C++ 不会提示后续语句


每次我运行这段代码时,只有第一个 cout 和 cin 语句允许用户输入。它不会跟进其他代码行。只需打印到终端

using namespace std;

int main(){
    int adultTickets,childTickets,grossprofit,netProfit,distributor,adultSold,childSold;
    char movieName,movieTitle;
    cout << "Please enter the name of the movie: ";
    cin >> movieName;
    cout << "\nHow many ADULT tickets sold: ";
    cin >> adultSold;
    cout << "\nHow many CHILD tickets sold: ";
    cin >> childSold;
    adultTickets = 6 * adultSold;
    childTickets = 3 * childSold;
    grossprofit = adultTickets + childTickets;
    netProfit = (grossprofit * 20) / 100;
    distributor = grossprofit - netProfit;
    cout << "\nAdult Tickets Sold: " << adultSold << endl;
    cout << "Child Tickets Sold: " << childSold << endl;
    cout << "Gross Box Office Profit: " << grossprofit << endl;
    cout << "Amount paid to distributor: " << distributor << endl;
    cout << "Net Box Ofiice Profit: " << netProfit << endl;


看起来我只是通过将字符串大小声明给我的 movieName[25] 变量来解决这个问题的。