从 Google Drive Colab 下载数据


总的来说,我是 TensorFlow 和 Python 的初学者,因此非常感谢您的帮助。我正在关注 tensorflow 的 this tutorial,只是使用我自己的数据。


dataset_url_training = "https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/genericid?usp=sharing" 
data_dir_training = tf.keras.utils.get_file('flower_photos',origin=dataset_url_training,untar=True)
data_dir_training = pathlib.Path(data_dir_training)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/genericid?usp=sharing 下载数据

106496/未知 - 2s 14us/步




我真的很困惑,我不知道该怎么办。一些建议是制作一个 zip 文件 url,但这仅适用于单个文件,不适用于像我这样的整个文件夹。此外,据我所知,Google Drive 不允许您获取 zip 文件链接,只能获取用于共享的链接(为了澄清,它们是我自己的文件)。


编辑 1:只是想明确一点:我不是在寻找路径。我正在寻找一个 URL,因此使用了一个目录。我也试过使用。 zip 文件链接,但我收到了与以前相同的错误消息。


当您想在 colab 中使用来自 google drive 的文件时,您可以将我们的驱动器挂载到 colab。

Starting tests for method = print
Starting all threads
a = 1
a = 2
a = 1
a = 1
All threads finished in 3.0s     <<<<< Note: Should be 3.0s because it should run t1 and t2,then t3,then t4

Starting tests for method = print_get
Starting all threads
get_a = 1
get_a = 2
get_a = 1
a = 1
All threads finished in 3.0s      <<<<< Note: Should be 3.0s because it should run t1 and t2,then t4 (or could allow t4 to run at same time as t1 and t2)

Starting tests for method = reentrant_print
Starting all threads
a = 1: i = 0
a = 2: i = 0
a = 1: i = 1
a = 2: i = 1
a = 1: i = 2
a = 2: i = 2
a = 1: i = 3
a = 2: i = 3
a = 1: i = 0     <<< Note: From ~here it should be only t3 running
a = 1: i = 1
a = 1: i = 2
a = 1: i = 3

All threads finished in 4.0s    <<<<< Note: Should be 4.0s because it should run t1 and t2,then t4

你可以从谷歌驱动器打开文件。 例如,您的文件位于主驱动器页面上的“文件夹”目录中:

from google.colab import drive




path = "gdrive/My Drive/folder/flower_photos"


import pathlib
dataset_url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/example_images/flower_photos.tgz"
data_dir = tf.keras.utils.get_file('flower_photos',origin=dataset_url,untar=True)
data_dir = pathlib.Path(data_dir)