FFMPEG 从内存中读取音频不起作用



struct MemoryAVFormat {
    MemoryAVFormat(const MemoryAVFormat &) = delete;

    AVFormatContext *ctx;
    AVIOContext *ioCtx;

    MemoryAVFormat(char *audio,size_t audio_length) :
            ctx(avformat_alloc_context()),ioCtx(create_audio_buffer_io_context(audio,audio_length)) {

        if (ctx == nullptr)
            throw audio_processing_exception("Failed to allocate context");

        if (ioCtx == nullptr)
            throw audio_processing_exception("Failed to allocate IO context for audio buffer");

        ctx->pb = ioCtx;
        ctx->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO;

        int err = avformat_open_input(&ctx,"nullptr",NULL,NULL);
        if (err != 0)
            throwAvError("Error configuring context from audio buffer",err);

    AVIOContext *create_audio_buffer_io_context(char *audio,size_t audio_length) const {
        return avio_alloc_context(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(audio),audio_length,audio,[](void *,uint8_t *,int buf_size) { return buf_size; },NULL);

    ~MemoryAVFormat() {



线路崩溃:int err = avformat_open_input(&ctx,NULL);


avio_alloc_context() 文档指定 buffer 参数应该由 av_malloc() 分配,而且它将由 AVIOContext 析构函数释放并且可以随时重新分配:

 * @param buffer Memory block for input/output operations via AVIOContext.
 *        The buffer must be allocated with av_malloc() and friends.
 *        It may be freed and replaced with a new buffer by libavformat.
 *        AVIOContext.buffer holds the buffer currently in use,*        which must be later freed with av_free().

在您的代码示例中,您省略了 audio 缓冲区分配的详细信息,但我认为它不符合这些要求,因此当 FFmpeg 尝试释放或重新分配 audio 缓冲区时会发生崩溃。

我猜想将整个音频文件内容作为外部分配的缓冲区传递不会与 AVIOContext 一起使用 - 此 API 实际上是为了与临时缓冲区一起使用,以便从其他地方(文件、网络或另一个内存缓冲区)。

我没有完整的示例来查看它是否会按预期工作,但代码可能如下所示(您可能需要调整 read() 函数并考虑实现 seeking procedure) :

struct MemoryAVFormat {
    MemoryAVFormat(const MemoryAVFormat &) = delete;

    AVFormatContext *ctx;
    AVIOContext *ioCtx;

    char *audio;
    size_t audio_length;
    size_t audio_offset;

    MemoryAVFormat(char *theAudio,size_t theAudioLength)
    : ctx(avformat_alloc_context()),ioCtx(nullptr),audio(theAudio),audio_length(theAudioLength),audio_offset(0) {
        ioCtx = create_audio_buffer_io_context();
        if (ctx == nullptr)
            throw audio_processing_exception("Failed to allocate context");

        if (ioCtx == nullptr)
            throw audio_processing_exception("Failed to allocate IO context for audio buffer");

        ctx->pb = ioCtx;
        ctx->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO;

        int err = avformat_open_input(&ctx,"nullptr",NULL,NULL);
        if (err != 0)
            throwAvError("Error configuring context from audio buffer",err);

    int read (uint8_t* theBuf,int theBufSize) {
        int aNbRead = std::min (int(audio_length - audio_offset),theBufSize);
        if(aNbRead == 0) { return AVERROR_EOF; }
        memcpy(theBuf,audio + audio_offset,aNbRead);
        audio_offset += aNbRead;
        return aNbRead;

    int64_t seek(int64_t offset,int whence) {
         if (whence == AVSEEK_SIZE) { return audio_length; }
         audio_offset = offset;

         if(audio == NULL || audio_length == 0) { return -1; }
         if     (whence == SEEK_SET) { audio_offset = offset; }
         else if(whence == SEEK_CUR) { audio_offset += offset; }
         else if(whence == SEEK_END) { audio_offset = audio_length + offset; }

         //if(audio_offset < 0) { audio_offset  = 0; } else
         //if(audio_offset > audio_length) { audio_offset = audio_length; }
         return offset;

    AVIOContext *create_audio_buffer_io_context() {
        const int aBufferSize = 4096;
        unsigned char* aBufferIO = (unsigned char* )av_malloc(aBufferSize + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
        return avio_alloc_context(aBufferIO,aBufferSize,this,[](void* opaque,uint8_t* buf,int bufSize)
                                  { return ((MemoryAVFormat* )opaque)->read(buf,bufSize); },int64_t offset,int whence)
                                  { return ((MemoryAVFormat* )opaque)->seek(offset,whence); });

    ~MemoryAVFormat() {

实现 AVIOContext 接口和使用 avformat_open_input() 的替代方法可以是将音频缓冲区作为自定义 AVPacket 的有效负载直接传递给解码器,如果您事先知道哪种音频格式您的流是(例如,完全跳过 AVFormatContext 的创建)。我这样做是为了解码图像像素图,但不知道它是否可以(轻松)应用于音频。


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