如何从 Java 应用程序调用 GraphQL 端点


我正在尝试调用 GraphQL 端点(外部的,不受我控制),我在互联网上所能找到的只是如何使用 Java Spring Boot 设置后端 GraphQL 端点。如何从 Java 应用程序调用 GraphQL 端点?


Netflix DGS 有 springboot 客户端库。



private RestTemplate dgsRestTemplate;

private static final String URL = "http://someserver/graphql";

private static final String QUERY = "{\n" +
            "  ticks(first: %d,after:%d){\n" +
            "    edges {\n" +
            "      node {\n" +
            "        route {\n" +
            "          name\n" +
            "          grade\n" +
            "          pitches\n" +
            "          location\n" +
            "        }\n" +
            "        \n" +
            "        userStars\n" +
            "      }\n" +
            "    }\n" +
            "  }\n" +

public List<TicksConnection> getData() {
    DefaultGraphQLClient graphQLClient = new DefaultGraphQLClient(URL);
    GraphQLResponse response = graphQLClient.executeQuery(query,new HashMap<>(),(url,headers,body) -> {
         * The requestHeaders providers headers typically required to call a GraphQL endpoint,including the Accept and Content-Type headers.
         * To use RestTemplate,the requestHeaders need to be transformed into Spring's HttpHeaders.
        HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders();

         * Use RestTemplate to call the GraphQL service. 
         * The response type should simply be String,because the parsing will be done by the GraphQLClient.
        ResponseEntity<String> exchange = dgsRestTemplate.exchange(url,HttpMethod.POST,new HttpEntity(body,requestHeaders),String.class);

         * Return a HttpResponse,which contains the HTTP status code and response body (as a String).
         * The way to get these depend on the HTTP client.
        return new HttpResponse(exchange.getStatusCodeValue(),exchange.getBody());

    TicksConnection ticks = graphQLResponse.extractValueAsObject("ticks",TicksConnection.class);
    return ticks;