CLGeocoder().geocodeAddressString 错误代码


我正在开展一个项目,在该项目中我使用 CLGeocoder 来确定特定位置的地标。 像这样的非常简单的调用

CLGeocoder().geocodeAddressstring(location) { (placemarks,error) in
            if let error = error {

我希望能够捕获 CLError 代码并做出相应的响应,而不是打印出 NSError 的 localizedDescription。例如,如果找不到位置,我的 localizedDescription 打印

The operation Couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 8.)

我怎样才能在 Swift 中确定 CLError 代码,这样我就不必打开一些会根据用户的语言环境而改变的本地化描述? 这能做到吗? 我只有几个案例要开启。


您需要将错误转换为 CLError,然后切换错误 code

if let error = error as? CLError { 
    switch error.code {
    case .locationUnknown:
        print("locationUnknown: location manager was unable to obtain a location value right now.")
    case .denied:
        print("denied: user denied access to the location service.")
    case .promptDeclined:
        print("promptDeclined: user didn’t grant the requested temporary authorization.")
    case .network:
        print("network: network was unavailable or a network error occurred.")
    case .headingFailure:
        print("headingFailure: heading could not be determined.")
    case .rangingUnavailable:
        print("rangingUnavailable: ranging is disabled.")
    case .rangingFailure:
        print("rangingFailure: a general ranging error occurred.")
    default : break


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