为什么这种应用于 TSP 的模拟退火算法不收敛?


对于一个练习,我必须找到这个旅行推销员问题的最佳解决方案,唯一的区别是推销员可能不会两次访问第一个坐标。最佳值应该在给出的 1200 左右。我不明白为什么这不会收敛。另外一个重要的注意事项是使用曼哈顿距离度量而不是欧几里得距离。

def shuffle_coords(coords):
     x0 = coords[0]
     coords = shuffle(coords[1:])
     return np.insert(coords,x0,axis = 0)

def distance(x,y):
    return abs(x[1] - y[1]) + abs(x[0] - y[0])


def shuffle(array):
    df = pd.DataFrame(array)
    return df.sample(len(array)).to_numpy() 

def path_distance(path):
    dist     = []
    for i in range(1,len(path)):
    return np.sum(dist)


def SA_distance(path,T_0,T_min,alpha):
    T = T_0
    dist = path_distance(path)
    while T >  T_min:
        new_path = gen_subtour(path)
        diffF = path_distance(new_path) - dist
        if diffF < 0:
            path = new_path
            dist = path_distance(path)
        elif np.exp(-(diffF/T)) > random.uniform(0,1):
            path = new_path
            dist = path_distance(path)
        T = T * alpha
    return dist,path

这里生成随机子环是在保持 x0 不变的情况下生成的。

def gen_subtour(path):
    subset = shuffle(np.delete(path,axis =0))
    subset = shuffle(path)
    if random.uniform(0,1) < 0.5:
        subset = np.flipud(subset)
        j = random.randint(1,(len(subset)-1))
        p = subset[j-1]
        q = subset[j]
        subset = np.delete(subset,[j-1,j],axis = 0)
        subset = np.insert(subset,p,len(subset),q,axis = 0)
    return np.insert(subset,path[0],axis = 0)

def main():
    T_0     = 12
    T_min   = 10**-9
    alpha   =  0.999
    coords = np.array([[375,375],[161,190],[186,169],[185,124],[122,104],[109,258],[55,153],[120,49],[39,85],[59,250],[17,310],[179,265],[184,198]])
    path,distance = SA_distance(coords,alpha)


我已经测试过了,我的第一直觉是 gen_subtour() 运行不正常,可能是因为步数太多改变了路线。

我会尝试不同的版本并检查效果如何。 SA 方案似乎运行良好,这是我认为错误的建议。


我使用 pdist 预先计算曼哈顿距离,即;

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist,cdist,squareform

coords = np.array([[375,375],[161,190],[186,169],[185,124],[122,104],[109,258],[55,153],[120,49],[39,85],[59,250],[17,310],[179,265],[184,198]])

Y = pdist(coords,'cityblock')

distance_matrix = squareform(Y)
nodes_count = coords.shape[0]


def random_start():
        Random start,returns a state
    a = np.arange(0,nodes_count)
    return a


def objective_function( route ):
    # uncomment when testing new/modify neighbors
    # assert check_all_nodes_visited(route)

    return np.sum( distance_matrix[route[1:],route[:-1]] )

我这里有 3 种基于路线的建议;

def random_swap( route ):
        Random Swap - a Naive neighbour function

        Will only work for small instances of the problem
    route_copy = route.copy()

    random_indici = np.random.choice( route,2,replace = False)
    route_copy[ random_indici[0] ] = route[ random_indici[1] ]
    route_copy[ random_indici[1] ] = route[ random_indici[0] ]

    return route_copy

def vertex_insert( route,nodes=1 ):
        Vertex Insert Neighbour,inspired by

    route_copy = route.copy()
    random_indici = np.random.choice( route,replace = False)
    index_of_point_to_reroute = random_indici[0]
    value_of_point_to_reroute = route[ random_indici[0] ]
    index_of_new_place = random_indici[1]
    route_copy = np.delete(route_copy,index_of_point_to_reroute)
    route_copy = np.insert(route_copy,index_of_new_place,values=value_of_point_to_reroute)
    return route_copy

def block_reverse( route,nodes=1 ):
        Block Reverse Neighbour,inspired by


        Note that this is a random 2-opt operation.
    route_copy = route.copy()
    random_indici = np.random.choice( route,replace = False)
    index_of_cut_left = np.min(random_indici)
    index_of_cut_right = np.max(random_indici)
    route_copy[ index_of_cut_left:index_of_cut_right ] = np.flip(route_copy[ index_of_cut_left:index_of_cut_right ])

    return route_copy

或者,您可以在 SA 之后进行 2-opt 回合,以确保没有交叉。

def swap_for_2opt( route,i,k):
        Helper for 2-opt search
    route_copy = route.copy()
    index_of_cut_left = i
    index_of_cut_right = k
    route_copy[ index_of_cut_left:index_of_cut_right ] = np.flip(route_copy[ index_of_cut_left:index_of_cut_right ])

    return route_copy

def local_search_2opt( route ):
        Local Optimum with 2-opt


    steps_since_improved = 0
    still_improving = True

    route = route.copy()

    while still_improving :
        for i in range( route.size - 1 ):
            for k in np.arange( i + 1,route.size ):
                alt_route = swap_for_2opt(route,k)

                if objective_function(alt_route) < objective_function(route):
                    route = alt_route.copy()
                    steps_since_improved = 0

            steps_since_improved += 1

            if steps_since_improved > route.size + 1:
                still_improving = False

    return route

并使用冷冻剂进行 SA

import frigidum

local_opt = frigidum.sa(random_start=random_start,objective_function=objective_function,neighbours=[random_swap,vertex_insert,block_reverse],copy_state=frigidum.annealing.naked,T_start=10**5,alpha=.95,T_stop=0.001,repeats=10**2,post_annealing = local_search_2opt)

返回的路由几乎都是 1145。

我已在 frigidum 主页上发布了一般提示和技巧。