

如何在我的工作流中使用 git 编写代码来提高 TagUI 的自动化程度?


谢谢。 :)

您需要从此处下载 tagui(开源):https://github.com/kelaberetiv/TagUI


Windows 机器的示例代码:

// Define path to save data to
savepath = 'C:/tagui/data'

echo Put the windows as you like in the next 5 seconds.
wait 5

// Open command line tool
keyboard [win]r
keyboard cmd[enter]

// Save data to the savepath variable
keyboard cd `savepath`[enter]
keyboard mkdir rezepte[enter]
keyboard cd rezepte[enter]
keyboard git init[enter]
wait 1
keyboard echo I'm writing recipes now. >>log.html[enter]
keyboard echo pizza dough,tomato sauce,cheese >pizza.html[enter]
keyboard echo spaghetti noodles,cumin,garlic powder,celery >spaghetti.html[enter]
keyboard echo tofu,kala namak,olive oil,???,not ready yet,I still have to think about this. >spiegelei.html[enter]
wait 3
keyboard dir[enter]
wait 1
keyboard type pizza.html[enter]
wait 1

// Add finished documents to versioning
keyboard git add pizza.html spaghetti.html[enter]
wait 1

// View documents not yet finished for versioning
keyboard git status[enter]
wait 1

keyboard git commit -m "Added pizza and spaghetti"[enter]
wait 1

// Add all other files in current directory and its subdirectories,which are not yet under version control
keyboard git add .[enter]
wait 1

keyboard git commit -m "Added all untracked files to version control."[enter]
wait 1

// Change pizza recipe to a vegan version
keyboard echo pizza dough,tomatoes,cashew cheeze >pizza.html[enter]
wait 1

// View track of modification
keyboard git status[enter]
wait 1

// Stage changes
keyboard git add .[enter]
wait 1

// Commit changes
keyboard git commit -m "Changed pizza recipe to a vegan version"[enter]
wait 1
// View difference between last 2 commits
keyboard git diff HEAD^ HEAD[enter]

// Add branch only for soups
keyboard git branch soups[enter

// View active branch (expected: master)
keyboard git branch[enter]

// Edit branch
keyboard git checkout soups[enter]

// View active branch (expected: soups)
keyboard git branch[enter]

keyboard echo potatoes,water >potatosoup.html[enter]

// View existing recipe filenames
keyboard dir[enter]

keyboard git commit -m "Added potato soup"[enter]

keyboard git status[enter]
wait 3

// Switch to master branch again
keyboard git checkout master[enter]

// Potato soup is not part of the master branch,everything else is.
// Branches enable parallel work on different feature branches.

// Switch to previous commit
keyboard git checkout ^HEAD[enter]
wait 2

// Go back to all 4 files.
keyboard git checkout soups[enter]

// Go back to master.
keyboard git checkout master[enter]

// Merge soups into master branch.
// (The master itself is an old version of soups,that's why it's easy.)
// After this,master and soups show to identical checkout,// because master was unchanged.
keyboard git merge soups[enter]
wait 2

// The normal scenario is that 2 people are working together,though,in
// 2 different sub-branches,// or for demonstration: both in master branch and salt branch:

// Create and checkout branch salt.
keyboard git checkout -b salt[enter]

// View branches.
keyboard git branch[enter]

// Change pizza recipe to a recipe including salt
keyboard echo "salt,pizza dough,cashew cheeze" > pizza.html[enter]

// Add and commit at once.
keyboard git commit -a -m "Modified pizza,added salt"[enter]
wait 3

// Now change the master,too.
keyboard git checkout master[enter]

// Add another change (oregano) to pizza.html from master branch.
keyboard echo oregano >>pizza.html[enter]

// Save to repository
keyboard git commit -a -m "Use oregano for pizza"

// View status
keyboard git status[enter]

// Two different people from 2 different branches worked
// on the pizza branch. Now,we try to consolidate
// branches into the current master branch.
keyboard git merge salt[enter]

// Merge conflict: The same file was edited from 2 different branches.
echo Please manually resolve conflict by removing merge conflict from pizza.html within next 30 seconds and click back into the cmd window with your mouse.
wait 1
// Open in text editor
keyboard notepad.exe pizza.html[enter]

wait 30
keyboard git add .[enter]

keyboard git status[enter]
keyboard git commit -m "Merged branch salt."[enter]

// Now you can try to go remote with the commands remote,push,fetch,pull,clone.