使用Gammu可以发送短信但不能接收短信; 0 个 SMS 序列中的 0 个 SMS 部分


我可以通过命令 gammu sendsms 使用 Gammu 发送短信,但无法通过 gammu getallsmsgammu geteachsms 命令接收。

两者都导致 ---> 0 个 SMS 序列中的 0 个 SMS 部分


Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

lsusb 输出

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 19d2:0016 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM

Gammu 配置文件


port = /dev/ttyUSB1
model =
connection = at19200
synchronizetime = yes
logfile = /tmp/sms.log
logformat = textdate
use_locking =
gammuloc =


Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: [Gammu            - 1.40.0]
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: [Connection       - "at19200"]
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: [Connection index - 0]
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: [Model type       - ""]
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: [Device           - "/dev/ttyUSB1"]
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: [Running on       - Linux,kernel 5.4.83-v7l+ (#1379 SMP Mon Dec 14 13:11:54 GMT 2020)]
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: Serial device: DTR is up,RTS is up,CAR is down,CTS is down
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: Setting speed to 19200
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: [Module           - "auto"]
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: Escaping SMS mode
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: SENDING frame type 0x00/length 0x02/2
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: 1B |0D                                                          ..
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: SENDING frame type 0x00/length 0x03/3
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:08: 41A|54T|0D                                                      AT.
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:09: 1 "AT"
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:09: 2 "OK"
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:09: Checking line: OK
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: 1 "AT+CMGL=4"
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: 2 "OK"
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: Checking line: OK
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: AT reply state: 1
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0x10/16
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|47G|4CL|3D=|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A  AT+CMGL=4...OK..
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: SMS listing received
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: Read 0 SMS locations
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: GSM_GetNextSMS Failed with error EMPTY[22]: Empty entry.
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: [Terminating]
Sun 2021/01/31 13:40:11: [Closing]





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)