SwitchAccess 兼容的虚拟视图节点的深层树状结构


我正在尝试在 Android 中创建一个可访问的自定义 ViewView 包含一个虚拟节点的树层次结构,在我的情况下可以是多级深度。 树不一定是二元的:每一层的每个节点都可以有用户想要的任意数量的子节点。 具体来说,我试图使其与 TalkBack 的 SwitchAccess 辅助功能服务兼容。 最终目标是使其兼容所有 TalkBack 的无障碍服务,但至少必须与 SwitchAccess 兼容。 在这文章中,我正在尝试单开关访问。 树的结构事先未知,其扫描顺序也未知。它们都是在运行时定义的。 我正在使用 ExploreByTouchHelper 类,它是 AccessibilityDelegate 的便利包装器。


Virtual nodes' tree

一个示例扫描序列由节点内的数字表示。 从用户的角度来看,他们将叶子视为某种随机颜色的矩形。 这只是自定义 View内容。 描绘的扫描顺序如下:

  1. 首先,用户看到所有的节点都被一起扫描(有根被扫描)。他们按下开关并选择根,将扫描过程移到树的第二级。
  2. 然后扫描第一个内部节点,用户忽略它,所以扫描移动到第二个根的子节点,用户点击开关,将扫描过程移动到树的第三级,即点击节点的子节点。
  3. 依此类推,直到用户点击/选择叶节点(在名为 7. Click! 的步骤),在这种情况下会发生自定义操作。


  1. 什么是 SwitchAccess?这是一项服务,允许用户通过将单个(或几个)硬件开关连接到他们的手机来键入键/字母。 你可以把它想象成一个残障人士的物理键盘,它有一个(或几个)开关,而不是每个字母一个开关。 用户一个称为扫描的过程的帮助下输入一个字母,其中字母表中的每个字母(或任何类型的键)都被一个一个扫描,当用户点击他们的单个开关然后输入相应的字母。 这就像点击一个开关,点击频率被这项服务转换成字母。
  2. 什么是 TalkBack?一组可供 Android 用户使用的辅助功能服务(包括 SwitchAccess)。 这是一个普通的 Android 应用程序(Android Accessibility Suite),如果您的系统中尚未包含该应用程序,则可以从 here 下载。


  1. 试验每个 AccessibilityNodeInfo 的焦点状态、选中状态和无障碍焦点状态。
  2. 每次点击只报告我感兴趣的子树部分。这意味着每次点击都会报告不同的树(通过 getVisibleVirtualViews)。
  3. AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo 的实现启发,对 AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfoGridView 进行实验。
  4. 仅在用户点击叶子时发送 AccessibilityEvents(而不是内部节点),以便让扫描在点击内部节点时继续。
  5. 仅报告叶组而不是内部节点。
  6. 在每次用户点击时重新安装/更改整个 AccessibilityNodeProvider 和/或 AccessibilityDelegate


import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat;
import androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat;
import androidx.customview.widget.ExploreByTouchHelper;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Random;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    public static int randomColor(final int alpha,final Random rand) {
        final byte[] components = new byte[3];
        return Color.argb(alpha,components[0] & 0xFF,components[1] & 0xFF,components[2] & 0xFF);

    public static class Node {
        public Node parent = null;
        public final ArrayList<Node> children = new ArrayList<>();
        public final Point index = new Point(),//Location of this Node in its parent. Root Node does not use this.
                            size = new Point(); //Number of children this Node has per dimension (x == columns,y == rows).
        public String text = null; //The text associated with each Node.
        public int id = -1,//It is initialized at Tree construction.
                color = 0; //It is only used for leaves,but for simplicity included in every Node.

