Git 预提交问题


嗯,我在一个使用 react 的项目中,我们有自己的 git 钩子,像这样安装

mkdir -p .git/hooks && git config --local commit.template hooks/commit-msg

此外,我们将 *.po 文件i18n 库一起使用。我的问题,每次我在 po 文件中提交反斜杠时都会更改为斜杠。我正在使用 MacOS 编码。



# Add title above: one-line description of change tagged with JIRA
# Example:
# [POS-123456] Catch Exception thrown by CTM Client
# [NOJIRA] Remove unused Math utility class

Description & Context

# Explain what the change is (at least 1 sentence,but can be a couple paragraphs for a significant change)
# Explain why this change is necessary

Related Links

# Add links to JIRA issues,GitHub issues,and/or Confluence page,or any other links providing context.
# Example: GitHub Issue
# Issue #20

Testing Done

# Describe how you have tested this change.
# If this commit is part of a multi-commit PR,you can ignore this,and fill it out in the PR description.




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