实现的。事实证明,bincount 的实现速度更快,cupy 的实现真的很快!后者可能会进一步改进,因为我必须处理几个元组才能使其工作。

# Timings
points = np.random.random((10_000_000,2)) * (256,256)
intens = np.random.random((10_000_000))

pcupy = cp.asarray(points)
icupy = cp.asarray(intens)
%time bilinear_bincount_cupy(pcupy,icupy)
%time bilinear_bincount_numpy(points,intens)
%time bilinear_2(points,intens)
Wall time: 456 ms
Wall time: 2.57 s
Wall time: 5.37 s

numpy 实现:

def bilinear_bincount_numpy(points,intensities):
    """Bilinear weighting of points onto a grid.
    Extent of grid given by min and max of points in each dimension
    points should have shape (N,2)
    intensity should have shape (N,)
    floor = np.floor(points)
    ceil = floor + 1
    floored_indices = np.array(floor,dtype=int)
    low0,low1 = floored_indices.min(0)
    high0,high1 = floored_indices.max(0)
    floored_indices = floored_indices - (low0,low1)
    shape = (high0 - low0 + 2,high1-low1 + 2)

    upper_diff = ceil - points
    lower_diff = points - floor

    w1 = np.prod((upper_diff),axis=1)
    w2 = upper_diff[:,0]*lower_diff[:,0]*upper_diff[:,1]
    w4 = np.prod((lower_diff),axis=1)

    shifts = np.array([[0,0],[0,1],[1,1]])
    indices = floored_indices[:,None] + shifts
    indices = (indices * (shape[1],1)).sum(-1)
    weights = np.array([w1,w2,w3,w4]).T

    weight_bins = np.bincount(indices.flatten(),weights=weights.flatten())
    intens_bins = np.bincount(indices.flatten(),weights=(intensities[:,None]*weights).flatten())

    all_weight_bins = np.zeros(np.prod(shape))
    all_intens_bins = np.zeros(np.prod(shape))

    all_weight_bins[:len(weight_bins)] = weight_bins
    all_intens_bins[:len(weight_bins)] = intens_bins

    weight_image = all_weight_bins.reshape(shape)
    intens_image = all_intens_bins.reshape(shape)
    return intens_image,weight_image


def bilinear_bincount_cupy(points,intensities):
    """Bilinear weighting of points onto a grid.
    Extent of grid given by min and max of points in each dimension
    points should be a cupy array of shape (N,2)
    intensity should be a cupy array of shape (N,)
    floor = cp.floor(points)
    ceil = floor + 1
    floored_indices = cp.array(floor,high1 = floored_indices.max(0)
    floored_indices = floored_indices - cp.array([low0,low1])
    shape = cp.array([high0 - low0 + 2,high1-low1 + 2])

    upper_diff = ceil - points
    lower_diff = points - floor

    w1 = upper_diff[:,1]

    shifts = cp.array([[0,None] + shifts
    indices = (indices * cp.array([shape[1].item(),1])).sum(-1)
    weights = cp.array([w1,w4]).T

    # These bins only fill up to the highest index - not to shape[0]*shape[1]
    weight_bins = cp.bincount(indices.flatten(),weights=weights.flatten())
    intens_bins = cp.bincount(indices.flatten(),None]*weights).flatten())
    # So we create a zeros array that is big enough
    all_weight_bins = cp.zeros(cp.prod(shape).item())
    all_intens_bins = cp.zeros_like(all_weight_bins)
    # And fill it here
    all_weight_bins[:len(weight_bins)] = weight_bins
    all_intens_bins[:len(weight_bins)] = intens_bins

    weight_image = all_weight_bins.reshape(shape.get())
    intens_image = all_intens_bins.reshape(shape.get())
    return intens_image,weight_image