         * Used as a default way to create the children of this Node.
         * @param title Some value used to construct the text of each children.
         * @param sizeX Number of columns each children will be initialized to have.
         * @param sizeY Number of rows each children will be initialized to have.
         * @param rand Used for producing each child's color.
        public void addChildren(final String title,final int sizeX,final int sizeY,final Random rand) {
            for (int row = 0; row < size.y; ++row) {
                for (int col = 0; col < size.x; ++col) {
                    final Node child = new Node();
                    child.parent = this;
                    child.text = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH /*Just use ENGLISH for only the demonstration purposes.*/,"%s|%s:%d,%d",text,title,row,col);
                    child.color = randomColor(255,rand);

        /** @param bounds Serves as input (initialized with the root Node's bounds) and as output (giving the bounds relative to root for the calling Node). */
        public void updateBounds(final RectF bounds) {
            if (parent != null) {
                //Adjust parent bounds to locate the current node:
                final float cellWidth = bounds.width() / parent.size.x,cellHeight = bounds.height() / parent.size.y;
                bounds.left += (cellWidth * index.x);
                bounds.top += (cellHeight * index.y);
                bounds.right -= (cellWidth * (parent.size.x - index.x - 1));
                bounds.bottom -= (cellHeight * (parent.size.y - index.y - 1));

     * Gets a subtree (starting from the given Node) of nodes into the given lists.
     * @param node the root of the subtree we are interested in.
     * @param allNodes all nodes of the subtree will go in here.
     * @param leavesOnly only the leaves of the subtree will go in here.
    public static void getNodes(final Node node,final ArrayList<Node> allNodes,final ArrayList<Node> leavesOnly) {
        if (node.children.isEmpty())
            for (final Node child: node.children)

    /** Sacrificing memory for speed: this is essentially a huge cache. */
    public static class Tree {
        public final Node root;
        public final List<Node> nodes,//All nodes of the tree.
                                leaves; //Only leaves of the tree (which will exist in both 'nodes' property and in 'leaves' property).

        public Tree(final Node root) {
            this.root = root;
            final ArrayList<Node> nodesList = new ArrayList<>();
            final ArrayList<Node> leavesList = new ArrayList<>();
            nodes = Collections.unmodifiableList(nodesList);
            leaves = Collections.unmodifiableList(leavesList);
            final int sz = nodes.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
                nodes.get(i).id = i; //As you can see the id corresponds exactly to the index of the Node in the list (so as to have easier+faster retrieval of Node by its id).

    /** @return a Tree for testing. */
    public static Tree buildTestTree() {
        final Random rand = new Random();
        final Node root = new Node();
        root.size.set(2,1); //2 columns,1 row.
        root.text = "Root";
        root.addChildren("Inner",2,1,rand); //2 columns,1 row.
        for (final Node rootChild: root.children) {
            rootChild.addChildren("Inner",1 row.
            for (final Node rootInnerChild: rootChild.children)
                rootInnerChild.addChildren("Leaf",rand); //1 column,1 row. Basically a leaf.
        return new Tree(root);

    /** @return a value conforming to the measureSpec,while being as close as possible to the preferredSizeInPixels. */
    public static int getViewSize(final int preferredSizeInPixels,final int measureSpec) {
        int result = preferredSizeInPixels;
        final int specMode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec);
        final int specsize = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec);
        switch (specMode) {
            case View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED: result = preferredSizeInPixels; break;
            case View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST: result = Math.min(preferredSizeInPixels,specsize); break;
            case View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY: result = specsize; break;
        return result;

    /** The custom View which maintains the tree hierarchy of virtual views. */
    public static class HierarchyView extends View {
        private final MyAccessibilityDelegate delegate; //The ExploreByTouchHelper implementation.
        public final Tree tree; //The tree of virtual views.
        public Node selected; //The last 'clicked' node from all the nodes in the tree.
        private final int preferredWidth,preferredHeight; //The preferred size of this View.
        private final Paint tmpPaint; //Used for drawing.
        private final RectF tmpBounds; //Used for drawing.

        public HierarchyView(final Context context) {
            tmpPaint = new Paint();
            tmpBounds = new RectF();
            selected = null;

