

我有一个函数,它接受一个对象并返回一个对象。它返回整个传入对象,但添加一个键。物体的形状是未知的,所以它可以有任何键,但它必须有 2 个特定的键。

const myFunction = ({
}: {
  num1: number;
  num2: number;
}) => ({
  num1,sum: num1 + num2,...rest,});

myFunction({ num1: 4,num2: 3,foo: 'bar' });
// or myFunction({ num1: 4,baz: 'qux',quux: 'quuz' });

TypeScript 在这里大喊 foo

Argument of type '{ num1: number; num2: number; foo: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ num1: number; num2: number; }'.
  Object literal may only specify kNown properties,and 'foo' does not exist in type '{ num1: number; num2: number; }


这是我的实际函数以及我如何尝试使用 extends 解决它。

import type { NextApiRequest,NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { getSession } from 'utils/sessions';

const withAuthentication = async <
  T extends {
    request: NextApiRequest;
    response: NextApiResponse;
  },K extends T
}: T): Promise<
    userSession: {
      issuer: string;
      publicAddress: string;
      email: string;
  } & K
> => {
  const userSession = await getSession(request);

  return { request,userSession,...rest };

export default withAuthentication;


Type '{ request: NextApiRequest; response: NextApiResponse<any>; userSession: any; } & Omit<T,"request" | "response">' is not assignable to type '{ userSession: { issuer: string; publicAddress: string; email: string; }; } & K'.
  Type '{ request: NextApiRequest; response: NextApiResponse<any>; userSession: any; } & Omit<T,"request" | "response">' is not assignable to type 'K'.
    '{ request: NextApiRequest; response: NextApiResponse<any>; userSession: any; } & Omit<T,"request" | "response">' is assignable to the constraint of type 'K',but 'K' Could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint '{ request: NextApiRequest; response: NextApiResponse<any>; }'.



您可以使用 generics


interface MyArgs {
  a: number
  b: number

const doSomething = <A extends MyArgs>(args: A) => ({
  ...args,sum: args.a + args.b

console.log(doSomething({ a: 10,b: 5,foo: 'bar' }))
// Output:
// { a: 10,foo: 'bar',sum: 15 }

使用 rest 参数进行解构使其类型检查变得棘手,但如果您只是扩展参数对象并添加 userSession 属性,您最终会得到一个相当可读的解决方案:

const withAuthentication = async <
  T extends {
    request: NextApiRequest;
    response: NextApiResponse;
>(arg: T): Promise<{
    userSession: {
      issuer: string;
      publicAddress: string;
      email: string;
  } & T> => {
  const userSession = await getSession(arg.request);
  return { ...arg,userSession };

(TypeScript playground)



import { UserSession } from 'features/user-authentication/types';
import type { NextApiRequest,NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { getSession } from 'utils/sessions';

const withAuthentication = async <
  T extends {
    request: NextApiRequest;
    response: NextApiResponse;
}: T): Promise<
    request: NextApiRequest;
    response: NextApiResponse;
    userSession: UserSession;
  } & Omit<T,'request' | 'response'>
> => {
  const userSession = await getSession(request);

  if (userSession) {
    return { request,userSession,...rest };

  throw new Error('Unauthenticated');

export default withAuthentication;


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