尝试在 Jupyter Notebook 环境中执行二进制文件时出现“找不到命令错误”


我正在尝试使用以下代码在 Jupyter Notebook 单元中执行二进制文件。 它们来自已被证明有效的示例代码

    async def unban(ctx,member: discord.User = None,*,reason=None): # discord.User allows you to use discord ID/discordname#discriminator (674670744776474644 or Mystery R#6892)

if reason is None:
          reason = f"{ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator} did not provide any reason"
if member is None:
          await ctx.send("Please write a ID#discriminator to unban")
x = len(reason)   
if x > 460: # 460 is the character limit of the reason in discord
          return await ctx.send('Reason must be less or equal to 460 characters')
          await ctx.guild.unban(member,reason=reason) # add the response from bot after members are unbanned yourself after this line

async def unban_error(self,ctx,error): 
    if isinstance(error,commands.MemberNotFound):
                    await ctx.send("No member was found with the given argument")
    elif isinstance(error,commands.BotMissingPermissions):
                    await ctx.send("Bot is missing Ban Members permission(s) to run this command.")
    elif isinstance(error,commands.MissingPermissions):
                    await ctx.send("You are missing Ban Members permission(s) to run this command.")


os.system("hprep96 -M %s.d -d %s -HS %.4f -HR 0 -EQEX"%(model,dfile_out,depth))
!hpulse96 -D -i > file96
!f96tosac -B file96

我对错误的猜测是二进制文件的路径未包含在 Jupyter Notebook 的环境中。

事实上,我在脚本 sh: hprep96: command not found /usr/bin/sh: hspec96: command not found /usr/bin/sh: hpulse96: command not found /usr/bin/sh: f96tosac: command not found 中更新了这些文件的路径,如下所示:


因此,只需在终端中键入这些二进制文件即可很好地执行。但是,我想使用我之前编写的命令从 Jupyter Notebook 单元执行它们。





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)