


  "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json","data": {"url": "data/stocks.csv"},"transform": [{"filter": "datum.symbol==='GOOG'"}],"width": 800,"title": {
    "text": "Google's stock price over time.","subtitle": "selected average: ???"
  },"selection": {
    "interval": {
      "type": "interval","encodings": ["x"]
  },"mark": "point","encoding": {
    "x": {"field": "date","type": "temporal"},"y": {"field": "price","type": "quantitative"}

求和变换不适合任何图形/视觉表示。一个想法是将其作为选择工具提示,但is not possible。所以我选择了字幕。



例如 (open in editor):

  "data": {"url": "data/stocks.csv"},"transform": [{"filter": "datum.symbol==='GOOG'"}],"width": 800,"title": {"text": "Google's stock price over time."},"layer": [
      "transform": [
        {"filter": {"selection": "interval"}},{"aggregate": [{"op": "sum","field": "price","as": "total_price"}]}
      ],"mark": "text","encoding": {
        "x": {"value": 400},"y": {"value": -10},"text": {"field": "total_price","type": "quantitative"}
      "mark": "point","encoding": {
        "x": {"field": "date","type": "temporal"},"y": {"field": "price","type": "quantitative"}
      },"selection": {"interval": {"type": "interval","encodings": ["x"]}}

enter image description here

请注意,文本层具有 xy 编码值,以图表左上角的像素为单位指定。


我想说有两种可能的方法,但是@jakevdp 发布了his answer,所以我想现在只有三种。

  1. ExprRef 中使用 title.subtitle。虽然 documentation 中没有明确支持,但只有 title.text 支持 ExprRef 是没有意义的。所以我试了一下,它奏效了。尽管 Vega 编辑器仍会引发模式验证警告。我在下面有一个使用分箱数据的更复杂的例子。

    1. 过滤和聚合选择。这将修改当前数据流,而 Vega-Lite 不支持多个数据流(除非使用层),因此您必须修补生成的 Vega。
    2. 使用 title.encode.subtitle.update.text 访问标题的文本标记。再次,有必要修补生成的织女星。 (这是基于副标题不能是 ExprRef 的假设)。

关于 (2) 的巧妙之处在于它允许向 selection mark 添加文本标记,因此可以使文本跟随选择。也就是说,@jakevdp 的 answer 也是可能的,他的回答要简单得多。

JavaScript 加载器确保没有任何东西乱序运行:


function loadjs(ls,o) {
    let i = 0;
    let b = JSON.parse(document.querySelector('#jupyter-config-data').text)["baseUrl"];
    ls = ls.reduce((a,l) => {
        if (!l.path)
            return a;
        let p = l.path;
        if (l.local)
            p = "/" + [b,"/files",p].map(s => s.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/,"")).filter(i => i).join("/");
        if (document.querySelector("script[src='" + p + "']"))
            return a;
        return [...a,p]; 
    function load() {
        if (i >= ls.length)
            return o();
        let t = document.createElement("script");
        [t.type,t.src,t.onload] = ["text/javascript",ls[i],(i+1>=ls.length) ? o : load];
        i = i+1;
    return load();
window.loadjs = loadjs

作为 IPython 魔法的 JupyterLab 单元的 JavaScript 加载器:

import IPython
import IPython.core.magic as ipymagic

class LoadJSMagics(ipymagic.Magics):

    def loadjs(self,line,cell):
        js = f"loadjs({line},() => {{\n{cell}\n}});"
        return IPython.display.Javascript(js)


JupyterLab 单元的 Jinja 模板作为 IPython 的魔法:

import jinja2
import IPython
import IPython.core.magic as ipymagic

class JinjaMagics(ipymagic.Magics):

    def jinja(self,cell):
        t = jinja2.Template(cell)
        r = t.render({k:v for k,v in self.shell.user_ns.items() if k not in self.shell.user_ns_hidden})
        #d = getattr(IPython.display,line.strip(),IPython.display.display)
        #return d(r)


在 Pandas 中生成一些示例时间数据:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

c1 = np.random.randint(1,6,size=15)
c2 = pd.date_range(start="2021-01-01",end="2021-01-15")
df = pd.DataFrame({"day": c2,"value": c1})
df = df.drop([2,5,7,13])


# Convert the Pandas dataframe to a format suitable for Vega-Lite.
import altair
# Tag Vega-Embed div's with UUIDs ensuring the correct div is targeted.
import uuid
import json

vega_libs =\
    [ {"path": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega@5"},{"path": "/libs/vega-lite@4-fix.js","local": True},{"path": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-embed@6"}


s =\
  { "title":
    { "text": "Daily Counts","subtitle": {"expr": "selectionSum(data('interval_store'),data('data_0'))"},"subtitleFont": "monospace"
    },"mark": "bar","encoding":
    { "x":
      { "type": "temporal","bin": "binned","field": "start","axis": { "tickCount": "day" }
      },"x2": {"field": "end"},"y": {"type": "quantitative","field": "value"}
    { "interval":
      { "type": "interval","encodings": ["x"]
    [ # Convert 'day' from 'string' to timestamp ('number')
      {"calculate": "toDate(datum.day)","as": "day"}
      # Provide "start" and "end" as Date objects to match the
      # type of temporal domain objects,{"calculate": "timeOffset('hours',datum.day,-12)","as": "start"},12)","as": "end"}
    ],"height": 250,"width": "container","$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json","config": {"customFormatTypes": "True"},"data": altair.utils.data.to_values(df)

最后运行 Vega-Lite:

%%loadjs {{json.dumps(vega_libs)}}

{% set visid = uuid.uuid4() %}

element.innerHTML = `
    <style>.vega-embed.has-actions {width:90%}</style>
    <div id="vis-{{visid}}"></div>

var spec = {{json.dumps(s)}}

vega.expressionFunction("selectionSum",function(selection,data) {
    var view = this.context.dataflow;
    function intersects(i1,i2) {
        return (i1[1] >= i2[0] && i1[0] <= i2[1]);
    function cmp_interval_pt(i0,i1,p) {
        if (i1 < p)
            return -1;
        if (i0 > p)
            return 1;
        return 0;
    function cmp_primitive(a,b) {
        if (a < b)
            return -1
        if (a > b)
            return 1;
        return 0;

    function bisect_left(l,v,fc=cmp_primitive) {
        return _bisect_left(l,l.length,fc);

    function _bisect_left(l,l0,l1,fc) {
        if (l1 <= l0)
            return l0;
        var i = Math.floor((l0+l1)/2);
        var c = fc(l[i],v);
        if (c < 0)
            l0 = i + 1;
            l1 = i;
        return _bisect_left(l,fc);

    function bisect_right(l,fc=cmp_primitive) {
        return _bisect_right(l,fc);

    function _bisect_right(l,v);
        if (c <= 0)
            l0 = i + 1;
            l1 = i;
        return _bisect_right(l,fc);
    function cmp_data(lv,v) {
        return cmp_interval_pt(lv.start,lv.end,v);
    function constant_len_digits(s,l) {
        return " ".repeat(Math.max(0,l-s.toString().length)) + s
    if (selection.length) {
        var r = selection[0]["values"][0];
        var d0 = bisect_left(data,r[0],cmp_data);
        var d1 = bisect_right(data,r[1],cmp_data);
        var s = data.slice(d0,d1).reduce((a,v)=>a+v.value,0);
        var s = 0
    return `selected: ${constant_len_digits(s,3)}`;

vegaEmbed('#vis-{{visid}}',spec).then(function(result) {


final result: binned temporal bar graph with selection sum as subtitle
