在 ToC 之后删除额外的空白幻灯片并在 rmarkdown::beamer_presentation 中插入带有自定义投影仪主题的黑色幻灯片 图 1:使用 LaTex 模板中的 Tocframe 生成 ToCYAML 标头中的 toc:false图 2:在 YAML 标头中使用 toc:true 生成 ToCMWE.RmdbeamerthemeTHEMENAME.stybeamerouterthemeTHEMENAME.stypreamble.tex


我在 LaTex beamer theme 中使用自定义 rmarkdown::beamer_presentation。 根据这些 SO 答案(LaTex themecolontheme path),我对 YAML 标头和 beamerthemeTHEMENAME.sty 进行了多次修改。 这些 LaTex hack 是在 LaTex Beamer theme 中顺利应用 rmarkdown::beamer_presentation 所必需的。

但是,目前,LaTex 会在目录 (ToC) 幻灯片前后插入一张空白幻灯片(参见下面的图 1)。

  • 我怎样才能摆脱这些幻灯片
  • 相反,理想情况下,我会在 ToC 之前和演示期间的其他情况下放一张全黑的幻灯片(即,在两者之间短暂中断和“关闭”演示)

注意:如果我使用选项 toc: true生成 ToC(而不是使用 \tocframe 中定义的 beamerouterthemeTHEMENAME.sty),markdown 会弄乱垂直方向ToC 的对齐方式,并且没有任何标题(参见下面的图 2)。

图 1:使用 LaTex 模板中的 Tocframe 生成 ToC(YAML 标头中的 toc:false

Fig1 - MWE - with tocframe from LaTex Template

图 2:在 YAML 标头中使用 toc:true 生成 ToC

Fig2 - MWE - with ToC from Rmarkdown


# COMMENT out "title" in YAML header: else markdown generates a second title slide
# ==> if title contains no special characters: Feed it straight into LaTex at the end of the YAML header
# ==> if title contains special characters,like ":",Feed it in "preamble.tex" sourced in "LaTex Hacks"
subtitle: "Beamer presentation with R-markdown"
institute: "some place"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(),'%B %d,%Y')`"
  # beamer_presentation: default
    base_format: rmarkdown::beamer_presentation
    # Source below in "LaTex Hacks",if want theme to be stored in subfolder (else rmarkdown does not find it)
    # theme: "THEMENAME"
    # Source "includes" below in "LaTex Hacks" if using custom theme with custom title page
    # => else,markdown places the includes at inadequate position in LaTex file,which then either does not show the title or throws an error
    # includes: ...
    latex_engine: xelatex
    toc: false # use LaTex TOC (else vertical alignment is messed up and not headline)
    slide_level: 2
classoption: aspectratio=169 # fix aspect ratio of presentation (169 => 16:9,149 => 14:9,default: 4:3)
# LaTex Hacks
# --------------------------
compact-title: false # to remove markdown generated title frame
  # - \title{Title if no special characters} 
  - \input{beamer_files/beamerthemeTHEMENAME.sty}
  - \input{beamer_files/preamble}       # Feed title to LaTex in preamble.tex due to ":"
  - \def\titlefigure{img/my_bg}
  - \AtBeginDocument{\titleframe} # add title frame defined in beamerouterthemeTHEMENAME
  - \makeatletter\beamer@ignorenonframefalse\makeatother

​```{r setup,include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

<!-- TOC - Table of Contents -->
<!-- ======================================================== -->

``` {=latex}

## Slide with Bullets
<!-- ======================================================== -->

- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 3

<!-- Appendix -->
<!-- ======================================================== -->
``` {=latex}



% Tizk,textpos,graphics

% Beamer settings

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}




% redefine \insertshortinstitute to allow multiple lines

% Title frame
            \useasboundingBox (0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight);
                \fill[titlebgcolor] (6.3mm,6.4mm) rectangle (\the\paperwidth-8.3mm,\the\paperheight-13mm);
                \node at (current page.center) [anchor=center,yshift=-3.5mm] {\includegraphics[width=\the\paperwidth-19mm]{\titlefigure}};
            \node at (current page.north east) [anchor=base east,xshift=-8.3mm,yshift=-6.3mm,align=left,inner sep=0mm,font=\fontsize{5.5}{6.6}\selectfont] {
            \node at (current page.north west) [anchor=south west,xshift=8.3mm,yshift=-8.6mm] {
                \useasboundingBox (0,\the\paperheight);
                \node [
                    shift={(-11.5mm,-1.8mm)},fill=titlefgcolor!50!white,minimum width=0.46\paperwidth,minimum height=18mm,anchor=west,inner sep=4mm
                    ] at (current page.west) {

% TOC frame

% Section title frame

% Frame title
    \insertframetitle \\

% Footline
    \hyperlink{toc---table-of-contents}{\includegraphics[width=12mm,trim=0mm 0.4mm 0mm 0mm]{img/my_logo.png}}   



% "title" is commented out in YAML header: else markdown generates a second title slide
% if title contains no special characters: Feed it straight into LaTex at the end of the YAML header
% if title contains special characters,Feed it to LaTex here:
\title[short version]{First line of the title:\\ second line of the title}


  • 额外的帧是通过 markdown 插入的,因为它会自动启动不必要的帧,即使实际上没有任何内容打印到帧中。您可以通过在 \tocframe 之后放置 \titleframe 来避免标题和 toc 框架之间的空框架。

  • 对于黑框,你可以定义一个新的宏,例如

    \newcommand{\blackframe}{{\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}\begin{frame}[plain]\end{frame}}}

subtitle: "Beamer presnetation with R-markdown"
institute: "some place"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(),'%B %d,%Y')`"
author: "Donald Duck"
  # beamer_presentation: default
    base_format: rmarkdown::beamer_presentation
    # includes:
    #   in_header: preamble.tex
    theme: "THEMENAME"
    latex_engine: xelatex
    toc: false
    slide_level: 2
    keep_tex: true 
  - \newcommand{\blackframe}{{\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}\begin{frame}[plain]\end{frame}}}
  - \AtBeginDocument{\title{MWE}\titleframe\blackframe\tocframe}    
  - \AtEndDocument{\begin{closingframe}lalala\end{closingframe}}
  - \makeatletter\beamer@ignorenonframefalse\makeatother

```{r setup,include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

# section

## Slide with Bullets
<!-- ======================================================== -->

- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 3

``` {=latex}

<!-- Appendix -->
<!-- ======================================================== -->
``` {=latex}

enter image description here


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