JProfiler 远程会话启动错误


我正在尝试分析在 Windows 机器上的 Docker 容器中运行的 Java 应用程序。我无法从我的 Windows 客户端连接到容器化的 jprofiler 服务,并且很难解释 stderr 输出

JPAGENT_PATH 已设置并包含 Nowait 标志。

jpenable --port=8849 --gui输出 You can Now use the jprofiler GUI to connect on port 8849 结束。

stderr 输出显示了几个错误,但我不清楚如何解决/排除这些错误或它们是否是严重错误。我怀疑它们很关键并且容器化代理实际上不可用。重新运行 jpenable 告诉我 No unprofiled JVMs found

stderr 的输出如下所示:

jprofiler> Protocol version 64
jprofiler> Java 11 detected.
jprofiler> 64-bit library (musl)
jprofiler> Listening on port: 8849.
jprofiler> Attach mode initialized
jprofiler> ERROR: Could not get suspend capability (98).
jprofiler> Probably you are connecting to a process being debugged.
jprofiler> Some initial information might be incorrect.
jprofiler> Could not suspend threads (99).
jprofiler> Enabling native methods instrumentation.
jprofiler> Can retransform classes.
jprofiler> Can retransform any class.
jprofiler> Retransforming 9 base class files.
jprofiler> ERROR: Could not retransform all classes (21). Trying separately.
jprofiler> ERROR: Could not retransform class Lio/netty/channel/epoll/Native; (21).
jprofiler> Base classes instrumented.
jprofiler> Could not resume threads.
jprofiler> Native library initialized





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