修复 SERVLET_PARAMETER不受信任的 servlet 参数spotbugs 问题


extractQueryParam 使用 getParameter(String paramName) 从请求中提取特定查询参数。

查询参数将包含一个 Base64 编码的字符串。

private String extractQueryParam(HttpServletRequest request,String queryParamName) {
  return request.getParameter(queryParamName);

然而,request.getParameter(queryParamName) 抛出了一个 SpotBugs 问题:

Problem classification:
Security (Servlet Parameter)
SERVLET_ParaMETER (Untrusted servlet parameter)

The method getParameter returns a String value that is controlled by the client
Low Confidence Security

Untrusted servlet parameter
The Servlet can read GET and POST parameters from varIoUs methods. 
The value obtained should be considered unsafe. 
You may need to validate or sanitize those values before passing them to sensitive APIs such as:
- sql query (May leads to sql injection)
- File opening (May leads to path traversal)
- Command execution (Potential Command injection)
- HTML construction (Potential XSS)
- etc...
Reference CWE-20: Improper Input Validation


我该怎么做才能解决这个 SpotBugs 问题?

private String extractQueryParam(HttpServletRequest request,String queryParamName) {
  String result = null;
  String parsedParam = request.getParameter(queryParamName);
  if (!parsedParam.isBlank() && !parsedParam.isEmpty()) {
    result = parsedParam;
  return result;

调用 extractQueryParam方法

public void onAuthenticationFailure(
    HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response,AuthenticationException exception)
    throws IOException {

  if (exception instanceof OAuth2AuthenticationException) {

    String encodedState = extractQueryParam(request,"state");
    byte[] decodedState = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedState.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
    String destinationUrl = objectMapper.readTree(decodedState).get(DESTINATION_URL_KEY).asText();
    String url = RedirectUtils.getRelativeUriStringFromUrl(destinationUrl);

  } else {
    throw exception;




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