

我一直在为动态大小的哈希表从头开始编写 C 实现。我犯了一个严重的错误,因为我的散列函数是基于散列表的容量。由于容量随时间变化,这不起作用。为动态分配的哈希表开发哈希函数有哪些建议?

此外,我正在使用二次探测,因此我的调整大小基于此。例如,如果我的哈希表容量为 8,并且一个新键最初被哈希到索引 0,那么我计算的新索引将是 1 (0 + 1^2),5 (1 + 2^2),14 (5 + 3 ^2) 等使用二次探查,我会停在 14,因为它大于 8。所以,我会创建一个容量为 15 的新哈希表。我想保留这个实现,但如果有更好的方法我打开改变它。无论如何,我仍在寻找如何为动态数组而不是静态数组开发哈希函数

编辑: 我的意思是因为我的哈希函数是基于哈希表的容量,当我在表大小改变后去检索一个元素时,它不起作用。例如,在我的主程序中,我去删除键为“A”的元素,然后再次打印出表格,但 A 仍然存在。这是因为我使用我的散列函数来查找“A”存在的位置以将其删除,但是当我删除“A”时散列函数是不同的,因为当我插入“A”时,容量与我插入时不同试图删除它。所以,散列函数没有把我带到正确的地方。



#ifndef STATUS_H
#define STATUS_H

typedef enum status { FAILURE,SUCCESS } Status;
typedef enum boolean { FALSE,TRUE } Boolean;



#ifndef KEY_AND_DATA_H
#define KEY_AND_DATA_H

#include "status.h"

typedef void* HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT;

/*Precondition: none
  Postcondition: returns a handle to a new hash table element. Else returns NULL */
HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hash_table_element_create(char* key,int data);

/*Precondition: hHash_table_element is a handle to a valid hash table element,data is the
  new data value.
  Postcondition: the data inside the hash table has been updated. */
void hash_table_element_update(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element,int data);

/*Precondition: hHash_table_element is a handle to a valid hash table element.
  Postcondition: returns the data value. */
int hash_table_element_get_data(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element);

/*Precondition: hHash_table_element is a handle to a valid hash table element.
  Postcondition: returns the key */
const char* hash_table_element_get_key(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element);

/*Precondition: hHash_table_element1 and 2 are handles to valid hash table elements. 
  Postcondition: returns true or false if the keys match or not*/
Boolean hash_table_element_keys_match(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element1,HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element2);

Status hash_table_element_get_character_by_index(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element,int index,char* ch);

void hash_table_element_destroy(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT* phHash_table_element);



#ifndef HASH_TABLE_H
#define HASH_TABLE_H

#include "status.h"
typedef void* HASH_TABLE;

/* Precondition: none
   Postcondition: returns a handle to an empty hash table or NULL on Failure */
HASH_TABLE hash_table_init_default(unsigned initial_capacity);

/* Precondition: capacity is the capacity of the hash table.
   key is the key to be hased.
   Postcondition: returns an index in the hash table that comes from
   hasing the key with the hash table capacity */
unsigned hash_table_hash(unsigned capacity,char* key);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a valid hash_table
   Postcondition: returns the capacity */
unsigned hash_table_get_capacity(HASH_TABLE hHash_table);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a valid hash table. Key and data
   are the info to be put into the hash_table
   Postcondition: a new element has been created and inserted in the hash table
   Returns FAILURE for any memory allocation failure */
Status hash_table_insert(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,char* key,int data);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a valid hash table object. Key is the
   key to search for.
   Postcondition: if the key exists,stores it in data and returns SUCCESS. Else,returns FAILURE and stores a 0 in data */
Status hash_table_get_data_by_key(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,int* data);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a hash table. key is the key to be looked for.
   Postcondition: if the key exists,stores the index in indexOfKey and returns true. If it
   doesn't,returns false and stors a 0 in indexOfKey */
Boolean hash_table_get_key_index(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,unsigned* indexOfKey);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a hash table. Index is the index to search.
   Data stores the data at the index.
   Postcondition: returns SUCCESS and stores the data value at that index in data. If the index
   caused overflow,or the index was NULL,returns FAILIURE and data is set to 0 */
Status hash_table_get_data_by_index(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,int* data);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a hash table. Index is the index to search.
   Data stores the data at the index.
   Postcondition: returns SUCCESS and stores the key at that index in key. If the index
   caused overflow,returns FAILIURE and key is set as the empty string */
Status hash_table_get_key_by_index(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,char* key);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a valid hash table object. Key is the
   key to be searched for
   Postcondition: if the element corresponding to the key exists,it is removed and
   SUCCESS is returned. Else,it FAILURE is returned */
Status hash_table_remove_element(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,char* key);

