Odoo13 树视图只显示一列


我有一个包含以下代码的树视图 xml。

# import the necessary libraries
import numpy as np
from skimage import io,transform,img_as_float,img_as_ubyte # here I am using skimage,you can use opencv

# read the images
img1 = io.imread('img1.JPG')
img2 = io.imread('img2.JPG')

# convert both the images to same datatype
img1 = img_as_float(img1)
img2 = img_as_float(img2)

# determine the width and heigh of the images
height_of_first_image = img1.shape[0]
width_of_first_image = img1.shape[1]

height_of_the_second_image = img2.shape[0]
width_of_the_second_image = img2.shape[1]

# the img1 and img2 might have different channels for: img1 van be (RGB) but img2 can be (RGBA) in this case you need to drop a channel
if(len(img1.shape) != len(img2.shape)):
    print(f'Images provided not same shape {img1.shape} and {img2.shape}')
    # we need to rezise the height of the second image so that we can join
    # the idea is take 1/2 of img1 + 1/2 of img2
    # for that both should have same height
    img2 = transform.resize(img2,(height_of_first_image,width_of_the_second_image),anti_aliasing=True)
    # Now we have same height
    img1_half = img1[:,: width_of_first_image//2,:] # take first half of first image
    img2_half = img2[:,width_of_the_second_image//2 :,:] # take second half of second image
    # Now horizontally stack the,final_image = np.hstack((img1_half,img2_half))
    # finally convert the image to unsigned byte format,with values in [0,255]
    final_image = img_as_ubyte(final_image)
# Now finally save the image


<record model="ir.ui.view" id="access_view_tree">
    <field name="name">Access tree</field>
    <field name="model">ka.access.rel</field>
    <field name="arch" type="xml">
        <tree string="Tree view" >
            <field name="id_ra_access"/>
            <field name="id_res_partner"/>
            <field name="partner_type"/>

我只能看到表单视图包含所有三个字段。 在树视图中,我只能看到一列“ID”

Tree View Image


这是默认的树视图,您的树视图定义未加载,如果 Odoo 尝试加载它,它将引发 ValidationError,因为字段 id_ra_Access 未定义:

odoo.exceptions.ValidationError: ('Error while validating view\n\nField `id_ra_Access` does not exist\n\nError context:\nView `Access tree`.

检查清单文件并确保将 XML 文件(您定义树视图定义的位置)添加到 data 条目并使用 id_ra_access 字段名称而不是 id_ra_Access