PushPine ObjectID 与 ForgeViewer 中选定的 ObjectID 不同


当在 forgeViewer 中创建 Pushpine 时,我想要特定 PushPin 选择的实体对象的 objectID?

但是当我使用 issue.objectId 进行检查时,当我通过鼠标单击选择相同的对象时,我的值与值不同..

peter or any autodesk developer help me out....

var issue = PushPinExtensionHandle.getItemById('0');
// This is how the API expects to receive the data:
var data = {
  type: issue.type,attributes: {
    title: userForm.title,// In our example,this is the ``title`` the user sets in the form data (see step 3).
    // The extension retrieved the ``type`` and ``status`` properties in step 3,concatenated them,added a dash,and
    // assigned the new string to the ``status`` property of the newly created pushpin object. For example,``issues-
    // open``.
    // You now need to extract the ``status`` (``open``) from the pushpin object.
    status: issue.status.split('-')[1] || issue.status,// The ``target_urn`` is the ID of the document (``item``) associated with an issue; see step 1.
    starting_version: <YOUR_VERSION_ID>,// See step 1 for the version ID.
    // The issue type ID and issue subtype ID. See GET ng-issue-types for more details.
    ng_issue_type_id: <ISSUE_TYPE_ID>
    ng_issue_subtype_id: <ISSUE_SUBTYPE_ID>
    // ``sheet_metadata`` is the sheet in the document associated with the pushpin.
    sheet_metadata: { // `viewerApp.selectedItem` references the current sheet
      is3D: viewerApp.selectedItem.is3D(),sheetGuid: viewerApp.selectedItem.guid(),sheetName: viewerApp.selectedItem.name()
    },pushpin_attributes: { // Data about the pushpin
      type: 'TwoDVectorPushpin',// This is the only type currently available
      object_id: issue.objectId,// (Only for 3D models) The object the pushpin is
      location: issue.position,// The x,y,z coordinates of the pushpin
      viewer_state: issue.viewerState // The current viewer state. For example,angle,camera,zoom
// See step 6 for de




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