在给定正边权重的情况下,双向 UCS 在找到从源到目的地的最佳路径时的终止条件是什么


统一成本搜索根据成本查找从源节点到目标节点的最短路径。我曾尝试使用 UCS 实现双向搜索。但是,我在正确设置终止条件方面遇到了麻烦。我尝试实现终止条件,因为当向前和向后搜索都访问了一个公共节点时,该函数返回以该节点为相交节点的路径并形成一条路径。此解决方案不会返回所有源节点和目标节点组合的最短路径。

Here is the visualization of the graph on which I am trying to implement the bidirectional UCS


# import required packages
from collections import defaultdict
from queue import PriorityQueue

class Graph :
    Class to create the graph data structures and implement the supporting functions
    Class Variables :
        1. edges
        2. weights
    Class Functions :
        ""descriptions inside function deFinitions""
        1. addEdge(node1,node2,cost)
        2. neighbors(node)
        3. get_cost(from_node,to_node)
    def __init__(self):
        Function to initialize class variables
        edges : a dictionary that holds the adjacent nodes for a node. eg : {"A" : {"B","C"}}
        weights : a dictinary that holds cost of an edge. eg : {(node1,node2) : cost}
        try :
            self.edges = defaultdict(set)
            self.weights = defaultdict(int)
        except Exception as e :
            print("Exception occured due to : {0}".format(e))
    def addEdge(self,node1,cost):
        Function to populate the class variables,edges and weights
        Parameters :
            node1,node2 : nodes between which an undirected edge is present (node1 --- node2)
            cost : cost/weight associated with the edge
        Returns :
        try :
            # check for non-negative edge weights
            if cost > 0 :
                # Add edge from node1 --> node2
                self.weights[(node1,node2)] = cost

                # Add edge from node2 --> node1 (as the edges are undirected)
                self.weights[(node2,node1)] = cost
            else :
                print("Please enter non negative cost for the edge...")
        except Exception as e :
            print("Exception occured due to : {0}".format(e))
    def neighbors(self,node):
        Function to return all the adjacent nodes of a node
        Parameters :
            node : node for which the adjacent nodes are to be returned
        Returns :
            adjacent nodes of a node
        try :
            return self.edges[node]
        except Exception as e :
            print("Exception occured due to : {0}".format(e))

    def get_cost(self,from_node,to_node):
        Function to return the cost/weight associated with an edge
        Parameters :
            from_node,to_node : nodes representing an edge
        Returns :
            cost/weight associated with the edge b/w from_node and to_node
        try :
            return self.weights[(from_node,to_node)]
        except Exception as e :
            print("Exception occured due to : {0}".format(e))

class shortestPathSearch :
    Class to define functions for finding the shortest path between start and goal nodes
    Class Variables :
        1. graph : instance of the graph class through which populated graph and 
                   other supporting functions defined on graph can be accessed
        2. srcQ : frontier initialized as priority queue from the source node (for use in forward search)
        3. goalQ : frontier initialized as priority queue from the goal node (for use in backward search)
        4. srcVisited : initialized as a dictionary for holding visited node and its associated path cost (for use in forward search)
        5. goalVisited : initialized as a dictionary for holding visited node and its associated path cost (for use in backward search)
        6. srcPath : initialized as a list to hold the nodes in the optimal path from forward search
        7. goalPath : initialized as a list to hold the nodes in the optimal path from backward search
    Class Functions : 
        ""descriptions inside function deFinitions""
        1. uniformCostSearch(direction)
        2. intersectingNode()
        3. bidirectionalSearch(start,goal)
        4. getPath(intersecting_node)
        5. calculateCost(path)
    def __init__(self,graph) :
        Function to initialize class variables
        Parameters :
            graph : an instance of the Graph class
        Returns :
        try :
            self.graph = graph
            # Initializing queues for forward and backward search
            self.srcQ = PriorityQueue()
            self.goalQ = PriorityQueue()
            # Initializing data structures to hold visited nodes for source and goal nodes 
            self.srcVisited = dict()
            self.goalVisited = dict()
            # Initializing data structures to hold path for source and goal nodes
            self.srcPath = []
            self.goalPath = []
        except Exception as e :
            print("Exception occured due to : {0}".format(e))
    def uniformCostSearch(self,direction = "F") :
        Function to find shortest path between two nodes using uniform cost search on the graph
        Parameters :
            direction : search direction - forward (F) or backward (B)
        Returns :
        try :
            # forward search from source node
            if direction == "F" :
                # Pop the cost,node and path from the queue
                cost,node,self.srcPath = self.srcQ.get()

