找不到 shell 命令的 VBA 代码错误文件



Sub PdfPwd()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Dim fTemp As String                                   'Defining Variables
    Dim oPdf As String
    Dim Pwd As String
    fTemp = "C:\Users\JSmith.ODINSU\Documents\" & "Temp.Pdf"
    oPdf = "C:\w2s\" & Sheets("w2 form").Range("q4").Value & ".pdf"                       'Set Path and Name for Protected Output PDF here.
    Pwd = Sheets("w2 form").Range("r4").Value                                         'Set appropriate Password here.
    With ActiveSheet                                      'Making a Temporary Unprotected Pdf file.
       .ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF,_
    End With
'    fTemp = """" & fTemp & """"                           'Putting extra "" around for command Parameter.
'Debug.Print fTemp
'    oPdf = """" & oPdf & """"
'    Pwd = """" & Pwd & """"
                                                          'Making Command String for making protected PDFs Using PDFtk tool.
    cmdstr = "pdftk " & fTemp _
                      & " Output " & oPdf _
                      & " User_pw " & Pwd _
                      & " Allow AllFeatures"
Debug.Print cmdstr

    Shell cmdstr,vbHide                              'Executing PDFtk Command.
    Application.Wait DateAdd("s",2,Now)                 'Allowing 2 secs for command to execute.
    Kill Replace(fTemp,"""","")                         'Deleting temporary files.
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    MsgBox "Finished",vbInformation
End Sub


pdftk C:\Users\JSmith.ODINSU\Documents\Temp.Pdf 输出 C:\w2s\10CARRACCorrectedW2.pdf User_pw 123456 允许所有功能

当我将该行复制并粘贴到 cmd 中并运行它时,一切正常。


我终于想通了。这是有效的代码。我排除了 end sub,因为我在代码中添加了一个电子邮件组件。

    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Sheets("w2 form").Range("at6:at9")
    For Each cell In rng
    fTemp = "C:\" & "Temp.Pdf"
    oPdf = "C:\w2s\" & Sheets("w2 form").Range("q4").Value & ".pdf"                       'Set Path and Name for Protected Output PDF here.
    Pwd = Sheets("w2 form").Range("r4").Value                                         'Set appropriate Password here.
    With ActiveSheet                                      'Making a Temporary Unprotected Pdf file.
       .ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF,_
    End With
    fTemp = """" & fTemp & """"                           'Putting extra "" around for command Parameter.
Debug.Print fTemp
    oPdf = """" & oPdf & """"

    Pwd = """" & Pwd & """"
                                                          'Making Command String for making protected PDFs Using PDFtk tool.
    cmdstr = "pdftk " & fTemp _
                      & " Output " & oPdf _
                      & " User_pw " & Pwd _
                      & " Allow AllFeatures"
Debug.Print cmdstr

    Shell cmdstr,vbHide                              'Executing PDFtk Command.
    Application.Wait DateAdd("s",2,Now)                 'Allowing 2 secs for command to execute.
    Kill Replace(fTemp,"""","")                         'Deleting temporary files.


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