如何在 PySpark 中使用 UnaryTransformer?


我无法弄清楚这里的实现有什么问题,也找不到任何关于如何使用 UnaryTransformer 在 PySpark 管道中计算自定义转换的示例。

from pyspark.ml import Pipeline,UnaryTransformer
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler
from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType

df = spark.createDataFrame([

class ScaleUp(UnaryTransformer):
    def createTransformFunc(self):
        Creates the transform function using the given param map. The input param map already takes
        account of the embedded param map. So the param values should be determined
        solely by the input param map.
        return f.udf(lambda item: item * 10,returnType=DoubleType())

    def outputDataType(self):
        Returns the data type of the output column.
        return DoubleType()

    def validateInputType(self,inputType):
        Validates the input type. Throw an exception if it is invalid.
        assert inputType == DoubleType(),f'Expected DoubleType() and found {inputType}'
scale_up = ScaleUp().setInputCol('categoryIndex2')
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[scale_up])


createTransformFunc 函数需要 Python 函数,而不是 Spark UDF:

class ScaleUp(UnaryTransformer):
    def createTransformFunc(self):
        return lambda item: item * 10

    def outputDataType(self):
        return DoubleType()

    def validateInputType(self,inputType):
        assert inputType == DoubleType(),f'Expected DoubleType() and found {inputType}'