jdbcTemplate 带条件调用 SQL 函数


我有一个返回一组结果的 sql 函数

create or replace function get_sales_grouped_by_hour(beginningDate date,endDate date)
returns setof sales_grouped_by_hour as 
    select hours,pharmacy_id,count(hours) 
    from (select * from sales_time_date_joined where beginningDate <= fulldate and fulldate <= endDate) as r1 
        group by pharmacy_id,hours  
        order by pharmacy_id,hours;
$$ language sql;

我想从 Java Spring Boot 服务器调用函数,如下所示:

    public List<Map<String,Object>> getSalesGroupedByHour(UUID pharmacyID,String beginningDate,String endDate) {
        return jdbcTemplate.queryForList(
                "SELECT * FROM get_sales_grouped_by_hour(?1,?2) WHERE pharmacy_id = ?3",beginningDate,endDate,pharmacyID);

请注意,我添加一个 WHERE 条件来过滤函数给出的结果。 这会触发以下错误

PreparedStatementCallback; bad sql grammar [SELECT * FROM get_sales_grouped_by_hour(?1,?2) WHERE pharmacy_id = ?3];
nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PsqlException: ERROR: Could not determine data type of parameter $4

这是为什么? 最简单的解决方法是什么?




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