如何使用 BFS 找到最近的节点?


G(V,E) 为无向无权图,rV 的子集。现在节点root添加G 并且边被添加rootr 的所有节点之间。现在对于 V-r 的每个节点,我想使用 BFS 找到最近的 r 节点。请帮忙。我已经尝试了以下代码

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def bfs(g,node):
    dist = 0
    visited = [node]
    queue = [(node,dist)]
    tr = {}
    while queue:
        s,dist = queue.pop(0)
        tr[s] = []
        for nbr in list(g.adj[s]):
            if nbr not in visited:
    return tr


for i in r:

t = bfs(G,'root')


我不明白此问题中 root 节点的用途。我认为,解决这个问题的最简单方法是,从所有 bfs 节点调用 V-r。每次,当您能够到达属于 r 的节点时,您将其返回。因为它是属于 r 的第一个可达节点。以下是此过程的示例:

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def bfs(g,node,r):
    dist = 0
    visited = [node]
    queue = [(node,dist)]
    #tr = {}
    while queue:
        s,dist = queue.pop(0)
        #tr[s] = []
        for nbr in list(g.adj[s]):
            if nbr not in visited:
                if nbr in r:
                    return (nbr,dist+1)
    #return tr
    return (NaN,NaN)


for i in r:

for n in list(G.nodes):
    if n not in r:
        t,d = bfs(G,n,r)
        print("Node {}'s nearest node in r: {} with distance: {}".format(n,t,d))

由于 erdos_renyi 是一个随机图,所以它在不同的运行中会给出不同的结果。这是一个示例输出:

Node 0's nearest node in r: 5 with distance: 2
Node 1's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 1
Node 2's nearest node in r: 43 with distance: 2
Node 3's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 2
Node 4's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 2
Node 6's nearest node in r: 5 with distance: 2
Node 7's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 2
Node 9's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 1
Node 10's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 2
Node 11's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 2
Node 12's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 3
Node 13's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 2
Node 14's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 2
Node 15's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 3
Node 16's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 3
Node 17's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 1
Node 18's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 1
Node 19's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 1
Node 20's nearest node in r: 21 with distance: 1
Node 22's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 2
Node 23's nearest node in r: 21 with distance: 2
Node 24's nearest node in r: 21 with distance: 1
Node 25's nearest node in r: 5 with distance: 1
Node 26's nearest node in r: 5 with distance: 1
Node 27's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 3
Node 28's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 2
Node 29's nearest node in r: 5 with distance: 1
Node 30's nearest node in r: 21 with distance: 1
Node 31's nearest node in r: 43 with distance: 1
Node 32's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 3
Node 33's nearest node in r: 5 with distance: 2
Node 34's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 2
Node 35's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 2
Node 37's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 3
Node 38's nearest node in r: 43 with distance: 1
Node 39's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 2
Node 40's nearest node in r: 43 with distance: 1
Node 41's nearest node in r: 43 with distance: 2
Node 42's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 2
Node 44's nearest node in r: 43 with distance: 2
Node 45's nearest node in r: 43 with distance: 2
Node 46's nearest node in r: 5 with distance: 2
Node 47's nearest node in r: 8 with distance: 1
Node 48's nearest node in r: 36 with distance: 1
Node 49's nearest node in r: 5 with distance: 2
Node root's nearest node in r: 5 with distance: 1

您甚至可以进一步优化此解决方案。首先,为 V-r 节点创建一个列表,该列表将存储从 r 节点到达该节点的最短距离。用一些大的(即无限的)值初始化这个列表。现在,您可以从所有 bfs 节点调用 bfs 并尽可能更新距离列表,而不是为每个 V-r 节点调用 r。通过此过程,如果 bfs,您将减少对 len(r) << len(V-r) 的调用。我希望这能解决您的问题。