访问 CLIPS 中的值?



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以下代码来自Protege,本体代码。 我们有 10 个周期。

(defclass systemEntity
    (is-a USER)
    (role abstract)
    (single-slot SUSPECT
        (type SYMBOL)
        (allowed-values yes no)
        (default no)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (single-slot out
        (type INTEGER)
        (range 0 31)
        (create-accessor read-write)))

(defclass command
    (is-a systemEntity)
    (role concrete))

(defclass component
    (is-a systemEntity)
    (role abstract))

(defclass sensor
    (is-a component)
    (role concrete)
    (single-slot theoretical
        (type INTEGER)
        (range 0 31)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (single-slot out
        (type INTEGER)
        (range 0 31)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (single-slot reading
        (type INTEGER)
        (range 0 31)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (single-slot input
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes internal-component)
        (create-accessor read-write)))

(defclass internal-component
    (is-a component)
    (role concrete)
    (single-slot short-out
        (type INTEGER)
        (range 0 0)
        (default 0)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (multislot output
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes component)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (single-slot msb-out
        (type INTEGER)
        (range 0 15)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (single-slot input2
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes systemEntity)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (single-slot input1
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes systemEntity)
        (create-accessor read-write)))

(defclass adder
    (is-a internal-component)
    (role concrete))

(defclass multiplier
    (is-a internal-component)
    (role concrete))

(defclass circuit
    (is-a systemEntity)
    (role concrete)
    (multislot outputs
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes sensor)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (multislot has-components
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes component)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (multislot inputs
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes command)
(create-accessor read-write)))

(defclass data
    (is-a USER)
    (role abstract)
    (single-slot clock
        (type INTEGER)
        (range 1 ?VARIABLE)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (single-slot object
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes systemEntity)
        (create-accessor read-write))
    (single-slot value
        (type INTEGER)
        (create-accessor read-write)))

(defclass command_data
    (is-a data)
    (role concrete)
    (single-slot object
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes command)
        (create-accessor read-write)))