/* Precondition: phHash_table is a pointer to a handle to a hash table
   Postcondion: all memory associated with the hash table has been freed.
   and the hash table handle is set to NULL */
void hash_table_destroy(HASH_TABLE* phHash_table);

void debug(HASH_TABLE hHash_table);



#include "HashTableElement.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct hash_table_element {
    char* key;      
    int data;       
    unsigned capacity; // capacity of hash table during creation
} Hash_table_element;

HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hash_table_element_create(char* key,int data) {
    Hash_table_element* pHash_table_element = (Hash_table_element*)malloc(sizeof(Hash_table_element));
    if (pHash_table_element != NULL) {
        pHash_table_element->key = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(key) + 1));
        if (pHash_table_element->key == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < strlen(key); i++)
            pHash_table_element->key[i] = key[i];
        pHash_table_element->key[strlen(key)] = '\0';
        pHash_table_element->data = data;
    return (HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT)pHash_table_element;

void hash_table_element_update(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element,int data) {
    Hash_table_element* pHash_table_element = (Hash_table_element*)hHash_table_element;
    pHash_table_element->data = data;

int hash_table_element_get_data(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element) {
    Hash_table_element* pHash_table_element = (Hash_table_element*)hHash_table_element;
    return pHash_table_element->data;

const char* hash_table_element_get_key(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element) {
    Hash_table_element* pHash_table_element = (Hash_table_element*)hHash_table_element;
    return (const char*)pHash_table_element->key;

Boolean hash_table_element_keys_match(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element1,HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element2) {

    Hash_table_element* pHash_table_element1 = (Hash_table_element*)hHash_table_element1;
    Hash_table_element* pHash_table_element2 = (Hash_table_element*)hHash_table_element2;

    if (!strcmp(pHash_table_element1->key,pHash_table_element2->key))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


Status hash_table_element_get_character_by_index(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element,char* ch) {
    Hash_table_element* pHash_table_element = (Hash_table_element*)hHash_table_element;
    if (index > strlen(pHash_table_element->key)) {
        *ch = '\0';
        return FAILURE;
    *ch = pHash_table_element->key[index];
    return SUCCESS;

void hash_table_element_destroy(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT* phHash_table_element) {
    if (*phHash_table_element != NULL) {
        Hash_table_element* pHash_table_element = (Hash_table_element*)*phHash_table_element;
        *phHash_table_element = NULL;


#include "HashTable.h"
#include "HashTableElement.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct hash_table {
    unsigned capacity;
} Hash_table;

HASH_TABLE hash_table_init_default(unsigned initial_capacity) {
    Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)malloc(sizeof(Hash_table));
    if (pHash_table != NULL) {
        pHash_table->table = (HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT*)malloc(sizeof(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT) * initial_capacity);
        if (pHash_table->table == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < initial_capacity; i++) {
            pHash_table->table[i] = NULL;
        pHash_table->capacity = initial_capacity;
    return (HASH_TABLE)pHash_table;

unsigned hash_table_hash(unsigned capacity,char* key) {
    unsigned sum = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < strlen(key); i++)
        sum += key[i];
    return sum % capacity;

unsigned hash_table_get_capacity(HASH_TABLE hHash_table) {
    Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)hHash_table;
    return pHash_table->capacity;

