

我是一名初学者,几天来我一直在尝试调试我的代码,以找出为什么我在 isDuplicate 中的循环似乎无法正常工作。我已经在网站上搜索了一些想法,但似乎没有一个解决我的问题。


我只能为此使用循环,因为目标是学习 Java 中各种循环的实现。

当我运行程序时,它说第一个输入的项目是重复的。没有发现每个后续项目输入都是重复的。我的 for 循环迭代或我忽略的 if 语句中似乎存在逻辑错误


 Grocery List that accepts input,sorts by item name,checks for duplicates and outputs list to user.
public class Main {

    private static Scanner input = new Scanner(;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int count = 0; // Number of items currently in the grocery list
        String[] groceryList = new String[6];

        invoke method to check for duplicate entries.
        use while loop for input from user
        while (count < groceryList.length) {
            System.out.print("Enter a grocery item: ");
            String item = input.nextLine();
            groceryList[count] = item;

        // sort elements and use for-each loop to print list
        System.out.println("Your Grocery List: ");
        for (String food : groceryList) {

       I kNow there is an issue with my loop but I Could not figure it out.
       Says first element is duplicate but no others.
       Cannot use collections. can only use for loops for this method.
    public static boolean isDuplicate(String item,String[] list,int listcnt) {
        for (listcnt = 0; listcnt < list.length; listcnt++) {
            for (int j = listcnt + 1; j < list.length; j++) {
                if (list[j] == list[listcnt])
                    System.out.println("Sorry," + item + " is a duplicate.");
                return true;
        return false;


暂时忘掉 Java 代码,从逻辑上思考它,然后在脑海中想出一个算法。

您有一个项目 - 尚未在列表中(这很重要)。您有一个项目列表。您想查看该项目是否已在项目列表中。


  • 扫描项目列表?听起来不错
  • 这是否需要遍历列表两次?没有

您也不检查 isDuplicate 检查的结果并始终添加项目

groceryList[count] = item;

通常在 Java 中,我们不使用 == 来比较对象:

if (list[j] == list[i])

您的主要问题是您没有使用 isDuplicate() 的结果:

 Grocery List that accepts input,sorts by item name,checks for duplicates and outputs list to user.
public class Main {

    public static void main(String... args) {
        String[] groceryList = readGroceryList(6);
        // sort elements and use for-each loop to print list

    private static String[] readGroceryList(int total) {
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
        String[] groceryList = new String[total];
        int count = 0; // Number of items currently in the grocery list

        invoke method to check for duplicate entries.
        use while loop for input from user
        while (count < groceryList.length) {
            System.out.print("Enter a grocery item: ");
            String item = scan.nextLine();

            if (isDuplicate(item,count))
                System.err.println("Sorry," + item + " is a duplicate.");
                groceryList[count++] = item;

        return groceryList;

    private static void print(String[] groceryList) {
        System.out.println("Your Grocery List: ");

        for (String food : groceryList)

       I know there is an issue with my loop but I could not figure it out.
       Says first element is duplicate but no others.
       Cannot use collections. can only use for loops for this method.
    public static boolean isDuplicate(String item,String[] groceryList,int count) {
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            if (item.equals(groceryList[i]))
                return true;

        return false;

我不明白您的 isDuplicate() 方法。以下是扫描数组中重复项的标准方法:

    public static boolean isDuplicate(String item,String[] list){
        //iterate the array
        for(String listItem : list){
            //check if "item" matches "listItem"
                return true;
            //NOTE: if you want this to not be case sensetive,//e.g. if you want "somestring" to be equal to "SomeString",do
//            if(item.equalsIgnoreCase(listItem)){
//                return true;
//            }
        //we only get this far in the method if the item is not in the list
        return false;


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