Applescript 在 Big Sur 中莫名其妙地失败了


我一直在使用 TextExpander 来运行这个脚本,最近它在更新到 Big Sur 后开始失败。认为它与 TextExpander 相关,我创建了一个类似的快捷方式来在 BetterTouchTool 中运行它,但遇到了同样的问题。它不会抛出一个可见的错误,它只是在完成时播放错误音并且不输出任何内容。奇怪的是,当我从脚本编辑器运行它时,它运行得很好。只有当它被另一个进程调用时它才会失败。



tell application "System Events"
--Set process that called text expander aside so it can be returned to the front
set frontProcessName to name of item 1 of (processes whose frontmost is true)

-- Get the raw numbers from the user
set raw_timecode to text returned of (display dialog "Timecode" default answer "")

-- Set the default variables
set user_timecode to "" as string
set rt_length to the length of raw_timecode

--Check to see if the TC field is blank
if raw_timecode = "" then
    set raw_timecode to "01000000"
end if

--Parse the user supplied numbers and replace any "." with "00"
repeat with n from 1 to rt_length
    if character n of raw_timecode = "." then
        set user_timecode to user_timecode & "00" as text
        set user_timecode to user_timecode & character n of raw_timecode as text
    end if
end repeat

--Set to 00:00:00:00 if only digit is 0 
if user_timecode = "0" then
    set base_timecode to "00000000"
    set base_timecode to "01000000"
end if

set x to the length of user_timecode

-- Trim extra digits off base timecode
if x = 8 and user_timecode ≠ "0" then
    set raw_timecode to user_timecode as string
    repeat while (length of base_timecode) + (length of user_timecode) > 8
            set base_timecode to characters 1 thru -(x + 1) of base_timecode as string
            set raw_timecode to base_timecode & user_timecode as string
        on error
            display dialog "Invalid timecode"
            error number -128
        end try
    end repeat
end if
set new_timecode to characters 1 thru 2 of raw_timecode & ":" & characters 3 thru 4 of raw_timecode & ":" & characters 5 thru 6 of raw_timecode & ":" & characters 7 thru 8 of raw_timecode as text

end tell

-- Return the prevIoUs app that called text expander to the front
tell application frontProcessName to activate
delay 0.5

return new_timecode




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