            //Hardcoded magic numbers for the dimensions of this View,only in order to keep things simple in this demonstration:
            preferredWidth = 600;
            preferredHeight = 300;

            tree = buildTestTree();
            ViewCompat.setAccessibilityDelegate(this,delegate = new MyAccessibilityDelegate(this));

        protected void onMeasure(final int widthMeasureSpec,final int heightMeasureSpec) {

         * Use this method instead of {@link Node#updateBounds(RectF)},which (this method) will properly initialize the root Node's bounds.
         * @param bounds The output bounds for the given Node.
         * @param node The input Node to get the bounds for.
        public void updateBounds(final RectF bounds,final Node node) {
            bounds.left = bounds.top = 0;
            bounds.right = getWidth();
            bounds.bottom = getHeight();

        protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) {
            for (final Node leaf: tree.leaves) {
                tmpPaint.setAlpha(selected == leaf? 255: 64);
                updateBounds(tmpBounds,leaf); //Not the most efficient (needs logN),but remember this is just a demo.

        public boolean dispatchHoverEvent(final MotionEvent event) {
            //This is required by ExploreByTouchHelper's docs:
            return delegate.dispatchHoverEvent(event) || super.dispatchHoverEvent(event);

        public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(final KeyEvent event) {
            //This is required by ExploreByTouchHelper's docs:
            return delegate.dispatchKeyEvent(event) || super.dispatchKeyEvent(event);

        protected void onFocusChanged(final boolean gainFocus,final int direction,final @Nullable Rect prevIoUslyFocusedRect) {
            //This is required by ExploreByTouchHelper's docs:

        public boolean onTouchEvent(final MotionEvent event) {
            final int virtualViewId = delegate.getVirtualViewAt(event.getX(),event.getY());
            if (virtualViewId != ExploreByTouchHelper.INVALID_ID)
                selected = tree.nodes.get(virtualViewId);
            return super.onTouchEvent(event);

    public static class MyAccessibilityDelegate extends ExploreByTouchHelper {
        private final HierarchyView host;

         * This is used as the <b>parent</b> of each node that should be interactive. If null,then the
         * root should be interactive,otherwise if not null,then the its children should be interactive.
        private Node last;

        public MyAccessibilityDelegate(final @NonNull HierarchyView host) {
            this.host = host;
            last = null; //Start with root.

        /** Helper method to retrieve a read-only Iterable of the nodes that should be interactive. */
        private Iterable<Node> readVisibleNodes() {
            return last == null? Collections.singletonList(host.tree.root) : Collections.unmodifiableList(last.children);

        protected int getVirtualViewAt(final float x,final float y) {
            final RectF bounds = new RectF();
            for (final Node node: readVisibleNodes()) {
                if (bounds.contains(x,y))
                    return node.id;
            return INVALID_ID;

        protected void getVisibleVirtualViews(final List<Integer> virtualViewIds) {
            for (final Node node: readVisibleNodes())

        protected void onPopulateNodeForVirtualView(final int virtualViewId,final @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat info) {
            final Node node = host.tree.nodes.get(virtualViewId);

            //Just set all text to node#text for simplicity:

            //Get the node's bounds:
            final RectF bounds = new RectF();

            /*Although deprecated,setBoundsInParent is actually what ExploreByTouchHelper requires,and itself
            then computes the bounds in screen. So lets just setBoundsInParent,instead of setBoundsInScreen...*/
            if (node.parent == null) { //If node is the root:
                info.setParent(host); //The View itself is the parent of it (or maybe not,I am not sure).
                info.setBoundsInParent(new Rect(Math.round(bounds.left),Math.round(bounds.top),Math.round(bounds.right),Math.round(bounds.bottom)));
            else {
                /*To get the bounds of any node which is not the root,I simply subtract the parent's bounds
                with the current node's bounds. I kNow... not the most efficient,but it's just a demo Now.*/
                final RectF parentBounds = new RectF();
                info.setBoundsInParent(new Rect(Math.round(bounds.left - parentBounds.left),Math.round(bounds.top - parentBounds.top),Math.round(bounds.right - parentBounds.left),Math.round(bounds.bottom - parentBounds.top)));