(defclass reading_data
    (is-a data)
    (role concrete)
    (single-slot object
        (type INSTANCE)
        (allowed-classes sensor)
        (create-accessor read-write)))
(definstances facts 
    ([a1] of  adder
        (input1 [input_1])
        (input2 [input_1])
        (short-out 0)
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([a2] of  adder
        (input1 [p1])
        (input2 [p2])
        (output [out1])
        (short-out 0)
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([circuit_1] of  circuit
        (outputs [out1])
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([command_10_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 10)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 6))
    ([command_10_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 10)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 4))
    ([command_10_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 10)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 25))
    ([command_10_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 10)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 12))
    ([command_1_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 1)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 21))
    ([command_1_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 1)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 28))
    ([command_1_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 1)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 10))
    ([command_1_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 1)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 25))
    ([command_2_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 2)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 7))
    ([command_2_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 2)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 25))
    ([command_2_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 2)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 13))
    ([command_2_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 2)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 15))
    ([command_3_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 3)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 11))
    ([command_3_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 3)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 17))
    ([command_3_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 3)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 24))
    ([command_3_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 3)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 31))
    ([command_4_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 4)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 18))
    ([command_4_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 4)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 11))
    ([command_4_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 4)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 28))
    ([command_4_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 4)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 21))
    ([command_5_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 5)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 25))
    ([command_5_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 5)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 24))
    ([command_5_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 5)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 30))
    ([command_5_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 5)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 10))
    ([command_6_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 6)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 12))
    ([command_6_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 6)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 19))
    ([command_6_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 6)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 11))
    ([command_6_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 6)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 19))
    ([command_7_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 7)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 1))
    ([command_7_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 7)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 31))
    ([command_7_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 7)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 7))
    ([command_7_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 7)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 22))
    ([command_8_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 8)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 0))
    ([command_8_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 8)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 31))
    ([command_8_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 8)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 3))
    ([command_8_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 8)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 23))
    ([command_9_inp1] of  command_data
        (clock 9)
        (object [input_1])
        (value 31))
    ([command_9_inp2] of  command_data
        (clock 9)
        (object [input_2])
        (value 1))
    ([command_9_inp3] of  command_data
        (clock 9)
        (object [input_3])
        (value 6))
    ([command_9_inp4] of  command_data
        (clock 9)
        (object [input_4])
        (value 8))
    ([input_1] of  command
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([input_2] of  command
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([input_3] of  command
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([input_4] of  command
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([m1] of  sensor
        (input [a1])
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([m2] of  sensor
        (input [p1])
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([m3] of  sensor
        (input [p2])
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([out1] of  sensor
        (input [a2])
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([p1] of  multiplier
        (input1 [input_2])
        (input2 [a1])
        (short-out 0)
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([p2] of  multiplier
        (input1 [input_3])
        (input2 [input_4])
        (short-out 0)
        (SUSPECT no))
    ([reading_10_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 10)
        (object [m1])
        (value 12))
    ([reading_10_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 10)
        (object [m2])
        (value 31))
    ([reading_10_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 10)
        (object [m3])
        (value 12))
    ([reading_10_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 10)
        (object [out1])
        (value 28))
    ([reading_1_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 1)
        (object [m1])
        (value 10))
    ([reading_1_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 1)
        (object [m2])
        (value 24))
    ([reading_1_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 1)
        (object [m3])
        (value 26))
    ([reading_1_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 1)
        (object [out1])
        (value 18))
    ([reading_2_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 2)
        (object [m1])
        (value 0))
    ([reading_2_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 2)
        (object [m2])
        (value 0))
    ([reading_2_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 2)
        (object [m3])
        (value 3))
    ([reading_2_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 2)
        (object [out1])
        (value 3))
    ([reading_3_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 3)
        (object [m1])
        (value 22))
    ([reading_3_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 3)
        (object [m2])
        (value 6))
    ([reading_3_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 3)
        (object [m3])
        (value 8))
    ([reading_3_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 3)
        (object [out1])
        (value 14))
    ([reading_4_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 4)
        (object [m1])
        (value 4))
    ([reading_4_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 4)
        (object [m2])
        (value 12))
    ([reading_4_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 4)
        (object [m3])
        (value 12))
    ([reading_4_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 4)
        (object [out1])
        (value 0))
    ([reading_5_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 5)
        (object [m1])
        (value 18))
    ([reading_5_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 5)
        (object [m2])
        (value 16))
    ([reading_5_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 5)
        (object [m3])
        (value 12))
    ([reading_5_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 5)
        (object [out1])
        (value 12))
    ([reading_6_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 6)
        (object [m1])
        (value 8))
    ([reading_6_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 6)
        (object [m2])
        (value 24))
    ([reading_6_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 6)
        (object [m3])
        (value 17))
    ([reading_6_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 6)
        (object [out1])
        (value 9))
    ([reading_7_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 7)
        (object [m1])
        (value 2))
    ([reading_7_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 7)
        (object [m2])
        (value 0))
    ([reading_7_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 7)
        (object [m3])
        (value 26))
    ([reading_7_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 7)
        (object [out1])
        (value 26))
    ([reading_8_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 8)
        (object [m1])
        (value 0))
    ([reading_8_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 8)
        (object [m2])
        (value 0))
    ([reading_8_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 8)
        (object [m3])
        (value 0))
    ([reading_8_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 8)
        (object [out1])
        (value 0))
    ([reading_9_m1] of  reading_data
        (clock 9)
        (object [m1])
        (value 30))
    ([reading_9_m2] of  reading_data
        (clock 9)
        (object [m2])
        (value 30))
    ([reading_9_m3] of  reading_data
        (clock 9)
        (object [m3])
        (value 0))
    ([reading_9_out] of  reading_data
        (clock 9)
        (object [out1])
        (value 30))


通过使用以下代码,我可以计算 A1。

(defrule check_a1
    (fact ?clock ?object ?value)
    (test (eq ?object [input_1]))
    (assert (fact ?clock [m1t] (mod(+ ?value ?value)(** 2 5)))))




([a1] of  adder
    (input1 [input_1])
    (input2 [input_1])
    (short-out 0)
    (suspect no))

([p1] of  multiplier
    (input1 [input_2])
    (input2 [a1])
    (short-out 0)
    (suspect no))

不清楚您的 check_a1 规则如何正确计算任何内容。它匹配事实,但保护代码仅包含实例。查看存储内部组件的输入/输出值的保护代码也不清楚。


(defrule adder
   (object (is-a multiplier)
           (name ?name)
           (input1 ?input1)
           (input2 ?input2)
   ;; Pattern to retrieve input1 value
   ;; Pattern to retrieve input2 value
   ;; Compute output value

您将在 protege 代码中看到的另一个问题是,从抽象类继承的具体类将不会匹配规则,除非您将模式匹配属性声明为反应式:(模式匹配反应式)


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