Status hash_table_insert(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,int data) {
    Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)hHash_table;
    unsigned index = hash_table_hash(pHash_table->capacity,key);

    unsigned quadraticNum = 1;
    Boolean overflow = (Boolean)(index >= pHash_table->capacity);
    while (!overflow && pHash_table->table[index] != NULL) {
        if (!strcmp(hash_table_element_get_key(pHash_table->table[index]),key)) {
            return SUCCESS;
        else {
            index += quadraticNum * quadraticNum;
            if (index >= pHash_table->capacity) {
                overflow = TRUE;

    if (overflow) {
        unsigned newCapacity = index + 1;
        HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT* newTable = (HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT*)malloc(sizeof(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT) * newCapacity);
        if (newTable == NULL)
            return FAILURE;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < pHash_table->capacity; i++) {
            if (pHash_table->table[i] == NULL)
                newTable[i] = NULL;
            else {
                newTable[i] =
                if (newTable[i] == NULL) {
                    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    return FAILURE;

        for (unsigned i = pHash_table->capacity; i < newCapacity - 1; i++)
            newTable[i] = NULL;

        newTable[newCapacity - 1] = hash_table_element_create(key,data,pHash_table->capacity);
        if (newTable[newCapacity - 1] == NULL) {
            for (int i = newCapacity - 2; i >= 0; i--)
            return FAILURE;

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < pHash_table->capacity; i++)
        pHash_table->table = newTable;
        pHash_table->capacity = newCapacity;
        return SUCCESS;
    else {
        pHash_table->table[index] = hash_table_element_create(key,pHash_table->capacity);
        if (pHash_table->table[index] == NULL)
            return FAILURE;
        return SUCCESS;

Boolean hash_table_get_key_index(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,unsigned* indexOfKey) {
    Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)hHash_table;
    unsigned index = hash_table_hash(pHash_table->capacity,key);
    unsigned quadraticNum = 1;
    while (index < pHash_table->capacity) {
        if (pHash_table->table[index] != NULL) {
            if (!strcmp(key,hash_table_element_get_key(pHash_table->table[index]))) {
                *indexOfKey = index;
                return TRUE;
        index += quadraticNum * quadraticNum;
    *indexOfKey = 0;
    return FALSE;

Status hash_table_get_data_by_key(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,int* data) {
    unsigned indexOfKey = 0;
    if (hash_table_get_key_index(hHash_table,key,&indexOfKey)) {
        Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)hHash_table;
        *data = hash_table_element_get_data(pHash_table->table[indexOfKey]);
        return SUCCESS;
    *data = 0;
    return FAILURE;

Status hash_table_get_data_by_index(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,int* data) {
    Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)hHash_table;
    if (index >= pHash_table->capacity || pHash_table->table[index] == NULL) {
        *data = 0;
        return FAILURE;
    *data = hash_table_element_get_data(pHash_table->table[index]);
    return SUCCESS;

Status hash_table_get_key_by_index(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,char* key) {
    Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)hHash_table;
    if (index >= pHash_table->capacity || pHash_table->table[index] == NULL) {
        key[0] = '\0';
        return FAILURE;

    char ch;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < strlen(hash_table_element_get_key(pHash_table->table[index])); i++) {
    key[strlen(hash_table_element_get_key(pHash_table->table[index]))] = '\0';
    return SUCCESS;

Status hash_table_remove_element(HASH_TABLE hHash_table,char* key) {
    unsigned indexOfKey = 0;
    if (hash_table_get_key_index(hHash_table,&indexOfKey)) {
        Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)hHash_table;
        return SUCCESS;
    return FAILURE;

void hash_table_destroy(HASH_TABLE* phHash_table) {
    Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)*phHash_table;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < pHash_table->capacity; i++)
    *phHash_table = NULL;

void debug(HASH_TABLE hHash_table) {
    Hash_table* pHash_table = (Hash_table*)hHash_table;
    int data;
    char key[100];
    char DNE[4] = "DNE";
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < pHash_table->capacity; i++) {
        printf("Index: %-10d",i);
        Status keyStatus = hash_table_get_key_by_index(hHash_table,key);
        Status dataStatus = hash_table_get_data_by_index(hHash_table,&data);
        if (keyStatus == FAILURE && dataStatus == FAILURE) {
            printf("Key: %-10sData: %-10s\n",DNE,DNE);
        else {
            printf("Key: %-10sData: %-10d\n",data);


#include <stdio.h>
#include "HashTable.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <vld.h>

int main(int argc,char** argv) {

    HASH_TABLE hHash_table = hash_table_init_default(5);
    char key[3] = "A";
    unsigned num = 1;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
        key[0] = key[0] + 1;



    return 0;