            //As I have found out,those calls are absolutely necessary for the virtual views:

            //These calls seem to not be absolutely necessary,but I am not sure:

//            info.setContentInvalid(false);
//            info.setAccessibilityFocused(last == node);
//            info.setFocused(last == node);
//            info.setChecked(last == node);
//            info.setSelected(last == node);

            if (node.parent == last) { //This is the way I am testing if the current node should be interactive.
            if (!node.children.isEmpty()) {
                for (final Node child: node.children)
            if (node.parent != null)

        protected boolean onPerformActionForVirtualView(final int virtualViewId,final int action,final @Nullable Bundle arguments) {
            if (action == AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_CLICK) {
                host.selected = host.tree.nodes.get(virtualViewId);
                last = host.selected.children.isEmpty()? null: host.selected;
//                if (host.selected.children.isEmpty()) {
                invalidateVirtualView(virtualViewId); //,AccessibilityEventCompat.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_SUBTREE);
                host.invalidate(); //To redraw the UI.
//                }
//                else
//                    invalidateRoot();
//                    invalidateVirtualView(virtualViewId);
//                    host.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED);
//                    host.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED);
//                    host.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEventCompat.TYPE_VIEW_CONTEXT_CLICKED);
//                    sendEventForVirtualView(virtualViewId,AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED);
//                    invalidateVirtualView(virtualViewId,AccessibilityEventCompat.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_SUBTREE);
                return true;
            return false;

    protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        setContentView(new HierarchyView(this),new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));

这会导致扫描在点击时冻结(但至少它在树中更深一层),而实际需要的行为是让扫描继续进行,直到点击一个叶子,扫描应该结束。 几乎就像扫描软件键盘一样(即首先是一组键,然后点击,扫描每个键,依此类推)。

请注意,由给定代码构建的树与图像的树并不完全相同。 图片作为视觉示例,代码作为讨论的基础。

我基本上是想找出 SwitchAccess 中的哪些规则会使我的应用程序与之兼容。 理想情况下,我希望用户看到正在扫描的叶子组,而不是像提供的代码那样每次都看到单个节点,但我想这是一个不同的故事。

我认为我要问的是可能的,因为否则 setParent 之类的方法不会包含在 AccessibilityNodeInfo 类中。

我也在考虑用 drawing order 进行实验,但我根本不知道它是否相关。

我正在使用最低 SDK 版本 14(如果有的话)。




  1. The corresponding Google I/O 2013 video(从 ExploreByTouchHelper 用例的介绍开始)。
  2. TalkBack's source code。我看了很多遍,但我仍然不知道如何解决我的问题。
  3. How to use SwitchAccess on your phone用户视角)。


我不相信你想要的是可能的。或者至少,我不相信您想要的具有支持它的“显式 API”。让我们来谈谈 Switch Access 将关注什么。基本上,它会关注任何

  • 未明确标记为“无障碍不重要”
  • 有某种类型的动作与之相关
    • 点按
    • 点击并按住
    • 自定义操作

Switch Access 对事物进行分组的方式不会响应任何特定的 API,而是根据与标准用户体验相关的现有信息并基于 Switch Access 配置计算得出。您可能会根据行列扫描与组选择的不同thigns 来确定这一点。一般来说,重要的事情是:

  • 在视图层次结构中排序
  • 在屏幕上的位置

为“精确分组”操作这些将非常困难。每个版本的 Switch Access 都可以为所欲为。没有记录的 API 说“这是分组”。 Switch Access 只是尽最大努力理解标准的 Android API。


  • 将事物组放入虚拟布局中。
  • 确保可以与之交互的所有内容都标记为此类。
  • 在您的虚拟层次结构中以合理的顺序排列您的视图



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