一个家庭的 CLIPS 事实和模板


最近几天第一次尝试 CLIPS,必须承认这有点让人不知所措。我正在参加 Giarratano 书中的这个练习:

"Convert the following sentences to facts in a deffacts statement. For each group of related facts,define a deftemplate that describes a more general relationship.

The father of John is Tom.

The mother of John is Susan.

The parents of John are Tom and Susan.

Tom is a father.

Susan is a mother.

John is a son.

Tom is a male.

Susan is a female.

John is a male.


(deftemplate father-of
    (slot father)
    (slot child)

(deftemplate mother-of
    (slot mother)
    (slot child)

(deftemplate parents-of
    (slot mother)
    (slot father)
    (slot child)

(deftemplate male
    (slot person)

(deftemplate female
    (slot person)

(deftemplate father
    (slot person)

(deftemplate mother
    (slot person)

(deftemplate son
    (slot person)

(deftemplate male
    (slot person)

(deftemplate female
    (slot person)

(deffacts family
    (father-of (father Tom) (child John))
    (mother-of (mother Susan) (child John))
    (parents-of (mother Susan) (father Tom) (child John))
    (father (person Tom))
    (mother (perosn Susan))
    (son (person John))
    (male (person Tom))
    (female (person Susan))
    (male (person John))

加载到 CLIP 时返回

CLIPS> (load familyy.clp)
Defining deftemplate: father-of
Defining deftemplate: mother-of
Defining deftemplate: parents-of
Defining deftemplate: male
Defining deftemplate: female
Defining deftemplate: father
Defining deftemplate: mother
Defining deftemplate: son
Defining deffacts: family

这样好吗?喜欢它吗?我有很多我想做的练习,但 TRUE 是否意味着它做对了?所有的“重新定义模板是什么意思”

此外,如果您有任何关于剪辑的示例或任何内容的地方,非常感谢,因为我注意到 CLIPS 资源很少而且很难找到。


您可以从这里下载 CLIPS 相关材料:https://sourceforge.net/projects/clipsrules/



将存储在由 指定的文件中的构造加载到环境中。如果正在监视编译项(请参阅第 13.2 节),那么将为每个加载的构造显示一条信息消息(包括构造的类型和名称)。如果未监视编译项,则为加载的每个构造打印一个字符(“*”表示 defrule,“$”表示 defacts,“%”表示 deftemplate,“:”表示 defglobal,“!”表示 deffunction,“ ^”代表defgeneric,“&”代表defmethod,“#”代表defclass,“~”代表defmessage-handler,“@”代表definstances,“+”代表defmodule)。如果文件加载成功,此函数返回 TRUE,否则返回 FALSE。


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