Visual Leak Detector read settings from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Leak Detector\vld.ini
Visual Leak Detector Version 2.5.1 installed.
Index: 0         Key: A         Data: 1
Index: 1         Key: B         Data: 2
Index: 2         Key: C         Data: 3
Index: 3         Key: D         Data: 4
Index: 4         Key: E         Data: 5
Index: 5         Key: F         Data: 6
Index: 6         Key: G         Data: 7
Index: 7         Key: H         Data: 8
Index: 8         Key: S         Data: 19
Index: 9         Key: Q         Data: 17
Index: 10        Key: J         Data: 10
Index: 11        Key: K         Data: 11
Index: 12        Key: L         Data: 12
Index: 13        Key: M         Data: 13
Index: 14        Key: N         Data: 14
Index: 15        Key: I         Data: 9
Index: 16        Key: O         Data: 15
Index: 17        Key: P         Data: 16
Index: 18        Key: V         Data: 22
Index: 19        Key: W         Data: 23
Index: 20        Key: X         Data: 24
Index: 21        Key: Y         Data: 25
Index: 22        Key: Z         Data: 26
Index: 23        Key: T         Data: 20
Index: 24        Key: R         Data: 18
Index: 25        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 26        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 27        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 28        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 29        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 30        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 31        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 32        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 33        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 34        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 35        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 36        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 37        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 38        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 39        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 40        Key: U         Data: 21

Index: 0         Key: A         Data: 1
Index: 1         Key: B         Data: 2
Index: 2         Key: C         Data: 3
Index: 3         Key: D         Data: 4
Index: 4         Key: E         Data: 5
Index: 5         Key: F         Data: 6
Index: 6         Key: G         Data: 7
Index: 7         Key: H         Data: 8
Index: 8         Key: S         Data: 19
Index: 9         Key: Q         Data: 17
Index: 10        Key: J         Data: 10
Index: 11        Key: K         Data: 11
Index: 12        Key: L         Data: 12
Index: 13        Key: M         Data: 13
Index: 14        Key: N         Data: 14
Index: 15        Key: I         Data: 9
Index: 16        Key: O         Data: 15
Index: 17        Key: P         Data: 16
Index: 18        Key: V         Data: 22
Index: 19        Key: W         Data: 23
Index: 20        Key: X         Data: 24
Index: 21        Key: Y         Data: 25
Index: 22        Key: Z         Data: 26
Index: 23        Key: T         Data: 20
Index: 24        Key: R         Data: 18
Index: 25        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 26        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 27        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 28        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 29        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 30        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 31        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 32        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 33        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 34        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 35        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 36        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 37        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 38        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 39        Key: DNE       Data: DNE
Index: 40        Key: U         Data: 21
No memory leaks detected.
Visual Leak Detector is Now exiting.

C:\UML\Computer Science\COMP.1020 Computing II\Interfaces\Hash Table ADT\No Duplicates\Hash Table ADT\Debug\Hash Table ADT.exe (process 24304) exited with code 0.
Press any key to close this window . . .



通常,这个问题在 codereview 上会更好。但是,你也觉得你有错误。由于风格,它可以很容易地掩盖错误。



typedef void *HASH_TABLE_ENTRY;



Hash_table_element *pHash_table_element = (Hash_table_element *) hHash_table_element;


这部分是因为您将实际的 struct 定义放在代码的 .c 中。

只需将真正的 struct 定义放在 .h 中,然后摆脱所有的转换。

此外,对于指针类型使用 typedef 被某些开发人员视为“代码异味”。

不需要需要一个不透明的“句柄”。而且,即使你这样做了,这也不是办法。 [不要这样做,但是...],要创建一个类型安全句柄,您需要(例如):

typedef struct {
    void *hte_handle;


Hash_table_element *pHash_table_element;


Hash_table_element *hte;

而且,typedef 名称有点长。考虑更换(例如):

typedef struct { ... } Hash_table_element;


typedef struct { ... } hte_t;

对于长函数名也是如此。 一切前缀(例如):

hash_table_element_create(char *key,int data)


hte_create(char *key,int data)


for (i = 0;  i < strlen(key); ++i)

这很慢。它将运行时间从 O(n) 增加到 O(n^2)。最好这样做:

size_t keylen = strlen(key);
for (i = 0; i < keylen; ++i)

这是您的代码的串联重构。由于涉及的文件,我创建了一个连接文件。它在前面有 perl 代码来自动提取文件。或者,在 __DATA__ 行之后,每个文件都以:% filename

