

所以我有这个程序可以将通知值发送到其他页面显示通知,但问题是您可以编辑 url 中的值,

    If lngErrNo <> 0 Then
        response.write "Error while update Product."
        v_strMsg = "Edit Kelipatan Jumlah Pesanan Berhasil!"
        Response.Redirect "global_notification.asp?strMsg=" & v_strMsg
    End If

问题是你可以在url中编辑v_strMsg,例如abc.com/global_notification.asp?strMsg="anything you can edit the value here",显示页面如下

<table class="1" width=70%  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td colspan="3" background="images/bgtable.gif"><div align="left" class="fontwhiteheader13">&nbsp;&nbsp;
           <td valign="top"><table width=100% height="360" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" bgcolor="white">
            <td align=center class="fontblueheader13"><%=Request.QueryString("strMsg")%>

在不将其更改为 POST 方法的情况下发送值的任何可能方法?我尝试了 htmlEncode 但 v_strMsg 仍然可以在 url 中编辑,有什么建议吗?



签名 URL 包含一个数字签名,用于证明请求是由服务器生成的。


' Generate your own key from:
' https://www.allkeysgenerator.com/Random/Security-Encryption-Key-Generator.aspx

Const secret_key = "G+KbPeShVmYq3s6v9y$B&E)H@McQfTjW"

在这个例子中,它是一个 256 位的密钥。




    ' Might as well store the secret key constant in this file:
    Const secret_key = "G+KbPeShVmYq3s6v9y$B&E)H@McQfTjW"

    Function Hash(ByVal Input,HashAlgorithm)
        ' Select the System.Security.Cryptography value.
        Select Case uCase(HashAlgorithm)
            Case "MD5"
                HashAlgorithm = "MD5CryptoServiceProvider"
            Case "SHA1"
                HashAlgorithm = "SHA1CryptoServiceProvider"
            Case "SHA2","SHA256"
                HashAlgorithm = "SHA256Managed"
            Case "SHA384"
                HashAlgorithm = "SHA384Managed"
            Case "SHA5","SHA512"
                HashAlgorithm = "SHA512Managed"
            Case Else
                HashAlgorithm = "SHA1CryptoServiceProvider"
        End Select
        ' Convert the input to bytes if not already.
        If NOT VarType(Input) = 8209 Then
            Dim utf8 : Set utf8 = Server.CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
                Input = utf8.GetBytes_4(Input)
            Set utf8 = Nothing
        End If
        ' Perform the hash.
        Dim hAlg : Set hAlg = Server.CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography." & HashAlgorithm)
        Dim hEnc : Set hEnc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument").CreateElement("encode")
            hEnc.dataType = "bin.hex"
            hEnc.nodeTypedValue = hAlg.ComputeHash_2((Input))
            Hash = hEnc.Text
        Set hEnc = Nothing
        Set hAlg = Nothing
    End Function



' Be sure to include "hash.asp"

' Your message:
v_strMsg = "Edit Kelipatan Jumlah Pesanan Berhasil!"

' A unix timestamp:
v_uts = DateDiff("s","1970-01-01 00:00:00",Now())

' NOTE: Your servers timezone should be set to UTC to generate a true unix timestamp,' but it doesn't really matter,as long as "global_notification.asp" is on the same
' server,or a server set to the same timezone as the page you're generating the 
' signature from.

' Now we create the signature as so:
v_signature = Hash(v_strMsg & v_uts & secret_key,"SHA256")

' Finally,redirect to "global_notification.asp"
Response.Redirect "global_notification.asp?strMsg=" & Server.URLEncode(v_strMsg) & "&ts=" & v_uts & "&signature=" & v_signature



现在验证 global_notification.asp 上的签名:

<!--#include file = "hash.asp" -->
    Dim v_strMsg,v_uts,v_signature,v_uts_now
    v_strMsg = Request.QueryString("strMsg")
    v_uts = Request.QueryString("ts")
    v_signature = Request.QueryString("signature")
    ' Do some basic validation first.
    If v_signature = "" Then
        Response.Write "Missing Signature"
    ElseIf v_uts = "" Then
        Response.Write "Missing Timestamp"
    ElseIf NOT Len(v_signature) = 64 Then
        Response.Write "Invalid Signature"
    ElseIf NOT (IsNumeric(v_uts) AND Len(v_uts) = 10) Then
        Response.Write "Invalid Timestamp"
    End If
    ' Validate the signature. To do this,we simply recreate what we're expecting the signature
    ' to be,and compare it to the one being passed.
    If NOT Hash(v_strMsg & v_uts & secret_key,"SHA256") = v_signature Then
        Response.Write "Invalid Signature"
    End If
    ' Now let's set an expiration period for the link,say 30 seconds? (or 86400 seconds for a day,604800 for a week etc).
    v_uts = Int(v_uts) + 30
    v_uts_now = DateDiff("s",Now())
    If v_uts_now >= v_uts Then
        Response.Write "Expired Link"
    End If
    ' At this point,everything is good.
    ' Go ahead and display the message:
<table class="1" width="70%"  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td colspan="3" background="images/bgtable.gif"><div align="left" class="fontwhiteheader13">&nbsp;&nbsp;ATTENTION!!</div></td>
    <td valign="top"><table width="100%" height="360" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" bgcolor="white">
          <td align=center class="fontblueheader13"><%=v_strMsg%></td>

现在,如果您尝试更改消息(或时间戳),您将收到 Invalid Signature 错误。生成有效工作链接的唯一方法是知道密钥,当然这是隐藏的。