如何为阿拉伯语用户编辑 WordPress 管理菜单


我正在尝试仅更改阿拉伯语的 wordpress 管理菜单,但是当我使用以下功能时,它会更改所有语言 - 英语和阿拉伯语

 * GeneratePress child theme functions and deFinitions.
 * Add your custom PHP in this file.
 * Only edit this file if you have direct access to it on your server (to fix errors if they happen).
function wd_admin_menu_rename() {
     global $menu; // Global to get menu array
     $menu[5][0] = 'أعلانات'; // Change name of posts to Ads
add_action( 'admin_menu','wd_admin_menu_rename' );



function wd_admin_menu_rename() {
   // check for site language
   $lang = get_option('WPLANG');
   if($lang == 'ar')
      global $menu; // Global to get menu array
      $menu[5][0] = 'أعلانات'; // Change name of posts to Ads
add_action( 'admin_menu','wd_admin_menu_rename' );