Python 中多个时间序列的 3D 图


我在 Python 中看到了许多使用 matplotlib/seaborn 的 3D 绘图示例,但似乎无法得到我想要的东西;我有 50 个左右的时间序列,我想像下面的示例一样清晰地绘制它们,但轴上有系列的名称;作为一个例子,我在 Goog、IBM、GE、Pepsi 等中做了标记。感谢任何指针或例子。谢谢,

Example PLOT Click Here Please


Matplotlib 拥有非常丰富的图库。我找到了 this,你只能绘制一次而不是动画。并手动将 y 轴 legend 放在您想要的任何位置。

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation

# Fixing random state for reproducibility

# Create new Figure with black background
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))

# Add a subplot with no frame
ax = plt.subplot(111,frameon=False)

# Generate random data
data = np.random.uniform(0,1,(64,75))
X = np.linspace(-1,data.shape[-1])
G = 1.5 * np.exp(-4 * X ** 2)

# Generate line plots
lines = []
for i in range(len(data)):
    # Small reduction of the X extents to get a cheap perspective effect
    xscale = 1 - i / 200.
    # Same for linewidth (thicker strokes on bottom)
    lw = 1.5 - i / 100.0
    line,= ax.plot(xscale * X,i + G * data[i],color="b",lw=lw)

# Set y limit (or first line is cropped because of thickness)

# No ticks

# 2 part titles to get different font weights
ax.text(0.5,1.0,"MATPLOTLIB ",transform=ax.transAxes,ha="right",va="bottom",color="k",family="sans-serif",fontweight="light",fontsize=16)

def update(*args):
    # Shift all data to the right
    data[:,1:] = data[:,:-1]

    # Fill-in new values
    data[:,0] = np.random.uniform(0,len(data))

    # Update data
    for i in range(len(data)):
        lines[i].set_ydata(i + G * data[i])

    # Return modified artists
    return lines

# Construct the animation,using the update function as the animation director.
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,update,interval=10)

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