计算落在 95% 预测区间内的数据的 R^2 值 1.计算上下限2.过滤区间外的值3.计算 R^2



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats

x = np.array([50,52,53,54,58,60,62,64,66,67,68,70,72,74,76,55,50,45,65])
y = np.array([25,75,80,85,65,95,40,45])

我可以按如下方式计算整体 R^2

slope,intercept = np.polyfit(x,y,1)  # linear model adjustment

y_model = np.polyval([slope,intercept],x)   # modeling...

x_mean = np.mean(x)
y_mean = np.mean(y)
n = x.size                        # number of samples
m = 2                             # number of parameters
dof = n - m                       # degrees of freedom
t = stats.t.ppf(0.975,dof)       # Students statistic of interval confidence

residual = y - y_model

std_error = (np.sum(residual**2) / dof)**.5   # Standard deviation of the error

numerator = np.sum((x - x_mean)*(y - y_mean))
denominator = ( np.sum((x - x_mean)**2) * np.sum((y - y_mean)**2) )**.5
correlation_coef = numerator / denominator
r2 = correlation_coef**2

# mean squared error
MSE = 1/n * np.sum( (y - y_model)**2 )

# to plot the adjusted model
x_line = np.linspace(np.min(x),np.max(x),100)
y_line = np.polyval([slope,x_line)

# confidence interval
ci = t * std_error * (1/n + (x_line - x_mean)**2 / np.sum((x - x_mean)**2))**.5
# predicting interval
pi = t * std_error * (1 + 1/n + (x_line - x_mean)**2 / np.sum((x - x_mean)**2))**.5  

############### Ploting
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_axes([.1,.1,.8,.8])

ax.plot(x,'o',color = 'royalblue')
ax.plot(x_line,y_line,color = 'royalblue')
ax.fill_between(x_line,y_line + pi,y_line - pi,color = 'lightcyan',label = '95% prediction interval')
ax.fill_between(x_line,y_line + ci,y_line - ci,color = 'skyblue',label = '95% confidence interval')


# rounding and position must be changed for each case and preference
a = str(np.round(intercept))
b = str(np.round(slope,2))
r2s = str(np.round(r2,2))
MSEs = str(np.round(MSE))

ax.text(45,110,'y = ' + a + ' + ' + b + ' x')
ax.text(45,100,'$r^2$ = ' + r2s + '     MSE = ' + MSEs)


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我想为落在 95% 预测区间内的数据计算 R^2 值。我该怎么做?

信用:代码改编自,Show confidence limits and prediction limits in scatter plot



def calculate_limits(y_fitted,pred_interval):
    """Calculate upper and lower bound prediction interval."""
    return (y_fitted - pi).min(),(y_fitted + pi).max()

def calculate_within_limits(x_val,y_val,lower_bound,upper_bound):
    """Return x,y arrays with values within prediction interval."""
    # Indices of values within limits
    within_pred_indices = np.argwhere((y_val > lower_bound) & (y_val < upper_bound)).reshape(-1)

    x_within_pred = x_val[within_pred_indices]
    y_within_pred = y_val[within_pred_indices]
    return x_within_pred,y_within_pred

def calculate_r2(x,y):
    """Calculate the r2 coefficient."""
    # Calculate means
    x_mean = x.mean()
    y_mean = y.mean()
    # Calculate corr coeff
    numerator = np.sum((x - x_mean)*(y - y_mean))
    denominator = ( np.sum((x - x_mean)**2) * np.sum((y - y_mean)**2) )**.5
    correlation_coef = numerator / denominator
    return correlation_coef**2


x = np.array([50,52,53,54,58,60,62,64,66,67,68,70,72,74,76,55,50,45,65,73])
y = np.array([25,75,80,85,95,40,210])

r2 是 0.1815064

现在,要使用 pred 区间内的值计算 r2,请执行以下步骤:


# Pass the fitted y line and the prediction interval
lb_pred,ub_pred = calculate_limits(y_fitted=y_line,pred_interval=pi)


# Pass x,y values and predictions interval upper and lower bounds
x_within,y_within = calculate_within_limits(x,y,lb_pred,ub_pred)

3.计算 R^2
