如何与 ggsurvplot_df() 分面?


从 ggsurvplot 文档中,我可以对 ggplot 对象进行分面,如下所示。

# Facet ggsurvplot() output by
# a combination of factors

# Fit (complexe) survival curves
fit3 <- survfit( Surv(time,status) ~ sex + rx + adhere,data = colon )

# Visualize: plot survival curves by sex and facet by rx and adhere
ggsurv <- ggsurvplot(fit3,conf.int = TRUE)
ggsurv$plot +theme_bw() + facet_grid(rx ~ adhere)

enter image description here

现在如果我要使用 survreg 来拟合 Weibull 模型,我必须使用 ggsurvplot_df 如下。 我面临的挑战是 ggsurvplotggsurvplot_df间的不一致,尽管两者都建立在 ggplot 之上。

有没有办法将 ggsurvplot_df 对象分面为 ggsurvplot 对象?

# Weibull model
wbmod <- survreg(Surv(time,data = colon)
# Imaginary patients
newdat <- expand.grid(
  rx = levels(colon$rx),adhere = unique(colon$adhere),sex = unique(colon$sex))

# Compute survival curves
surv <- seq(.99,.01,by = -.01)
t <- predict(wbmod,type = 'quantile',p = 1-surv,newdata = newdat)

# How many rows and columns does t have?

# Use cbind() to combine the information in newdat with t
surv_wbmod_wide <- cbind(newdat,t)

# Use melt() to bring the data.frame to long format
surv_wbmod <- melt(surv_wbmod_wide,id.vars = c('rx','adhere','sex'),variable.name = 'surv_id',value.name = 'time')
# Use surv_wbmod$surv_id to add the correct survival probabilities surv
surv_wbmod$surv <- surv[as.numeric(surv_wbmod$surv_id)]

# Add columns upper,lower,std.err,and strata to the data.frame
surv_wbmod[,c("upper","lower","std.err","strata")] <- NA

# Take a look at the structure of the object

# Plot the survival curves

ggsurvplot_df(surv_wbmod,surv.geom =  geom_line,linetype = 'rx',color = 'adhere',legend.title = NULL)

enter image description here


你的意思是这样吗? 如果这是你需要的,那么 ggsurvplot_df 不是一个对象。因此没有刻面是可能的?!

# Plot the survival curves

ggsurvplot_df <- ggsurvplot(surv_wbmod,surv.geom =  geom_line,linetype = 'rx',color = 'adhere',legend.title = NULL) 
ggsurvplot_df + theme_bw() + facet_grid(rx ~ adhere)

enter image description here