如何在 fpdi 中添加页眉徽标和页脚带有页码的徽标


如何使用 fpdi 添加页眉(徽标)和页脚(带有页码的徽标) 或者如果您建议任何其他类似 tcpdf 的文件,请给我任何 tcpdf.PHP 文件的 CDN 链接(如果可能)

use setasign\Fpdi\Fpdi;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfReader;


class PDF extends FPDF
// Page header
function Header()
// logo
// Arial bold 15
// Move to the right
// Title
// Line break

// Page footer
function Footer()
// Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
// Arial italic 8
// Page number
$this->Cell(0,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}','C');
$pdf = new Fpdi();
//first page
$pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile('generated.pdf');
$pageId = $pdf->importPage(1,PdfReader\PageBoundaries::MEDIA_Box);

$pdf->Cell(189,'Tender Details','C');

$pdf->Cell(170,5,'heading- '.$heading.'',1);
$pdf->Cell(170,'Tender Title- '.$ttitle.'','Tender Number- '.$tno.'','Tender Date- '.$tdate.'','Item Name- '.$itemname.'',1);
$cd="We are from Ascentech Lightening Solution,a MSME firm,manufacturer of LED Lights along with Medical Lights and Emergency Lights. We have participated in your tender  2021-01-06. Please find below list of documents for the same.";
$pdf->Cell(170,'Item Name- ',1);
$pdf->Cell(189,'Technical Specification Acceptance','C');
$pdf->Cell(189,'Item name test','C');

$pdf->Cell(15,'Sr. no','C',1);
$pdf->Cell(90,'Technical Specification',1);
//$pdf->Cell(45,'browse Documents',1);

$pdf->Cell(189,'Item name test1','C');

// get the page count
$pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile('generated.pdf');
// iterate through all pages
for ($pageNo = 1; $pageNo <= $pageCount; $pageNo++) {
    // import a page
    $templateId = $pdf->importPage($pageNo);
    // get the size of the imported page
    $size = $pdf->getTemplateSize($templateId);

    // create a page (landscape or portrait depending on the imported page size)
    if ($size[0] > $size[1]) {
    } else {

    // use the imported page

    $pdf->Write(8,'By me');
// get the page count
$pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile('generated.pdf');
// iterate through all pages
for ($pageNo = 1; $pageNo <= $pageCount; $pageNo++) {
    // import a page
    $templateId = $pdf->importPage($pageNo);
    // get the size of the imported page
    $size = $pdf->getTemplateSize($templateId);

    // create a page (landscape or portrait depending on the imported page size)
    if ($size[0] > $size[1]) {
        $pdf->AddPage('L','By me');

如何使用 fpdi 添加页眉(徽标)和页脚(带有页码的徽标) 或者如果您建议使用其他任何类似 tcpdf 的文件

您可以在此处查看此文件的部署版本 (http://twenfluence.tech/pdf/pdf.php)




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