获取用户输入以在 if 语句中使用以在故事中做出选择的问题


我需要用 Java 编写一个代码来完成一个多选故事,但是我无法让我的代码读取用户输入并让它继续这个故事。 她是我到目前为止编写的代码。 (我认为代码中的行距是正确的,如果不是很抱歉,我把代码在这里时可能会搞砸)

import java.util.Scanner;
class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(system.in);
    System.out.println("Wlelcome to survive The desert. Made by Thomas Reinhardt");
// The first choice for the user 
    System.out.println("You find your self stranded in the desert. you need to find food and water quickly. Right Now you have two opptions:");
    System.out.println("(A): Travle to what looks like an oasis in the didstance:");
    System.out.println("(B): keep exploring to find something else");
    String choice = sc.nextLine();
// evaluating the useres first choice 
// if the user passes the first choice 
    if (choice == "A")
        System.out.println("You find water and are able to survive the night");
        // making the second choice 
        System.out.println("Its Now the next day. you find your self felling hungry you need food.");
         System.out.println("(C) stay at the oasis and wait for a food sorce to come");
         System.out.println("(D) Go out and serch for some food");
        String choiceTwo = sc.nextLine();

        // evaluating the second input
        // if the user fails the second choice
        if (choiceTwo == "C")
            System.out.println("You wait at the oasis for days no food source arives you evetualuly  starve to death");
        //if the user passes the second choice
        if (choiceTwo == "D")
            System.out.println("You find a fresh kill and was able to salvage some meat. you Now have food. ");
            // setting up the third choice
            System.out.println("Now that you are back at the oasis you need to find a way to get saved");
            System.out.println("(E) you can stay at the oasis and create a SOS signal at it: ");
            System.out.println("(F) Trava; twords what looks like a small town in the distance");
            String choiceThree = sc.nextLine();
            //evaluates the third choice
            // if the user passes the third choice
            if (choiceThree == "E" )
                System.out.println("You built the SOS signal and help has finaly arived and you were saved");
            // if the user fails the third choice
            if (choiceThree == "F")
                System.out.println("You walk twords what you thought was a town but it just keeps getting farther away. The town was a halusination you end up wandering forever and evetualy die");
    // the user fails the first choice
    if (choice == "B")
        System.out.println("You wander for hours and find nothing you die of sarvation");






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