VBA 锯齿状数组重复


我是使用 VBA 编码的新手,一般来说也是初学者。我有以下简单的表格(数据每天都在不断输入,因此会发生变化):

项目# 描述 日期 位置 加载 输入 成本
0001 des1 30/1/21 网站 ABC123 5 一个 typ1 100
0002 des2 30/1/21 办公室 ACB465 4 一个 typ1 100
0003 des3 30/1/21 办公室 ABC789 3 一个 typ1 100
0004 des4 30/1/21 网站 ABS741 5 一个 typ1 100
0005 des4 31/1/21 办公室 ABC852 2 一个 typ1 100


例如,如果我想过滤 30/1/21。最终结果如下:

位置 加载
网站 10
办公室 7


10 个站点,7 个办公室


For j = numberSkipD To numberRowsD
    If Worksheets("disposal Fees").Range("F" & j).Value = Worksheets("Daily Tracking").Range("B2").Value Then
        For k = numberdisposalinformationRaw To numberdisposalLocation
            ReDim Preserve disposalLocation(numberdisposalLocation)
            disposalLocation(numberdisposalLocation) = Worksheets("disposal Fees").Range("I" & j).Value
        numberdisposalLocation = numberdisposalLocation + 1
        For k = numberdisposalinformationRaw To numberdisposalLoad
            ReDim Preserve disposalLoad(numberdisposalLoad)
            disposalLoad(numberdisposalLoad) = Worksheets("disposal Fees").Range("K" & j).Value
        numberdisposalLoad = numberdisposalLoad + 1
    End If

然后我尝试执行上面的第二个表(删除重复项并将所述重复项的值添加在一起)但它给了我错误,不知道如何解决它们。我知道它们是索引错误,但不知道如何修复它们。 (请帮我完成这部分,这是代码

Dim disposalinformationRaw As Variant
    Dim disposalinformationCooked As Variant
    Dim Foundindex As Variant,MaxRow As Long,m As Long
    ReDim disposalinformationCooked(1 To UBound(disposalinformationRaw,1),1 To UBound(disposalinformationRaw,2))
    MaxRow = 0
    For m = 1 To UBound(disposalinformationRaw,1)
        Foundindex = Application.Match(disposalinformationRaw(m,Application.Index(disposalinformationCooked,0)

        If IsError(Foundindex) Then
            MaxRow = MaxRow + 1
            Foundindex = MaxRow
            disposalinformationCooked(Foundindex,1) = disposalinformationRaw(m,1)
        End If

        disposalinformationCooked(Foundindex,2) = Val(disposalinformationCooked(Foundindex,2)) + Val(disposalinformationRaw(i,2))
    Next m
    Range("G1").Resize(MaxRow,UBound(disposalinformationCooked,2)).Value = disposalinformationCooked




dim dict,rw as range,locn,k,msg,theDate

set dict= createobject("scripting.dictionary")

theDate = Worksheets("Daily Tracking").Range("B2").Value

'adjust table range as required
for each rw in worksheets("Disposal Fees").range("F6:K100").rows
   if rw.cells(3).Value = theDate Then              'date match?
       locn = rw.cells(4).Value                     'read location
       dict(locn) = dict(locn) + rw.cells(6).Value  'add load to sum
   end if
next rw

'loop over the dictionary keys and build the output
for each k in dict
    msg = msg & IIf(len(msg) > 0,","") & dict(k) & " " & k
next k

debug.print msg 



enter image description here


enter image description here

  • 调整常量部分中的值。


Option Explicit

Sub TESTsumByValue()
    ' Source
    Const srcName As String = "Disposal Fees"
    Const lCol As Long = 3
    Const kCol As Long = 4
    Const sCol As Long = 6
    Const SumFirst As Boolean = True
    Const KSDel As String = ":"
    Const IDel As String = ","
    ' Destination
    Const dstName As String = "Daily Tracking"
    ' Define workbook.
    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' Workbook containing this code.
    ' Define Source Range (You may have to do something different).
    Dim srg As Range: Set srg = wb.Worksheets(srcName).Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    ' Write Criteria to variable.
    Dim drg As Range: Set drg = wb.Worksheets(dstName).Range("B2")
    Dim Criteria As Variant: Criteria = drg.Value
    ' Use function to get the result.
    Dim s As String
    s = sumByValue(Criteria,srg,lCol,kCol,sCol,SumFirst,KSDel,IDel)
    Debug.Print s ' "10:Site,4:Bathroom,4:Office"
    drg.Offset(,3).Value = s ' writes to 'E2'
End Sub

Function sumByValue( _
    ByVal LookupValue As Variant,_
    rng As Range,_
    ByVal LookupColumn As Long,_
    ByVal KeyColumn As Long,_
    ByVal SumColumn As Long,_
    Optional ByVal SumFirst As Boolean = False,_
    Optional ByVal KeySumDelimiter As String = ": ",_
    Optional ByVal ItemsDelimiter As String = ",") _
As String
    ' Validate range ('rng').
    If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    ' Write values from range to Data Array ('Data').
    Dim Data As Variant: Data = rng.Value ' 2D one-based array
    ' Declare additional variables.
    Dim vKey As Variant ' Current Key Value
    Dim vSum As Variant ' Current Sum Value
    Dim i As Long ' Data Array Row Counter
    ' Create a reference to Unique Sum Dictionary (no variable).
    With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        .CompareMode = vbTextCompare ' 'A = a'
        ' Loop through Data Array ('Data') and write and sumup unique values
        ' to Unique Sum Dictionary.
        For i = 1 To UBound(Data,1)
            If Data(i,LookupColumn) = LookupValue Then
                vKey = Data(i,KeyColumn)
                If Not IsError(vKey) Then
                    If Len(vKey) > 0 Then
                        vSum = Data(i,SumColumn)
                        If IsNumeric(vSum) Then
                            .Item(vKey) = .Item(vKey) + vSum
                            .Item(vKey) = .Item(vKey) + 0
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next i
        ' Validate Unique Sum Dictionary.
        If .Count = 0 Then Exit Function
        ' Redefine variables to be reused.
        ReDim Data(1 To .Count) ' Result Array: 1D one-based array
        i = 0 ' Result Array Elements Counter
        ' Write results to Result Array.
        If SumFirst Then
            For Each vKey In .Keys
                i = i + 1
                Data(i) = .Item(vKey) & KeySumDelimiter & vKey
            Next vKey
            For Each vKey In .Keys
                i = i + 1
                Data(i) = vKey & KeySumDelimiter & .Item(vKey)
            Next vKey
        End If
    End With
    ' Write the elements of Data Array to Result String.
    sumByValue = Join(Data,ItemsDelimiter)

End Function