

我被这个问题困住了,我不知道如何为此实现代码,我对 python 有点陌生,所以对我来说是裸露的。我需要实现一个记分牌来记录分数最高的游戏的名称和分数。



addscore 对我来说有点大,addscore 函数可以找到新分数的当前位置,其中计分板中分数最高的节点位于列表的最前面,随后的节点按分数递减排序订购。

辅助函数 getNode 返回记分板中特定位置的节点

函数 score 和 playerName 分别返回特定位置的分数和玩家名称,并使用 getNode 函数

printHighSchoolscoreList 打印记分板的所有内容。这不应使用 getNode、score 或 playername 函数,而是遍历列表中的节点一次以打印内容

class Linkedscoreboard:
  """scoreboard implementation using a singly linked list for storage."""

  #-------------------------- nested _Node class --------------------------
  class _Node:
    """Lightweight,nonpublic class for storing a singly linked node."""
    __slots__ = '_playerName','_score','_next'         # streamline memory usage

    def __init__(self,playerName,score,next):      # initialize node's fields
      self._playerName = playerName       # name
      self._score = score               # score
      self._next = next               # reference to next node
  #------------------------------- stack methods -------------------------------
  def __init__(self,capacity):
    """Create an empty scoreboard."""
    # Todo: Implement the constructor.
    # Keep a reference to the first node in the list,the head.
    # Initially the scoreboard is empty and the head reference None.
    # Keep the capacity limit,to determine when to discard scores.
    # Possibly keep the current number of nodes in the list if you want to 
    # avoid going through the list to count.
    self.head = None
    self.size = 0

  def __len__(self):
    """Return the number of elements in the scoreboard."""
    # Todo: implement
    return self.size

  def isEmpty(self):
    """Return True if the scoreboard is empty."""
    # Todo implement
    return self.size == 0

  def addscore(self,score):
    """Add element with playerName and score at the right place of the scoreboard."""
    # Todo implement
    # The head node contains the node with the highest score.
    # The list consists of at most capacity number of nodes,in order of 
    # decreasing scores.
    # When adding a score you need to:
    # - Find the correct position for the new score.
    # - If it is within the scoreboard capacity,create a new Node.
    # - Insert it at the right position (adjust next/ head references).
    # - If the scoreboard capacity is exceeded remove the reference to the 
    # node that is pushed out
    # - Adjust the current number of nodes in the list if you keep it as a 
    # member variable.
  def _getNode(self,position):
    """Helper function to get the node at a position in the list,to be used
    by playerName() and score(). Raise Exception if there is no node at position.
    position 1 refers to the first element in the list with the highest score."""
    # Todo: Implement
    # Walk through the nodes in the list until the correct position
    return None

  def playerName(self,position):
    """Returns the player name at a position in the list"""
    return ""
    """Returns the score at a position in the list"""
  def score(self,position):
    return 0

  def printHighscoreList(self):
    """Print the high score list
    # Todo Print the contents of the scoreboard.
    # Start with printing a scoreboard header
    # Go through each node in the list,and print the position number,# player name and score.
    # Do not use the _getNode,playerName and score functions,because
    # it is more efficient to go through the nodes in the linked list once.

scoreboard = Linkedscoreboard(5)
testReport(scoreboard.isEmpty(),"scoreboard empty")
scoreboard.addscore("Donald Duck",10)
testReport(not scoreboard.isEmpty(),"scoreboard not empty")
testReport(len(scoreboard) == 2,"scoreboard len 2")
testReport(scoreboard.playerName(1) == "Pluto","scoreboard playerName 1")
testReport(scoreboard.score(1) == 12,"scoreboard score 1")
testReport(scoreboard.playerName(2) == "Donald Duck","scoreboard playerName 2")
testReport(scoreboard.score(2) == 10,"scoreboard score 2")

scoreboard.addscore("Mickey Mouse",7)
scoreboard.addscore("Donald Duck",19)
testReport(len(scoreboard) == 5,"scoreboard len 5")
testReport(scoreboard.playerName(1) == "Donald Duck","scoreboard playerName 1")
testReport(scoreboard.score(1) == 19,"scoreboard score 1")
testReport(scoreboard.playerName(2) == "Pluto","scoreboard playerName 2")
testReport(scoreboard.score(2) == 12,"scoreboard score 2")
testReport(scoreboard.playerName(3) == "Donald Duck","scoreboard playerName 3")
testReport(scoreboard.score(3) == 10,"scoreboard score 3")
testReport(scoreboard.playerName(4) == "Pluto","scoreboard playerName 4")
testReport(scoreboard.score(4) == 9,"scoreboard score 4")
testReport(scoreboard.playerName(5) == "Mickey Mouse","scoreboard playerName 5")
testReport(scoreboard.score(5) == 7,"scoreboard score 5")

scoreboard.addscore("Daisy Duck",8)
testReport(scoreboard.playerName(5) == "Daisy Duck","scoreboard playerName 5")
testReport(scoreboard.score(5) == 8,"scoreboard score 5")
testReport(len(scoreboard) == 5,"scoreboard len 5")



def testReport(test,testInfo):
    if test:
        print("PASS: " + testInfo)
        print("FAIL: " + testInfo)






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