如何使用我自己的 .img 分区启动 android 模拟器?


我编译了自己的 AOSP 图像并得到了这个:

lz@vm:/mnt/android-dev-3/aosp/grapheneos-lz_experiments/out/target/product/generic_x86_64$ ls *.img 
cache.img          ramdisk.img       system.img       vendor_boot-debug.img
dtb.img            ramdisk-qemu.img  system-qemu.img  vendor_boot.img
encryptionkey.img  super_empty.img   userdata.img     vendor.img
ramdisk-debug.img  super.img         vbMeta.img       vendor-qemu.img

然后我compiled my own Android emulator

我知道我不需要自己指定 .img,AOSP 预构建模拟器就可以工作,但我想用于其他目的。

所以我做了DIR_OUT = /mnt/android-dev-3/aosp/grapheneos-lz_experiments/out/target/product/generic_x86_64

./emulator -sysdir $DIR_OUT/system -datadir $DIR_OUT/data -kernel $DIR_OUT/kernel-ranchu -ramdisk $DIR_OUT/ramdisk.img -system $DIR_OUT/system.img -data $DIR_OUT/userdata.img -cache $DIR_OUT/cache.img -vendor $DIR_OUT/vendor.img
emulator: ERROR: No AVD specified. Use '@foo' or '-avd foo' to launch a virtual device named 'foo'
emulator: WARNING: userdata partition is resized from 550 M to 800 M

emulator: WARNING: encryption is off
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

您可以通过注释 return

看到我忽略了 AVD 错误
if (!avdName && !avdArch && !androidOut && !forceEngineLaunch && !queryVersion) {
    derror("No AVD specified. Use '@foo' or '-avd foo' to launch a virtual"
           " device named 'foo'\n");
    //return 1;

因为没有它我什么都做不了。由于我的怪癖,它可能是段错误,但没有它我不知道如何使用 .img 自己运行。

以下是 android 模拟器关于指定我自己的 .img 文件的说明:

 ./emulator -help-disk-images

  The emulator needs several key image files to run appropriately.
  Their exact location depends on whether you're using the emulator
  from the Android SDK,or not (more details below).

  The minimal required image files are the following:

    kernel-qemu      the emulator-specific Linux kernel image
    ramdisk.img      the ramdisk image used to boot the system
    system.img       the *initial* system image
    vendor.img       the *initial* vendor image
    userdata.img     the *initial* data partition image

  It will also use the following writable image files:

    userdata-qemu.img  the persistent data partition image
    system-qemu.img    an *optional* persistent system image
    vendor-qemu.img    an *optional* persistent vendor image
    cache.img          an *optional* cache partition image
    sdcard.img         an *optional* SD Card partition image

    snapshots.img      an *optional* state snapshots image

  If you use a virtual device,its content directory should store
  all writable images,and read-only ones will be found from the
  corresponding platform/add-on directories. See -help-sdk-images
  for more details.

  If you are building from the Android build system,you should
  have ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT defined in your environment,and the
  emulator shall be able to pick-up the right image files automatically.
  See -help-build-images for more details.

  If you're neither using the SDK or the Android build system,you
  can still run the emulator by explicitely providing the paths to
  *all* required disk images through a combination of the following
  options: -sysdir,-datadir,-kernel,-ramdisk,-system,-data,-cache
  -sdcard and -snapstorage.

  The actual logic being that the emulator should be able to find all
  images from the options you give it.





            sysImagePath = std::string(
                            ?: avdInfo_getSystemInitimagePath(m_avd));



./emulator -sysdir $DIR_OUT/system -datadir $DIR_OUT/data -kernel /home/project/disk/aosp/grapheneos-lz_experiments/prebuilts/qemu-kernel/x86_64/5.4/kernel-qemu2 -ramdisk $DIR_OUT/ramdisk-qemu.img -system $DIR_OUT/system.img -data $DIR_OUT/userdata-qemu.img -cache $DIR_OUT/cache.img -vendor $DIR_OUT/vendor.img

(我将 -qemu 添加到一些名称中包含 qemu 的 .img 中)



试试这个。 https://source.android.com/setup/create/avd 要构建和运行 AVD 系统映像:


mkdir aosp-master; cd aosp-master 回购初始化 -u 回购同步 -j24 如果您想构建其他 Android 版本,您可以在公共 Android 存储库中找到它们的分支名称。它们映射到 Android 代号、标签和内部版本号。

构建 AVD 系统映像。这与构建 Android 设备系统映像的过程相同。例如,要构建一个 x86 32 位 AVD:

mkdir aosp-master; cd aosp-master 源 ./build/envsetup.sh 午餐 sdk_phone_x86 制作 -j32 如果您更喜欢构建 x86 64 位 AVD,请为 64 位目标运行午餐:

午餐 sdk_phone_x86_64 在 Android Emulator 中运行 AVD 系统映像:

模拟器 有关运行模拟器的更多详细信息,请参阅命令行启动选项。图 2 显示了运行 AVD 的 Android 模拟器示例。