在 SQL 中自动生成每月数据


我是 ASP.NET 和 MSsql 的新手,我遇到了一个问题,我有一个房租支付系统,我想在每个月的月初自动生成一个Pay-Rent 这样的提醒我已经有房客在当月第一天后给房东的付房租和退还预付款的交易


EntryDate   Transaction                Advance     Rent Paid  Description         Advanced  
2021-01-27  Rent Paid                  0.00        2000.00   2k rent received     5000.00   
2021-02-20  Rent Paid                  0.00        9000.00   9000 rent paid       5000.00   
2021-03-10  Rent Paid                  0.00        100.00    100 rent paid        5000.00   
2021-04-6   Rent Paid                  0.00        99.00     99 amount paid       5000.00   
2021-05-2   Advanced Money Returned    1000.00     0.00      1000 rent returned   5000.00   


EntryDate   Transaction               Rent     Advance     RentPaid     Description         Advanced  
2021-01-01  Please Pay your rent      5000      0              0           0                  0
2021-01-27  Rent Paid                  0      0.00             5000.00     5k rent received   5000.00   
2021-02-01  Please Pay your rent      5000      0              0           0                  0
2021-02-20  Rent Paid                  0      0.00             5000.00     5k rent paid       5000.00   
2021-03-01  Please Pay your rent      5000      0              0           0                  0
2021-03-10  Rent Paid                  0      0.00             5000.00     5k rent paid       5000.00   
2021-04-01  Please Pay your rent      5000      0              0           0                  0
2021-04-6   Rent Paid                  0      0.00             5000.00     5k amount paid     5000.00   
2021-05-01  Please Pay your rent      5000      0              0           0                  0
2021-05-2   Advanced Money Returned    0      1000.00          5000.00     5k rent returned   5000.00   


2021-01-01  Please Pay your rent      5000      0              0           0                  0

这是我的 StoredProcedure 的代码

SELECT RR.EntryDate,(N'RentPaid') as TransactionName,0 as AdvanceReturn,RR.AmountPaid as RentPaid,RR.Description,MemberStartAmount as Advanced
        FROM tblRentReceive as RR WHERE UserId = @UserId 
        UNION ALL   
        SELECT OGF.EntryDate,(N'Advanced Money Returned') as TransactionName,AR.Amount as Amount,0 as RentReceive,AR.Description,@MemberStartAmount as Advanced
        FROM tblAdvancedReturn as AR WHERE AR.UserId = @UserId and AR.TenantId=@TenantId 
    ORDER BY EntryDate ASC 




for each record in master-record
      get the %MONTH% and %YEAR% of the record
      create new record with day:1,month=%MONTH%,and year=%YEAR%,Transaction='Please pay your rent',and etc.
      add the record and calculate the balance
add final-record 'Advanced Money Record' with the calculated balance


如果你有想法,你可以把它翻译成 tsql-stored-proc。