为什么我的 SelectList 不喜欢 IList 的内容?


这是我的 Razor 页面中的相关代码:我收到一条错误消息,指出对象(在选择元素行上)未设置为对象的实例。

<select asp-for="EmployeeLocation.EmployeeID" asp-items="@Model.EmployeeSelectList">

这是我的 PageModel 类中的相关代码

public EmployeeLocation EmployeeLocation { get; set; }
public Employee Employee { get; set; }

public class JoinResult
    public int EmployeeID;
    public string LastName;
private IQueryable<JoinResult> JoinResultIQueryable;
private IList<JoinResult> JoinResultIList;
public SelectList EmployeeSelectList;

public async Task OnGetAsync()

    // Get the employee's locations.
    List<int> EmployeeLocationsList = HttpContext.Session.Getobject<List<int>>("EmployeeLocationsList");

    // Populate the employee select list.

    JoinResultIQueryable = (
        from e in IDDSContext.Employee
        join p in IDDSContext.Position on e.PositionID equals p.PositionID
        join el in IDDSContext.EmployeeLocation on e.EmployeeID equals el.EmployeeID
        where e.Active == true
            && e.PositionID != 1 // Do not display the super administrator's data.
            && EmployeeLocationsList.Contains(el.LocationID)
        select new JoinResult
            EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID,LastName = e.LastName

    JoinResultIList = await JoinResultIQueryable
        .OrderBy(jr => jr.LastName)

    // display the results in the Output window. Just done to show contents of JoinResultIList (see below).
    foreach (var item in JoinResultIList)
        Debug.WriteLine("[" + item.EmployeeID + "][" + item.LastName + "]");

    // ***** The problem seem to occur here. Evidently,the SelectList doesn't like contents of the IList. Why is this happening?
    EmployeeSelectList = new SelectList(JoinResultIList,"EmployeeID","LastName");


以下是 JoinResultIList 的内容(在输出窗口中):

[4][Anderson (OH)]
[30][Becon (OH)]
[26][Smith (OH)]
[25][Stevens (OH)]



// Get the employee's locations.
List<int> EmployeeLocationsList = HttpContext.Session.GetObject<List<int>>("EmployeeLocationsList");

// Populate the employee select list.
IQueryable JoinResultIQueryable = (
    from e in IDDSContext.Employee
    join p in IDDSContext.Position on e.PositionID equals p.PositionID
    join el in IDDSContext.EmployeeLocation on e.EmployeeID equals el.EmployeeID
    where e.Active == true
        && e.PositionID != 1 // Do not display the super administrator's data.
        && EmployeeLocationsList.Contains(el.LocationID)
    orderby e.LastName,e.FirstName
    select new
        EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID,Employee = $"{e.LastName},{e.FirstName} ({p.Position1})",});
EmployeeSelectList = new SelectList(JoinResultIQueryable,"EmployeeID","Employee");


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