TypeScript - 按函数断言的窄类型


我试图让 TS 缩小我在函数中手动修改的类型:

interface Node {
  parent: string | null;

interface noparent extends Node {
  parent: null;

interface HasParent extends Node {
  parent: string;

// Node -> HasParent
// ok,Node Now kNown to have parent
export const setParent = (n: Node): asserts n is HasParent => {
  n.parent = 'parent added';

// Node -> noparent
// ok,Node Now kNown to have no parent
export const unsetParent = (n: Node): asserts n is noparent => {
  n.parent = null;

// noparent -> HasParent
// error: A type predicate's type must be assignable to its parameter's type.
export const addParent = (n: noparent): asserts n is HasParent => {
  // ... use n as noparent ...

  (n as Node).parent = 'parent';

// HasParent -> noparent
// error: A type predicate's type must be assignable to its parameter's type.
export const removeParent = (n: HasParent): asserts n is noparent => {
  // ... use n as HasParent ...

  (n as Node).parent = null;

我需要编写具有特定类型(不是 addParent)的 removeParentNode,因为这些函数调用代码时也用作类型保护。有没有办法告诉 TS 我知道我返回的对象是与参数不兼容的类型?




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