                # If the node has been visited,and has a lower cost,bail
                if node in self.srcVisited and self.srcVisited[node] < cost:

                # add node to srcVisited if not in it,loop through its children,calculate cumulative cost and add to srcQ
                if node not in self.srcVisited:
                    self.srcVisited[node] = cost

                    for i in self.graph.neighbors(node):
                        if i not in self.srcVisited:
                            total_cost = cost + self.graph.get_cost(node,i)
                            self.srcQ.put((total_cost,i,self.srcPath + [node]))

            # backward search from goal node
            # While the goalQ isn't empty
            else :
                # Pop the cost,self.goalPath = self.goalQ.get()

                # If the node has been visited,bail
                if node in self.goalVisited and self.goalVisited[node] < cost:

                # add node to srcVisited if not in it,calculate cumulative cost and add to srcQ
                if node not in self.goalVisited:
                    self.goalVisited[node] = cost

                    for i in self.graph.neighbors(node):
                        if i not in self.goalVisited:
                            total_cost = cost + self.graph.get_cost(node,i)
                            self.goalQ.put((total_cost,self.goalPath + [node]))
        except Exception as e :
            print("Exception occured due to : {0}".format(e))
    def intersectingNode(self) :
        function to check for an intersecting node while searching from both the directions
        Parameters :
        Returns :
            intersecting node if present else -1
        try :
            for key in self.graph.edges :
                if key in self.goalVisited and key in self.srcVisited :
                        return key
            return -1
        except Exception as e :
            print("Exception occured due to : {0}".str(e))
    def bidirectionalSearch(self,start,goal) :
        function to implement bidirectional search using UCS
        Parameters :
            start : start node
            goal : goal node
        Returns :
        try :

            while self.srcQ and self.goalQ:
                intersecting_node = self.intersectingNode()
                if intersecting_node != -1 :
                    print(f"Path exists between {start} and {goal}")
                    print(f"Intersection at : {intersecting_node}")
                    return intersecting_node
        except Exception as e :
            print("Exception occured due to : {0}".format(e))
    def getPath(self,intersecting_node) :
        Function to form the path from forward search and backward search
        Parameters :
            intersecting_node : node at which both the searches met
        Returns :
            path : optimal path from source to goal nodes
        try :
            # a condition is defined in order to avoid intersecting node appearing twice in the path 
            if intersecting_node in self.srcPath or intersecting_node in self.goalPath :
                path = self.srcPath + self.goalPath[-1:]
            else :
                path = self.srcPath + list(intersecting_node) + self.goalPath[-1:]
            return path
        except Exception as e :
            print("Exception occured due to : {0}".format(e))
    def calculateCost(self,path) :
        Function to calculate cost of the optimal path from source to goal nodes
        Parameters :
            path : optimal path from source to goal node
        Returns :
            cost : cost calculated from the optimal path
        try :
            # initialize a list that holds cost of the consecutive nodes in the path
            cost = [0] * (len(path) - 1)
            for i in range(len(path)) :
                cost[i] = graph.weights[(path[i],path[i + 1])]
            # once the cost is obtained b/w consecutive nodes,sum them and return
            return sum(cost)
        except Exception :
            return sum(cost)

if __name__ == "__main__" :
    *** Main Function ***
    try :
        # add edges and associated path costs to the graph
        graph = Graph()
        # Define an instance of shortestPathSearch class
        sp = shortestPathSearch(graph)
        # ask the user to enter source ans goal nodes
        source = input("Enter source : ")
        goal = input("Enter goal : ")
        # check if valid nodes are entered and call the search algorithm
        if source in graph.edges and goal in graph.edges :
            intersecting_node = sp.bidirectionalSearch(source,goal)
            if (intersecting_node == -1) :
                print(f"Path not found between {source} and {goal}")
            else :
                # get the path,calculate cost and identify nodes that are visited
                path = sp.getPath(intersecting_node)
                cost = sp.calculateCost(path)
                visited = sorted(set(list(sp.srcVisited.keys()) + list(sp.goalVisited.keys())))

                # print 
                print(f"path : {path}")
                print(f"cost : {cost}")
                print(f"visited : {visited}")
                print(f"No of nodes visited : {len(visited)}")
        else :
            print("Please check if you have entered valid source and goal nodes")
    except Exception as e :
        print("Exception occured due to : {0}".format(e))

对于给定的图形,虽然此代码适用于大多数情况,但不适用于特定情况,例如距离(E,G)。而最短路径是直接边,E -> G : 102,输出

Path exists between E and G

Intersection at : F

path : ['E','F','G']

cost : 160

visited : ['B','C','E','G']

No of nodes visited : 5





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