# tbin/ovrcat.pm -- archive extractor


sub ovrcat

    $pgmtail = "ovrcat";

    $xfsrc = "ovrcat::DATA";
    $xfsrc = \*$xfsrc;

    while ($bf = <$xfsrc>) {

        if ($bf =~ /^%\s+(.+)$/) {

        print($xfdst $bf,"\n")
            if (ref($xfdst));

    while (($file,$xfcur) = each(%lookup)) {

sub setofile
    my($ofile) = @_;

        $xfdst = $lookup{$ofile};
        last if (ref($xfdst));

        printf("$pgmtail: extracting %s ...\n",$ofile);

        open($xfcur,">$ofile") or
            die("ovrcat: unable to open '$ofile' -- $!\n");

        $lookup{$ofile} = $xfcur;
        $xfdst = $xfcur;

package ovrcat;
% htable.h
#ifndef HASH_TABLE_H
#define HASH_TABLE_H

#include <status.h>
#include <hte.h>

typedef struct hash_table {
    hte_t **table;
    unsigned capacity;
} hashtable_t;

#if 0
/* Precondition: none
   Postcondition: returns a handle to an empty hash table or NULL on Failure */
hash_table_t *hash_table_init_default(unsigned initial_capacity);

/* Precondition: capacity is the capacity of the hash table.
   key is the key to be hased.
   Postcondition: returns an index in the hash table that comes from
   hasing the key with the hash table capacity */
unsigned hash_table_hash(unsigned capacity,char *key);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a valid hashtable_t
   Postcondition: returns the capacity */
unsigned hash_table_get_capacity(hashtable_t *table);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a valid hash table. Key and data
   are the info to be put into the hash_table
   Postcondition: a new element has been created and inserted in the hash table
   Returns FAILURE for any memory allocation failure */
Status hash_table_insert(hashtable_t *hHash_table,char *key,int data);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a valid hash table object. Key is the
   key to search for.
   Postcondition: if the key exists,stores it in data and returns SUCCESS. Else,returns FAILURE and stores a 0 in data */
Status hash_table_get_data_by_key(hashtable_t *hHash_table,int *data);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a hash table. key is the key to be looked for.
   Postcondition: if the key exists,stores the index in indexOfKey and returns true. If it
   doesn't,returns false and stors a 0 in indexOfKey */
Boolean hash_table_get_key_index(hashtable_t *hHash_table,unsigned *indexOfKey);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a hash table. Index is the index to search.
   Data stores the data at the index.
   Postcondition: returns SUCCESS and stores the data value at that index in data. If the index
   caused overflow,or the index was NULL,returns FAILIURE and data is set to 0 */
Status hash_table_get_data_by_index(hashtable_t *hHash_table,int index,int *data);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a hash table. Index is the index to search.
   Data stores the data at the index.
   Postcondition: returns SUCCESS and stores the key at that index in key. If the index
   caused overflow,returns FAILIURE and key is set as the empty string */
Status hash_table_get_key_by_index(hashtable_t *hHash_table,char *key);

/* Precondition: hHash_table is a handle to a valid hash table object. Key is the
   key to be searched for
   Postcondition: if the element corresponding to the key exists,it is removed and
   SUCCESS is returned. Else,it FAILURE is returned */
Status hash_table_remove_element(hashtable_t *hHash_table,char *key);

/* Precondition: phHash_table is a pointer to a handle to a hash table
   Postcondion: all memory associated with the hash table has been freed.
   and the hash table handle is set to NULL */
void hash_table_destroy(hashtable_t ** phHash_table);

void debug(hashtable_t *hHash_table);

#include <htable.proto>

% hte.h
#ifndef HTE_H
#define HTE_H

#include <status.h>

typedef struct hte {
    char *key;
    int data;
    unsigned capacity;              // capacity of hash table during creation
} hte_t;

#if 0
typedef void *HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT;

/*Precondition: none
  Postcondition: returns a handle to a new hash table element. Else returns NULL */
hte_create(char *key,int data);

/*Precondition: hHash_table_element is a handle to a valid hash table element,data is the
  new data value.
  Postcondition: the data inside the hash table has been updated. */
hte_update(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element,int data);

