如何使用 AWS SES 发送批量电子邮件


我正在研究基于 SAAS 的项目。以前,我使用 SES 发送交易电子邮件。现在,我想通过邮件列表向数千名订阅者发送个性化营销电子邮件

我检查了以下 API 操作:

- SendEmail:
    - Emails can be sent to 50 recipients per api request including to/cc/bcc. 
    - But in this I can't send personalized emails.
    - http://s3.amazonaws.com/awsdocs/ses/latest/ses-api.pdf#API_SendEmail
- SendBulkTemplatedEmail:
    - I can send personalized emails in batches to recipients and get unique message id for each recipient.
    - But here I am bound to use the email template created by SES CreateTemplate api operation. There is a limit of 10K email templates per Amazon SES account. As per my requirement I would like to create templates on my own.

以上似乎都不符合我的要求。能否请您指导 AWS 如何帮助我满足此要求。





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)