如何使用 UIViewPropertyAnimator 实现三模式转换?


我尝试使用 UIViewPropertyAnimator 实现三种模式转换,我能够成功实现两种模式转换,但无法执行中间模式向下动画。以下 GIF 是目前实现的效果

enter image description here

func setPanGesture() -> InstantPanGestureRecognizer  {
    let recognizer = InstantPanGestureRecognizer()
    recognizer.addTarget(self,action: #selector(popupViewPanned(recognizer:)))
    return recognizer

func intialSetUp() {
    topSmallView.alpha  = 0.0
    topCalendarView.alpha  = 0.0
    popViewTopConstraint.constant = self.popviewIntialTopConstraint()



@objc private func popupViewPanned(recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    let veLocity = recognizer.veLocity(in: self.view.superview)
    print("VeLocity \(veLocity)")

    switch recognizer.state {
    case .began:
        panDidBegan(recognizer: recognizer)
    case .changed:
        panDidChanged(recognizer: recognizer)
    case .ended:
        panDidEnd(recognizer: recognizer)

//MARK:- Panning Helper

func panDidBegan(recognizer : UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    var animationState : AnimationState =  currentState.opposite
    if currentState == .secondary {
        let veLocity = recognizer.veLocity(in: self.view.superview)
        let isverticalGesture = abs(veLocity.y) > abs(veLocity.x)
        if (isverticalGesture) {
            if (veLocity.y > 0) {
                animationState = .primary
            } else {
                animationState = .closed
    }else if currentState == .primary {
        let veLocity = recognizer.veLocity(in: self.view.superview)
        let isverticalGesture = abs(veLocity.y) > abs(veLocity.x)
        if (isverticalGesture) {
            if (veLocity.y > 0) {
                animationState = .primary
            } else {
                animationState = .secondary

    animateTransitionIfNeeded(to: animationState,duration: 1)
    // pause all animations,since the next event may be a pan changed
    runningAnimators.forEach { $0.pauseAnimation() }
    // keep track of each animator's progress
    animationProgress = runningAnimators.map { $0.fractionComplete }

func panDidChanged(recognizer : UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    var translationView : UIView
    if currentState == .primary {
        translationView = topSmallView
    }else if currentState == .secondary {
        translationView = topCalendarView
        translationView = view
    let translation = recognizer.translation(in: translationView)
    var fraction = -translation.y / translationView.frame.size.height

    // adjust the fraction for the current state and reversed state
    if currentState == .primary || currentState == .secondary {
        fraction *= -1
    if  runningAnimators.count > 0 {
        if  runningAnimators[0].isReversed { fraction *= -1 }
    // apply the new fraction
    for (index,animator) in runningAnimators.enumerated() {
        let fractionCom = (fraction + animationProgress[index])
        animator.fractionComplete = fractionCom

func panDidEnd(recognizer : UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    var translationView : UIView

    if currentState == .primary {
        translationView = topSmallView
    }else if currentState == .secondary {
        translationView = topCalendarView
        translationView = view
    // variable setup
    let yVeLocity = recognizer.veLocity(in: translationView).y
    let shouldClose = yVeLocity > 0

    // if there is no motion,continue all animations and exit early
    if yVeLocity == 0 {
        runningAnimators.forEach { $0.continueAnimation(withTimingParameters: nil,durationFactor: 0) }
    // reverse the animations based on their current state and pan motion
    if  runningAnimators.count > 0 {
        switch currentState {
        case .primary:
            if !shouldClose && !runningAnimators[0].isReversed { runningAnimators.forEach { $0.isReversed = !$0.isReversed } }
            if shouldClose && runningAnimators[0].isReversed { runningAnimators.forEach { $0.isReversed = !$0.isReversed } }
        case .secondary:
            if !shouldClose && !runningAnimators[0].isReversed { runningAnimators.forEach { $0.isReversed = !$0.isReversed } }
            if shouldClose && runningAnimators[0].isReversed { runningAnimators.forEach { $0.isReversed = !$0.isReversed } }
        case .closed:
            if shouldClose && !runningAnimators[0].isReversed { runningAnimators.forEach { $0.isReversed = !$0.isReversed } }
            if !shouldClose && runningAnimators[0].isReversed { runningAnimators.forEach { $0.isReversed = !$0.isReversed } }
    // continue all animations
    runningAnimators.forEach { $0.continueAnimation(withTimingParameters: nil,durationFactor: 0) }

//MARK:- View Animator Helper

/// Animates the transition,if the animation is not already running.
private func animateTransitionIfNeeded(to state: AnimationState,duration: TimeInterval) {
    // ensure that the animators array is empty (which implies new animations need to be created)
    guard runningAnimators.isEmpty else { return }
    // an animator for the transition
    let transitionAnimator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: duration,dampingRatio: 1.0,animations: {
        switch state {
        case .primary:
            self.topBaseViewTopConstraint.constant = self.fullOpenStateBaseViewYosition()
            self.topCalendarView.alpha = 0
            self.topSmallView.alpha = 1
        case .secondary:
            self.popViewTopConstraint.constant = 30.0
            self.swipeButtonBottomConstraint.constant = 0.0
            self.topBaseViewTopConstraint.constant = 0.0
            self.topCalendarView.alpha = 1
            self.topSmallView.alpha = 0
        case .closed:
            self.popViewTopConstraint.constant = self.popviewIntialTopConstraint()
            self.swipeButtonBottomConstraint.constant = 60.0
            self.topCalendarView.alpha = 0
            self.topSmallView.alpha = 0
    // the transition completion block
    transitionAnimator.addCompletion { position in

        // update the state
        switch position {
        case .start:
            self.currentState = state.opposite
        case .end:
            self.currentState = state
        case .current:
        @unkNown default:
        // manually reset the constraint positions
        switch self.currentState {
        case .primary:
            self.topBaseViewTopConstraint.constant = self.fullOpenStateBaseViewYosition()
            self.topCalendarView.alpha = 0
            self.topSmallView.alpha = 1

        case .secondary:
            self.popViewTopConstraint.constant = 30.0
            self.topBaseViewTopConstraint.constant = 0.0
            self.swipeButtonBottomConstraint.constant = 0.0
            self.topCalendarView.alpha = 1
            self.topSmallView.alpha = 0
        case .closed:
            self.popViewTopConstraint.constant = self.popviewIntialTopConstraint()
            self.swipeButtonBottomConstraint.constant = 60.0
            self.topCalendarView.alpha = 0
            self.topSmallView.alpha = 0
        // remove all running animators


如何使用 UIViewPropertyAnimator 实现这个动画?。非常感谢 谢谢。




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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