/*Precondition: hHash_table_element is a handle to a valid hash table element.
  Postcondition: returns the data value. */
#if 0
hte_get_data(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element);
hte_get_data(const HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element);

/*Precondition: hHash_table_element is a handle to a valid hash table element.
  Postcondition: returns the key */
const char *
hte_get_key(const hte_t *hte);

/*Precondition: hHash_table_element1 and 2 are handles to valid hash table elements.
  Postcondition: returns true or false if the keys match or not*/
hte_keys_match(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element1,HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element2);

hte_get_character_by_index(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT hHash_table_element,char *ch);

void hte_destroy(HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT * phHash_table_element);

#include <hte.proto>

% status.h
#ifndef STATUS_H
#define STATUS_H

typedef enum status { FAILURE,SUCCESS } Status;
typedef enum boolean { FALSE,TRUE } Boolean;

% htable.c
#include <htable.h>
#include <hte.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

hashtable_t *
htable_init_default(unsigned initial_capacity)
    hashtable_t *htab = malloc(sizeof(*htab));

    if (htab != NULL) {
        htab->table = malloc(sizeof(*htab->table) * initial_capacity);
        if (htab->table == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < initial_capacity; i++) {
            htab->table[i] = NULL;
        htab->capacity = initial_capacity;
    return htab;

htable_hash(unsigned capacity,const char *key)
    unsigned sum = 0;

    size_t keylen = strlen(key);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < keylen; i++)
        sum += key[i];

    return sum % capacity;

htable_get_capacity(const hashtable_t *htab)

    return htab->capacity;

htable_insert(hashtable_t *htab,int data)
    unsigned index = htable_hash(htab->capacity,key);

    unsigned quadraticNum = 1;
    Boolean overflow = (Boolean) (index >= htab->capacity);

    while (!overflow && htab->table[index] != NULL) {
        if (strcmp(hte_get_key(htab->table[index]),key) == 0) {
            return SUCCESS;
        else {
            index += quadraticNum * quadraticNum;
            if (index >= htab->capacity) {
                overflow = TRUE;

    if (overflow) {
        unsigned newCapacity = index + 1;

        hte_t **newTable = malloc(sizeof(*newTable) * newCapacity);
        if (newTable == NULL)
            return FAILURE;

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < htab->capacity; i++) {
            hte_t *htefrom = htab->table[i];
            if (htefrom == NULL) {
                newTable[i] = NULL;

            newTable[i] = hte_create(hte_get_key(htefrom),hte_get_data(htefrom));

            if (newTable[i] == NULL) {
                for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                return FAILURE;

        for (unsigned i = htab->capacity; i < newCapacity - 1; i++)
            newTable[i] = NULL;

#if 0
        newTable[newCapacity - 1] = hte_create(key,data,htab->capacity);
        newTable[newCapacity - 1] = hte_create(key,data);
        if (newTable[newCapacity - 1] == NULL) {
            for (int i = newCapacity - 2; i >= 0; i--)
            return FAILURE;

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < htab->capacity; i++)

        htab->table = newTable;
        htab->capacity = newCapacity;

        return SUCCESS;
    else {
#if 0
        htab->table[index] = hte_create(key,htab->capacity);
        htab->table[index] = hte_create(key,data);
        if (htab->table[index] == NULL)
            return FAILURE;
        return SUCCESS;

htable_get_key_index(hashtable_t *htab,const char *key,unsigned *indexOfKey)
    unsigned index = htable_hash(htab->capacity,key);
    unsigned quadraticNum = 1;

    while (index < htab->capacity) {
        if (htab->table[index] != NULL) {
            if (! strcmp(key,hte_get_key(htab->table[index]))) {
                *indexOfKey = index;
                return TRUE;
        index += quadraticNum * quadraticNum;

    *indexOfKey = 0;

    return FALSE;

htable_get_data_by_key(hashtable_t *htab,int *data)
    unsigned indexOfKey = 0;

    if (htable_get_key_index(htab,key,&indexOfKey)) {
        *data = hte_get_data(htab->table[indexOfKey]);
        return SUCCESS;

    *data = 0;

    return FAILURE;

htable_get_data_by_index(hashtable_t *htab,int *data)

    if (index >= htab->capacity || htab->table[index] == NULL) {
        *data = 0;
        return FAILURE;

