为什么 expr 解析器只能解析它的第一项?



package app
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._

class MyParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
  import MyParser._
  def expr =
    plus | sub | multi | divide | num
  def num = floatingPointNumber ^^ (x => Value(x.todouble).e)

  def plus = num ~ rep("+" ~> num) ^^ {
    case num ~ nums => nums.foldLeft(num.e) {
      (x,y) => Operation("+",x,y)

  def sub = num ~ rep("-" ~> num) ^^ {
    case num ~ nums => nums.foldLeft(num.e){
      (x,y) => Operation("-",y)

  def multi = num ~ rep("*" ~> num) ^^ {
    case num ~ nums => nums.foldLeft(num.e){
      (x,y) => Operation("*",y)

  def divide = num ~ rep("/" ~> num) ^^ {
    case num ~ nums => nums.foldLeft(num.e){
      (x,y) => Operation("/",y)

object MyParser {
  sealed trait Expr {
    def e = this.asInstanceOf[Expr]
    def compute: Double = this match {
      case Value(x) => x
      case Operation(op,left,right) => (op : @unchecked) match {
        case "+" => left.compute + right.compute
        case "-" => left.compute - right.compute
        case "*" => left.compute * right.compute
        case "/" => left.compute / right.compute

  case class Value(x: Double) extends Expr
  case class Operation(op: String,left: Expr,right: Expr) extends Expr


package app

object Runner extends App {
  val p = new MyParser
  println(p.parseAll(p.expr,"1 * 11"))


[1.3] failure: end of input expected

1 * 11

但是如果我解析表达式 1 + 11,它将成功解析它。

[1.7] parsed: Operation(+,Value(1.0),Value(11.0))

我可以通过 plus,multi,divide,num,sub 组合子解析一些东西,但只有 expr 组合子可以解析 or 组合子的第一项。 那么为什么它只能解析 expr 解析器的第一项?以及如何更改解析器的定义以使解析成功?


问题在于您使用的 rep 匹配零次或多次。

def rep[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] = rep1(p) | success(List())

您需要使用 rep1 代替,这至少需要一个匹配项。

如果您将所有 rep 替换为 rep1,您的代码将起作用。

查看 scastie 上的更改



println(p.parseAll(p.expr,"1 + 11"))
println(p.parseAll(p.expr,"1 - 11"))
println(p.parseAll(p.expr,"1 * 11"))
println(p.parseAll(p.expr,"1 / 11"))


[1.7] parsed: Operation(+,Value(1.0),Value(11.0))
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 - 11
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 * 11
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 / 11

+ 被消耗了,但其他一切都失败了。让我们更改 def expr 定义

  def expr =
    multi | plus | sub | divide | num
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 + 11
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 - 11
[1.7] parsed: Operation(*,Value(11.0))
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 / 11

通过将 multi 移到开头,* 案例通过,但 + 失败。

  def expr =
    num | multi | plus | sub | divide
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 + 11
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 - 11
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 * 11
[1.3] failure: end of input expected
1 / 11

num 作为第一种情况,一切都失败了。现在很明显这段代码

num | multi | plus | sub | divide



   /** A parser combinator for alternative composition.
     *  `p | q` succeeds if `p` succeeds or `q` succeeds.
     *   Note that `q` is only tried if `p`s failure is non-fatal (i.e.,back-tracking is allowed).
     * @param q a parser that will be executed if `p` (this parser) fails (and allows back-tracking)
     * @return a `Parser` that returns the result of the first parser to succeed (out of `p` and `q`)
     *         The resulting parser succeeds if (and only if)
     *         - `p` succeeds,''or''
     *         - if `p` fails allowing back-tracking and `q` succeeds.
  def | [U >: T](q: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = append(q).named("|")


如何让你的解析器回溯?好吧,您必须使用 PackratParsers,因为这是库中唯一支持回溯的解析器。或者重写您的代码,首先不要依赖回溯。

就我个人而言,我建议不要使用 Scala Parser Combinator,而是使用一个库,您可以在其中明确决定何时仍然可以回溯,何时不应允许,例如fastparse