    *data = hte_get_data(htab->table[index]);

    return SUCCESS;

htable_get_key_by_index(hashtable_t *htab,char *key)

    if (index >= htab->capacity || htab->table[index] == NULL) {
        key[0] = '\0';
        return FAILURE;

    //char ch;

    size_t keylen = strlen(hte_get_key(htab->table[index]));
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < keylen; i++) {

    key[keylen] = 0;

    return SUCCESS;

htable_remove_element(hashtable_t *htab,const char *key)
    unsigned indexOfKey = 0;

    if (htable_get_key_index(htab,&indexOfKey)) {
        return SUCCESS;

    return FAILURE;

htable_destroy(hashtable_t **phtab)
    hashtable_t *htab = *phtab;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < htab->capacity; i++)


    *phtab = NULL;

debug(hashtable_t *htab)
    int data;
    char key[100];
    char DNE[4] = "DNE";

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < htab->capacity; i++) {
        printf("Index: %-10d",i);
        Status keyStatus = htable_get_key_by_index(htab,key);
        Status dataStatus = htable_get_data_by_index(htab,&data);

        if (keyStatus == FAILURE && dataStatus == FAILURE) {
            printf("Key: %-10sData: %-10s\n",DNE,DNE);
        else {
            printf("Key: %-10sData: %-10d\n",data);
% hte.c
#include <hte.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

hte_t *
hte_create(const char *key,int data)
    hte_t *hte = malloc(sizeof(*hte));
    //size_t keylen = strlen(key);

    if (hte != NULL) {
        hte->key = strdup(key);

        if (hte->key == NULL) {
            return NULL;

        hte->data = data;

    return hte;

hte_update(hte_t *hte,int data)

    hte->data = data;

hte_get_data(const hte_t *hte)

    return hte->data;

const char *
hte_get_key(const hte_t *hte)

    return (const char *) hte->key;

hte_keys_match(const hte_t *hte1,const hte_t *hte2)

    if (! strcmp(hte1->key,hte2->key))
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;


hte_get_character_by_index(hte_t *hte,char *ch)

    if (index > strlen(hte->key)) {
        *ch = '\0';
        return FAILURE;

    *ch = hte->key[index];

    return SUCCESS;

hte_destroy(hte_t **phte)
    hte_t *hte = *phte;

    if (hte != NULL) {


        *phte = NULL;
% quadhash.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <htable.h>
#include <string.h>
#if 0
#include <vld.h>

main(int argc,char **argv)

    hashtable_t *htab = htable_init_default(5);
    char key[3] = "A";
    unsigned num = 1;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
        key[0] = key[0] + 1;




    return 0;
% htable.proto
// htable.proto -- prototypes

    hashtable_t *
    htable_init_default(unsigned initial_capacity);

    htable_hash(unsigned capacity,const char *key);

    htable_get_capacity(const hashtable_t *htab);

    htable_insert(hashtable_t *htab,int data);

    htable_get_key_index(hashtable_t *htab,unsigned *indexOfKey);

    htable_get_data_by_key(hashtable_t *htab,int *data);

    htable_get_data_by_index(hashtable_t *htab,int *data);

    htable_get_key_by_index(hashtable_t *htab,char *key);

    htable_remove_element(hashtable_t *htab,const char *key);

    htable_destroy(hashtable_t **phtab);

    debug(hashtable_t *htab);
% hte.proto
// hte.proto -- prototypes

    hte_t *
    hte_create(const char *key,int data);

    hte_update(hte_t *hte,int data);

    hte_get_data(const hte_t *hte);

    const char *
    hte_get_key(const hte_t *hte);

    hte_keys_match(const hte_t *hte1,const hte_t *hte2);

    hte_get_character_by_index(hte_t *hte,char *ch);

    hte_destroy(hte_t **phte);





另一个类似的想法是重新分配到更大的存储桶数组而不是重新定位元素 - 然后在进行查找/擦除/插入时,您在修改时检查新旧存储桶计数(以任何顺序),迁移元素根据当前的bucket_count动态添加到他们新的最佳bucket。

另一种方法是将哈希值与表中的 key[/value] 条目一起存储,这样您就可以一次调整键的大小并重新定位它们的新存储桶位置,但不需要重新计算哈希值对于所有键。